So there I was, doing this seriously "guy" thing


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
I'm almost embarrassed to discuss this but one, ya'll need entertainment, and two, I'm married and he's not only damned well stuck with me, but he gave me this stupid virus to begin with.

So, I was sort of sitting there, reclining in my chair and doing my work with the puppy snoozing on my chest. He's going to stay little so this is okay.

Anyway. I emptied a nostrilful into the current in use snot rag and sat there pushing my nostril against my spetum over and over again. I wasn't paying attention, I was looking for a dangling participle. Well, the nostrils fill up fast these days and so it start making the splooch splooch noise and I didn't notice it until the stupid puppy attacked.

Ewwwww. Dogs are frigging disgusting creatures. I just won't tell you what happened. Suffice it to say, he's not thirsty. I wonder if dogs can get bronchitis from people.
KM if you tell me that you roll your boogers into little balls and flick them at people...
I would never do that, Rhys! :eek:

I roll them into medium sized balls. More splat for your buck.
You're not standing to pee too, are you?

And crossdressing may not be an issue
But when you shoot your gun would it be an issue of crossfire?
KillerMuffin said:
I would never do that, Rhys! :eek:

I roll them into medium sized balls. More splat for your buck.

oh good.

I bet you know this...if you take rubber cement and roll it into balls and stick it on say...the reciever of a telephone...its good for a cheap laugh.:)
See, while I get kind of gross in a guy way when I'm sick, I don't lay in bed whining about how sick I am all the while expecting to be pampered within an inch of my life and then fight tooth and claw to avoid the doctor.

So, I don't think I have to worry about crossfire.
That's a relief

Do I look fat in my AV?

(this is a test)
I dunno

I just lay there.

I don't whine oddly enough.

I don't like doctors though. They tend to want to stick their fingers up my ass without the slightest romantic intention
You know who really loves you.....

When they smuver you with kisses even when you're a wheezing snotbag.
I wish I had a buppy that loved me that much!

Get well soon. :D :rose:
jp, I'd kill to have a body like yours. You want to talk fat? You should see my thighs!

:) Thank you, LC, that was sweet.
KillerMuffin said:
jp, I'd kill to have a body like yours. You want to talk fat? You should see my thighs!

:) Thank you, LC, that was sweet.

Bless your heart, KM
But it's all in flattering camera angles and saving one in 50 pics taken

There are tricks

When someone says I have cute dimples, I never know if the cheeks those adorn are above or below the waist