So, I was at the supermarket yesterday...


Really Experienced
Mar 8, 2013
...and I kept encountering the same individual, about my age, as I shopped the aisles. Each time we met we made eye contact, smiled, and apologized for being in each others way, (we weren't really) and it started to be a joke. After a few meetings we began conversing, and to make a long story short, "one thing led to another" as they say. I haven't done anything like that in years, but I have to admit I really enjoyed it. Thought I'd share this with my new Lit friends. :)
...and I kept encountering the same individual, about my age, as I shopped the aisles. Each time we met we made eye contact, smiled, and apologized for being in each others way, (we weren't really) and it started to be a joke. After a few meetings we began conversing, and to make a long story short, "one thing led to another" as they say. I haven't done anything like that in years, but I have to admit I really enjoyed it. Thought I'd share this with my new Lit friends. :)

wow...I need to shop at THAT store....
He he he...funny, but since I've gone on full randy mode the last little while, I've been caught checking guys out at the store. I especially like the ones that look like they must be single guys, not really sure what to buy, or have lots of quick, microwave frozen foods. I think to myself "Damn...I really could cook YOU a nice dinner!" ;):D

Of course, unlike you, Carol, it never goes past a pleasant fleeting thought. So where did you go with him? Not groping in the fresh produce I hope?
He he he...funny, but since I've gone on full randy mode the last little while, I've been caught checking guys out at the store. I especially like the ones that look like they must be single guys, not really sure what to buy, or have lots of quick, microwave frozen foods. I think to myself "Damn...I really could cook YOU a nice dinner!" ;):D

Of course, unlike you, Carol, it never goes past a pleasant fleeting thought. So where did you go with him? Not groping in the fresh produce I hope?

Yeah, it was very unusual for me as well. Lately though I have been feeling extra "interested", so maybe I had the pheromone thing going? Don't know. His house was close by so we went there. He even put my perishables in his fridge. Pretty cool guy.
Yeah, it was very unusual for me as well. Lately though I have been feeling extra "interested", so maybe I had the pheromone thing going? Don't know. His house was close by so we went there. He even put my perishables in his fridge. Pretty cool guy.

Aw, you gotta love a guy who will let you put your perishables in his long as you let him put his inflatable in your oven! Bwahahahah!

Good lord, I really should get off the computer now...
wow...I need to shop at THAT store....

with respect, lurkingguy, it wasn't the shop. It was Carol. First off it was the way she sways her hips. Then it was that smile she mentioned, and the soft notes of her voice. Then it was, as her name implies, the sense in a guy's gut of, 'yes, she will'.

Then it was ... well, so far she's not telling how it was. But she might.

Si ;)
...and I kept encountering the same individual, about my age, as I shopped the aisles. Each time we met we made eye contact, smiled, and apologized for being in each others way, (we weren't really) and it started to be a joke. After a few meetings we began conversing, and to make a long story short, "one thing led to another" as they say. I haven't done anything like that in years, but I have to admit I really enjoyed it. Thought I'd share this with my new Lit friends. :)

I might be in a minority....but, is certainly like to here some more details...hehe *wink-wink* *nod-nod*
Yes, I know...I was trying to be witty...and failed spectacularly LOL

The opening post and follow up detail is so hot and your humour took nothing away, not like somebody piping up that he'd had his cock in the bacon slicer;)
Aw, you gotta love a guy who will let you put your perishables in his long as you let him put his inflatable in your oven! Bwahahahah!

Good lord, I really should get off the computer now...

It's all in fun. Didn't want my yogurt to spoil!!
with respect, lurkingguy, it wasn't the shop. It was Carol. First off it was the way she sways her hips. Then it was that smile she mentioned, and the soft notes of her voice. Then it was, as her name implies, the sense in a guy's gut of, 'yes, she will'.

Then it was ... well, so far she's not telling how it was. But she might.

Si ;)

Naw, don't think so...
Well, Carol, I'll just have to pick up the crumb of you saying 'pretty cool guy', and imagine what, and how, he did to you ...

magic, lady. Si ;)

The cool guy was in reference to the groceries. Not the sexual prowess, or lack there of...
I'm always seeing beautiful ladies at the supermarket. Really need to get some good lines. Any ideas?
My husband went to the same grocery store that day and was gone for almost three hours. He said he had to take care of business before he got the groceries. Now I am thinking he really did take care of business. I thought it a bit odd that he didn't even bring the bags in from his truck before jumping into the shower. What am I missing?
My husband went to the same grocery store that day and was gone for almost three hours. He said he had to take care of business before he got the groceries. Now I am thinking he really did take care of business. I thought it a bit odd that he didn't even bring the bags in from his truck before jumping into the shower. What am I missing?

Maybe the cool whip container popped open...
One time

( came out of the blue)

I have a store.... Often times we help people.. show them how to operate things, run demos, etc...

This gal was coming in a few times... once a week for 2 or 3 weeks... she was pretty,,, and very well dressed... etc... Everytime she came in I seemed to help her...

Anyway, one time I showed her something, how something operated... I said something like
"if there's anything else just let me know"

She replied... in just above a whisper " I'm sure you can show me alot ! "

BOOM! Out of the blue! Totally unexpected ! - yes I do flirt in real life and a little on the Board here... BUT I never saw this !