So if I think a Guy's Gorgeous...

Whats the deal didnt get any play from the broads, so now you are going to be a homo?
Tell him. Especially if he's a big, muscled guy with lot's of Tats and Harley.

Go for it!! :) :)
yayati said:
Should I tell him?

I see so many handsome men around, and sometimes I want to tell them so. But I don't cuz I figure it would seem weird.


sure why not... If some one compliments me I'd say thanx...
I'm not afraid to tell a man he's good looking, but I have had sex with a man dressed like a girl in his mouth, so I guess I am a homo.
yayati said:
rosco: im not a hater....u are responsible for ur own life the way u think is right and ignore the haterz....

Hey-"only god can judge me", right?
LadyGuinivere said:
Tell him. Especially if he's a big, muscled guy with lot's of Tats and Harley.

Go for it!! :) :)

god i love it when you say "tats and a harlie"

bbq still smokin....:rose:
go for it!

what have you to lose? except maybe your virginity, and a few teeth.
eagleyez said:
god i love it when you say "tats and a harlie"

bbq still smokin....:rose:

he he he. I'll have to remember to say it for you at least once a day ;) :kiss:

Tats and Harley
yayati said:
Zmey: ok...i will!

killswitch: i am not a takes real guts to say another guy is attractive....i just tell it like it is.....

You're right, and where I come from it takes a spare pair of dentures too, cuz you'll be picking those nicotine stained teeth of your's up off the ground.
Yats, go to NYC and tell a New Yorker in the Bronx that he's attractive...

Write back and let us know how it went.
And dont get me totally wrong here....being comfortable enough with your manhood to realize when a man is good looking, is a far cry from approaching him and telling him he is Gorge"ous."

That would be Danger "Ous"
I know Bangladesh is a lot behind the time yay, but the whole white people saying "You're a Hater"...went out a long time ago fyi.
Yoyotwat, my sweet, you're better off keeping it to yourself. If they think you're hitting on them--and they will--they will react badly.

To keep your teeth, keep your peace.