So if we planned a Lit-Together in Waco...


Literotica Guru
May 29, 2002
So if we planned a Lit-Together

how many would be interested in coming? I ask because I know its probably a weird place to have one. Timeline might be JUne or July possibly....
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I'll be there, but only if you promise not to hold it at a chain restaurant! :p

(maybe we can harrass that one place i like into offering good service for a change? LOL)
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Nora said:
I'll be there, but only if you promise not to hold it at a chain restaurant! :p

(maybe we can harrass [edit] into offering good service for a change? LOL)

I promise, no chains =) However, I dont know that we have too many that arent.
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Purrde Flower said:
Should have it at [editd] if like over 20 come.

as in *location edited*? If so, #1 they're a chain #2 I'm not sure if they sell food. And you know how us Texans like to eat. Especially me and Norakins.
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nike said:
how many would be interested in coming? I ask because I know its probably a weird place to have one. Timeline might be JUne or July possibly....

me!! me!!! Well, me and He probably won't let me go alone now, seeing how "happy" I got last night! hee hee!
I used to work there for about a month or two. I was the best Jello Shot girl they have had for about 2 months. They let you order food to bring in and I think they do have a buffet set up like around 4. The only reason i suggested it was because it has the music. The alcohol, and they will let you order food to have delivered there.
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Hmm...guess its kinda a fair drive for me from Castleford.

Thats in Yorkshire....England in case you didnt know ;)
UC_Gav said:
Hmm...guess its kinda a fair drive for me from Castleford.

Thats in Yorkshire....England in case you didnt know ;)

hehe. I guess so =)

Purrde: I will check into and see what they can work out for me. I am also worried about trying to give directions. Its in a weird place.
I'm allergic to Waco, sorry.

Heh. Kidding...kidding.

You know I would be quite happy to come to a Waco gathering because it would mean a shorter drive for me! :D lol

UC - power up your submarine car and head on over!
UC_Gav said:
Hmm...guess its kinda a fair drive for me from Castleford.

Thats in Yorkshire....England in case you didnt know ;)

Well, I guess you could TRY to drive, but I wouldn't recommend it. Might get kinda wet....
Lit-together tips:

You pick the date, time & place that works for you. Do NOT give too much choice or people will talk it to death before you ever get off the ground.

6 weeks is about the maximum lead time for a gathering. I think 4 is plenty. More than that and you lose momentum and then people start losing interest.

Make a thread announcing THAT gathering and let it be the check-in place before & after the event. You know the drill.

You realize in Texas we don't usually post the location of the event. You need to decide ahead of time how you feel about that and how you're going to handle it. PM me if you want to talk about this more. Ask Nora how many odd PMs she got about this last event (especially right at the end).

For the Waco area, I strongly suggest you PM both ARaynes and Marksgirl because they're going to know people up there who'll be interested. (Plus they'll probably want to come too!)

Have FUN!!!!!:D
someplace said:
Lit-together tips:

You pick the date, time & place that works for you. Do NOT give too much choice or people will talk it to death before you ever get off the ground.

6 weeks is about the maximum lead time for a gathering. I think 4 is plenty. More than that and you lose momentum and then people start losing interest.

Make a thread announcing THAT gathering and let it be the check-in place before & after the event. You know the drill.

You realize in Texas we don't usually post the location of the event. You need to decide ahead of time how you feel about that and how you're going to handle it. PM me if you want to talk about this more. Ask Nora how many odd PMs she got about this last event (especially right at the end).

For the Waco area, I strongly suggest you PM both ARaynes and Marksgirl because they're going to know people up there who'll be interested. (Plus they'll probably want to come too!)

Have FUN!!!!!:D

thank for the tips =) I tried to edit my posts.
You know of course that Nora & I will help you any way we can. Go for it! It's a good central-north location. What is it? An hour away from Dallas, maybe 45 min from FW? It's just a hellofalong way from Houston, but we're kindof crazy down here. I bet I could talk Cellis into going, what do you want to bet? She only lives 15 min from me.
someplace said:
You know of course that Nora & I will help you any way we can. Go for it! It's a good central-north location. What is it? An hour away from Dallas, maybe 45 min from FW? It's just a hellofalong way from Houston, but we're kindof crazy down here. I bet I could talk Cellis into going, what do you want to bet? She only lives 15 min from me.

Excellent, I'm actually pretty sure where I want to have it already.
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nike said:
Excellent, I'm actually pretty sure where I want to have it already.
I would love the help of such lovely, experienced ladies =) Waco is 90 miles from Waco, as is Austin.

Mental note: Bring Nike an atlas as a hostess gift.

Someplace? You can take hwy 6 straight up, according to PD. I've never driven it that way, though.
Nora said:
Mental note: Bring Nike an atlas as a hostess gift.

Someplace? You can take hwy 6 straight up, according to PD. I've never driven it that way, though.

:eek: OMG! Did I just do that!?
This may be obvious, but I think Koresh cant come.

Shame, cause he woulda been the life of the party
Jim_Henson said:
This may be obvious, but I think Koresh cant come.

Shame, cause he woulda been the life of the party

damn =( You always ruin the fun. You kick puppies for fun dont you?

someplace said:
Lit-together tips:

You pick the date, time & place that works for you. Do NOT give too much choice or people will talk it to death before you ever get off the ground.

6 weeks is about the maximum lead time for a gathering. I think 4 is plenty. More than that and you lose momentum and then people start losing interest.

Make a thread announcing THAT gathering and let it be the check-in place before & after the event. You know the drill.

You realize in Texas we don't usually post the location of the event. You need to decide ahead of time how you feel about that and how you're going to handle it. PM me if you want to talk about this more. Ask Nora how many odd PMs she got about this last event (especially right at the end).

For the Waco area, I strongly suggest you PM both ARaynes and Marksgirl because they're going to know people up there who'll be interested. (Plus they'll probably want to come too!)

Have FUN!!!!!:D

You wouldn't attend this one?