So smoking is a condition?


God Mod
Jul 21, 2011
So if insurance companies can not charge a higher rate for smokers, are non smokers fine with paying a higher rate to cover their additional costs?

I have smoked for years but recently quit (except when I drink, golf, or gamble). It was my stupid decision to smoke and understood my premiums from health to life would be higher and agreed they should be.

Does anyone agree with this?

The District of Columbia’s Obamacare czars — the board that sets rules for the phony insurance marketplace, or “exchange,” that the law creates — have decided that henceforth insurers shall be forbidden by law to charge smokers higher rates than non-smokers. Smoking, as it turns out, “is a preexisting medical condition,” according to Dr. Mohammad Akhter, the chairman of the D.C. Health Exchange Board. Two liberal states, California and Connecticut, have decided likewise, while Colorado and Alaska have rejected the idea.

As expected, the definition of “preexisting condition” is proving infinitely malleable, with behaviors born again as conditions. If smoking is a condition, then drug addiction is a condition, self-mutilation is a condition, a penchant for BASE jumping is a condition, juggling ampules of penicillin-resistant syphilis — practically anything qualifies as a condition under such a plastic understanding.
There are many ways to implement a bad idea. For instance, Congress might have passed a law requiring that all U.S. insurance companies no longer charge smokers more for their coverage. The state of Connecticut might have passed a similar law. New York City might have passed that law. But in each case, voters who saw that stupidity for what it is would have somebody to vote against. Obamacare eliminates the option for democratic response. Instead, it creates a body of political appointees immune from being held accountable at the ballot box. And who are those appointees? In the case of D.C., you will find few surprises: The SEIU has a man on the board, along with a lot of time-serving political types, a fellow from the Brookings Institution, a lobbyist, etc. Don’t like their boneheaded decisions? Too bad.

There will be thousands and thousands of decisions like this in the coming years, and voters will have very little recourse against them. That is part of the genius of bundling the welfare state with the regulatory state: Whether you are a Democrat who basically likes Obamacare and wants to revisit a few of its flaws or a Republican committed to tearing it up root and branch, you have basically the same hurdle to clear. It might be easier to sell the idea of revision to the general public, but the structural legislative barrier is the same as if you were repealing the law wholesale. The question of ending “discrimination” against smokers is so many levels removed from democratic accountability that even those who are strongly opposed to the idea will probably have no effect. To get to the board, you basically have to fire the mayor, which is no small thing in a corrupt and backward place like our nation’s capital.

Obamacare was sold as a way to help poor people and sick people get health insurance, but, as the D.C. decision shows, the actual intent of the law is the abolition of health insurance. The notion of insuring a preexisting condition is an oxymoron; insurance is by nature concerned with that which may happen in the future rather than with that which already has happened. In very large groups, human health outcomes are predictable with a fair degree of precision: Given 10 million people, actuaries can make pretty accurate predictions about how many people are going to get lung cancer and how many are going to be in car accidents. Some factors are relevant to some conditions: Being 17 years old and getting in a car accident, for example, or smoking and heart disease, emphysema, cancer, etc. Insurance, which places a price on calculated risks, will take some of those factors into account. But you cannot in any meaningful sense insure somebody against cancer when they already have cancer.

Obamacare is designed to destroy the insurance market. Markets do not function without prices, and Obamacare ensures that prices will not be allowed to emerge. There is a medical price associated with smoking, but the District of Columbia has decided to suppress that price by law. Pretending that smoking has no relationship with health-care costs does not make it so — it is only a way to push costs around in a way that is agreeable to the likes of Barack Obama, converting a system that prices risk into a system of entitlements.
A person's choice of reading material says a lot about them.

You only needed to do your own thinking/searching to find the truth of the matter.

Obamacare takes your position, that smokers should be charged more. It includes "tobacco penalties." You--and the amusingly uninformed dolt who wrote the article you believed--don't seem to know that the couple of states who passed laws rejecting that element, did it in defiance of Obamacare, not because of it. Their reasoning? That Obamacare didn't charge (for example) overweight people more, so was unfair to charge smokers more.

Doesn't it suck when you think you're making a passive-aggressive anti-obama post, and it turns out you agree with him?
A person's choice of reading material says a lot about them.

You only needed to do your own thinking/searching to find the truth of the matter.

Obamacare takes your position, that smokers should be charged more. It includes "tobacco penalties." You--and the amusingly uninformed dolt who wrote the article you believed--don't seem to know that the couple of states who passed laws rejecting that element, did it in defiance of Obamacare, not because of it. Their reasoning? That Obamacare didn't charge (for example) overweight people more, so was unfair to charge smokers more.

Doesn't it suck when you think you're making a passive-aggressive anti-obama post, and it turns out you agree with him?

you have teh sexy today!
VatAss supports Obama, somewhere a seal is breaking!

So if insurance companies can not charge a higher rate for smokers, are non smokers fine with paying a higher rate to cover their additional costs?

I have smoked for years but recently quit (except when I drink, golf, or gamble). It was my stupid decision to smoke and understood my premiums from health to life would be higher and agreed they should be.

Does anyone agree with this?

Yes, President Obama and the United States Congress agrees with this.
VagAss coming back claiming that the OP was really just bait to get a bunch of lefties to post, and therefore he wins, in 5...4...3...2...
A person's choice of reading material says a lot about them.

You only needed to do your own thinking/searching to find the truth of the matter.

Obamacare takes your position, that smokers should be charged more. It includes "tobacco penalties." You--and the amusingly uninformed dolt who wrote the article you believed--don't seem to know that the couple of states who passed laws rejecting that element, did it in defiance of Obamacare, not because of it. Their reasoning? That Obamacare didn't charge (for example) overweight people more, so was unfair to charge smokers more.

Doesn't it suck when you think you're making a passive-aggressive anti-obama post, and it turns out you agree with him?

Trying to assign me my own position? :rolleyes:

My post was not about a single states board at sir. It was about Obama damn it!!!

It was not about the ambiguity of the pre ex law, it was about Obama!!!!

I thank you for your interpretation of what I meant. I also applaud you for you need to protect Obama against slights, real or perceived.

I mean hell. What can Obama do about a conservative hot bed like DC's board deciding how to interrupt his law! He is just the president after all.
Sorry, I was giving you the credit of having read your own C&P.

It turns out there is something stupider than getting your news from a National Review editorial: getting your news from a National Review editorial that you didn't even bother to read.
Sorry, I was giving you the credit of having read your own C&P.

It turns out there is something stupider than getting your news from a National Review editorial: getting your news from a National Review editorial that you didn't even bother to read.

Or maybe I focused on the one true fact in the article....

"Have decided that henceforth insurers shall be forbidden by law to charge smokers higher rates than non-smokers" in DC.

But you know that.

It is why you tried to assign me a position based on the opinions in the article, despite the fact that I only mention the facts in my post. Good job Retard!
Let me see if I have this right.

You posted an editorial as an OP.

You disagree with everything in the editorial, except for one part of one sentence.

You don't highlight that sentence in the editorial, or mention any part of it in your own post.

And anyone who doesn't know that you really only meant that one part of one sentence and not the rest of the completely incorrect article that you yourself posted, is a retard.

Is that right?
Anyway, it's definitely not that you posted an editorial you didn't read or fact check on your own, so now you're trying to save face.

Nope. No way. Crazy talk, that.
Let me see if I have this right.

You posted an editorial as an OP.

You disagree with everything in the editorial, except for one part of one sentence.

You don't highlight that sentence in the editorial, or mention any part of it in your own post.

And anyone who doesn't know that you really only meant that one part of one sentence and not the rest of the completely incorrect article that you yourself posted, is a retard.

Is that right?

"So if insurance companies can not charge a higher rate for smokers, are non smokers fine with paying a higher rate to cover their additional costs?"

See the point of my post^^^^

It was the very first sentence.

I understand you have a hard time getting things.

It must suck to be old and feeble minded.

Maybe you just like me, maybe you want to fuck me. Is that it?

Maybe the fact that I am more successful, younger, better looking and smarter than you bugs you so you need to troll me with stupidity and lies. Is that it?

I mean, it has to be something. You tell me I am on ignore several times but still follow me around like a beaten dog?

Sorry but you are not my type. But do not worry. You are old and will be dead soon and not have to worry about me anymore.

Fact: Obama-care's definition of Pre ex is open to interpretation by the state boards.

Fact: States like Rhode Island, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, and the DC have decided that smoking is a pre ex and smokers can not pay more.

My stated position: Smokers should be charged more. (not once did I did blame Obama for the state board's positions)

The real point:

There are many ways to implement a bad idea. For instance, Congress might have passed a law requiring that all U.S. insurance companies no longer charge smokers more for their coverage. The state of Connecticut might have passed a similar law. New York City might have passed that law. But in each case, voters who saw that stupidity for what it is would have somebody to vote against. Obamacare eliminates the option for democratic response. Instead, it creates a body of political appointees immune from being held accountable at the ballot box.
Trying to assign me my own position? :rolleyes:

My post was not about a single states board at sir. It was about Obama damn it!!!

It was not about the ambiguity of the pre ex law, it was about Obama!!!!

I thank you for your interpretation of what I meant. I also applaud you for you need to protect Obama against slights, real or perceived.

I mean hell. What can Obama do about a conservative hot bed like DC's board deciding how to interrupt his law! He is just the president after all.

You do realize that the article you posted is very strongly against Obamacare, don't you?

Either you didn't read it, failed to understand it or chose an extremely poor article to try and make your point.
Fact: Obama-care's definition of Pre ex is open to interpretation by the state boards.

Fact: States like Rhode Island, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, and the DC have decided that smoking is a pre ex and smokers can not pay more.

My stated position: Smokers should be charged more. (not once did I did blame Obama for the state board's positions)

The real point:

There are many ways to implement a bad idea. For instance, Congress might have passed a law requiring that all U.S. insurance companies no longer charge smokers more for their coverage. The state of Connecticut might have passed a similar law. New York City might have passed that law. But in each case, voters who saw that stupidity for what it is would have somebody to vote against. Obamacare eliminates the option for democratic response. Instead, it creates a body of political appointees immune from being held accountable at the ballot box.

What's wrong with allowing the states to tailor the program to their specific needs????

You're saying each congress person should go through a list of 1000s of ailments and conditions and vote on which ones are covered and which ones are not? Or what's pre-existing, and what's not?

That seems a bit cumbersome. I thought you had more federalist leanings than that.
You do realize that the article you posted is very strongly against Obamacare, don't you?

Either you didn't read it, failed to understand it or chose an extremely poor article to try and make your point.

I choose a article that presented the facts relevant to my post. As the rhetoric of the article does not pertain to my post why should I care about it?

It did seem to agitate CHNOPS in to making false and amusing claims. So that is a bonus in my book.

Things one could post relevant to the OP would be;

I do/ do not think smoking should be a pre-ex because....

The pre ex law should be tightened up to avoid ambiguity and state boards having the power to interrupt because....

The state boards have too much power under Obamacare because.....

Trying to protect Obama when I was not even going after him is just fucking stupid.
VagAss coming back claiming that the OP was really just bait to get a bunch of lefties to post, and therefore he wins, in 5...4...3...2...

I choose a article that presented the facts relevant to my post. As the rhetoric of the article does not pertain to my post why should I care about it?

It did seem to agitate CHNOPS in to making false and amusing claims. So that is a bonus in my book.

I choose a article that presented the facts relevant to my post. As the rhetoric of the article does not pertain to my post why should I care about it?

It did seem to agitate CHNOPS in to making false and amusing claims. So that is a bonus in my book.

Things one could post relevant to the OP would be;

I do/ do not think smoking should be a pre-ex because....

The pre ex law should be tightened up to avoid ambiguity and state boards having the power to interrupt because....

The state boards have too much power under Obamacare because.....

Trying to protect Obama when I was not even going after him is just fucking stupid.

You should care about it because unless you address it, it is fair for your audience to consider it a part of your argument. As the person wishing to communicate, the onus of responsibility for communicating clearly is on you, not your audience.

Given the content and tone of the article as well as your posting history, I can't fault CHNOPS for the conclusions he came to about it.
What's wrong with allowing the states to tailor the program to their specific needs????

You're saying each congress person should go through a list of 1000s of ailments and conditions and vote on which ones are covered and which ones are not? Or what's pre-existing, and what's not?

That seems a bit cumbersome. I thought you had more federalist leanings than that.

No. I think the panels should be elected officials.

I also think the law gives insurance companies the right to charge higher rates to smokers. States taking that right away under an interpretation of the pre ex is ridiculous. The pre ex language needs to be cleaned up.
No. I think the panels should be elected officials.

I also think the law gives insurance companies the right to charge higher rates to smokers. States taking that right away under an interpretation of the pre ex is ridiculous. The pre ex language needs to be cleaned up.

Then your real complaint is that you live in a representative democracy.

You further seem to be advocating a top-down form of governance, with DC dictating how things are done in ottumwa. Do you feel the same way about states that administer Medicare/Medicaid?
When I had to read that for work (I had to read the whole goddamn thing and explain it to people because there are tax liabilities associated with certain parts) what I found the most funny was that like smoking, tanning beds were associated with a higher premium!

SUCK IT TANNERS! I have said for years that your habit is JUST AS BAD as mine!! You walk around toting skin cancer like it's a goddamn badge of honor. Finally you can feel the pain of the rest of us who love cancer-causing pasttimes!

Also who the fuck is stupid enough to tell their insurance agent they smoke? They can't call you on it.
No. I think the panels should be elected officials.

I also think the law gives insurance companies the right to charge higher rates to smokers. States taking that right away under an interpretation of the pre ex is ridiculous. The pre ex language needs to be cleaned up.

Wait, hold on- so you're saying Addictive Personality Disorder is NOT a preexisting condition, even though it's been proven to be genetic to the point that we've mapped exactly what genes cause it?