So, Jessica Alba found the forums


King Taint Kicker
Feb 3, 2003
and she's a spammer?

Who saw that one coming? I thought she just made bad movies.
I liked the one in which she danced a lot.

But yeah, her threads are shit.
Honey was a winner.

I hope you can sense my sarcasm.
Hey, if she can help me get laid in a week I might give her another chance. Maybe I'll send my husband the website?
that's because you're seriously weird and have never watched Sin City!

i've seen that and while it's good it takes nothing away from his point. there are porn stars with better acting chops than jessica alba. she's fucking hot, but she's just so very, very bland in the worst possible way.

see the fantastic four or that movie where she's in a bikini like 99% of the time that is still just absolutely horrible despite that fact.
there's no reason to. they're just terrible. bad acting, bad writing, bad everything.

also, they gave doctor doom powers. i can not tell you how much that pissed me off. yeah, i'm a nerd like that.
there's no reason to. they're just terrible. bad acting, bad writing, bad everything.

also, they gave doctor doom powers. i can not tell you how much that pissed me off. yeah, i'm a nerd like that.

And then they fucked up Galactus.

Jack Kirby should come back and beat the shit out of them for that.