Guess what? I've discovered a couple of files I don't recognise.
1 - Gator.com file:
I opened it and there was this file called fsg. I tried to delete it but the fuck says: Cannot delete fsg: The specified file is being used by Windows.
What does this mean? What the fuck is Gator.com?
I've deleted my KaZaa lite. I'm sure I did, but it was still there. This freaks me out.
1 - Gator.com file:
I opened it and there was this file called fsg. I tried to delete it but the fuck says: Cannot delete fsg: The specified file is being used by Windows.
What does this mean? What the fuck is Gator.com?
I've deleted my KaZaa lite. I'm sure I did, but it was still there. This freaks me out.