so now that I been shagging for a few months, when am I allowed to . . .


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
have an orgasm?

I am a firm believer in the old adage of make sure her pleasure has been met, and have been doing so, to over a hundred orgasm's so far and I haven't had any myself.

It's just that I hear a lot of the women here and there saying that there lover don't please them, what's up with that?

side note, I love my antidepresent libido extenders, hours of hard without the pressure of cumming to soon.
Are you saying.. once she has an orgasm.. you roll over and fall asleep?

Why not continue until you orgasm?

I'm seriously confused here.
freakygurl said:
Are you saying.. once she has an orgasm.. you roll over and fall asleep?

Why not continue until you orgasm?

I'm seriously confused here.

no-no-no generally we shag for 3-5 hours and giverher 6-8 orgasms until she is to worn out to go no mo

read the small print as to my no go
Mr Freaky is lucky if I allow 3-5 minutes of sex.. he'd be in heaven with 3-5 hours.


I always thought sex was about both people.. not just one. I say cum when you want.

i can get it hard, but thats all it does is stay hard it doesn't cum or orgasm

antidrepressants do that sort of thing to libidos

i am told they can make women numb to orgasms as well
I'm confused too. I know I wouldn't feel happy if I came 6 or 8 times and didn't let him come. I am PROUD of being able to make him come, I think I'd feel less of a woman, less attractive and desirable and sexy, if he never came at all (an occasional misfire os normal and natural, but if it happened all the time I'd feel there's something worng with me and with our relationship). I don't always come first, although I like it when I do, when he holds back to let me go first, and if we come at the same time, well that's just the best, isn't it?

So I'm confused. Why are you two still together?
Todd try talking to your Dr. There are many SSRI's and the side effects of each one are different for each patient. What are you on now?
Todd o Stud this rate in a year of sex you'll have to beat the babes away with an ugly stick...
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
no-no-no generally we shag for 3-5 hours and giverher 6-8 orgasms until she is to worn out to go no mo

3-5 hours and she only has 6-8 orgasms? You need more practice. Get back to bidness! She should be having at least 6-8 in the first half hour. :D
actually I will be cumming full force in about 3 months, thats how much longer i take these antidepreseants
Todd-'o'-Vision said:

i can get it hard, but thats all it does is stay hard it doesn't cum or orgasm

antidrepressants do that sort of thing to libidos

i am told they can make women numb to orgasms as well

So.. if you want to cum.. either stop taking the meds.. or talk to your dr.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
no-no-no generally we shag for 3-5 hours and giverher 6-8 orgasms until she is to worn out to go no mo

read the small print as to my no go

Todd goes from virgin to 3-5 hr. fuckathons in the space of a few months.

I can't wait to see that baby the Raelians cloned.
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Todd-'o'-Vision said:

i can get it hard, but thats all it does is stay hard it doesn't cum or orgasm

antidrepressants do that sort of thing to libidos

i am told they can make women numb to orgasms as well

My husband had this problem when he first started taking his anti-depressants.... Hard as a rock.... fuck like hell... I would cum until I had to beg him to stop.... and nothing for him... even while masturbating....

We were both very bothered by it... so I asked him to talk to the doctor about it... the doctor gave him a 3 pill sample pack of viagra....

First try... took a while... but he did cum...

Second try... everything was normal... pill #3 is in the medicine cupboard... and after a year and a half... the thing has probably expired... we never had a need for it.... the doctor explained later that even though Viagra does not exactly make a man cum... taking it relieved the mental block and helped him get past it... that once the doctor told him he could cum... even while taking the anti-depressants.... there were no more problems...

Let's get this straight. First, Todd has monster cock which had to be surgically adjusted. Now he's been fucking for months and can't cum even after 3-5 hours.

All I got to say is that sucks!

I would be frustrated as all hell.
Todd Baby!

Just Pretend Yer In A BDSM Relationship Fer The Next Three Months! LOL

Way Ta Go, Studman Todd!
Re: Todd Baby!

RudeNastyAssBitch said:
Just Pretend Yer In A BDSM Relationship Fer The Next Three Months! LOL

Way Ta Go, Studman Todd!

thanks hun

you belly looks like hers

I actually don't have a problem with not orgamsming, it's more of a pleasure to watch her orgasm, especially the first time, because it is something she never had before.