So this Grand Theft Auto Vice City game...


bootie shaker
Jul 11, 2002
It's fun and all, Mr K and I played it the other day at a friend's house, but we're adults and can do that sort of thing, you know? But just a little while ago on the bus, there was this mom (I assume, I guess it could have been a way older sister but I doubt it) and this young boy, and the kid had just bought it (they had bags from Virgin megastore) and was talking about how psyched he was to go home and play it.

Now this kid did not look like he could have been any older than 10, tops. Am I wrong for thinking maybe this is not really an appropriate game for him to have?
you'd be amazed that the amount of parents that buy this for their kids ... everytime an adult buys it and its obvious its not for them i warn them its really not a kids game and explain to them some of the sort of things thats in it (not just violence)

most times when i say this people change their minds and say they will look into it before deciding but sometimes they start arguing like im accusing them of being a bad parent or something :) (the joys of working in a store at christmas)
jeez, you'd think the giant busty chicks in bikinis toting hugh semiautomatics would be a clue that maybe it's not for little Johnny, but I guess not...
My honey is addicted to this game, it's fine because he is an adult, however I don't really think it's appropriate for anyone under 17. My 13 year old brother has it, and frankly, my parents are of the mind that as long as he gets good grades and stays out of trouble, they turn a blind eye. I think parents know exactly what they're buying for their kids, they just don't care.
peachykeen said:
jeez, you'd think the giant busty chicks in bikinis toting hugh semiautomatics would be a clue that maybe it's not for little Johnny, but I guess not...

its because little johnny has put it on his christmas list that he wants this game and no other game

so the parent doesn't really care what the game is like if it keeps little johnny quiet :)

also it doesn't help the way its advertised all the kids know its one of the best games for that console