So, I made a female alt.

I'm an ancient female alt for oggbashan.

When I started, as a secret nom-de-plume so that oggbashan could experiment with stories written from a female point of view, I had some *interesting* PMs from apparently male people, and a couple of self-declared Lesbians. None of them seem to have noticed my declared age.

When I came out as an alt of oggbashan, a couple of posters were annoyed with me and him.

But I still get an occasional odd PM, apparently from men who don't read profiles before sending their suggestions.

My AV confuses some. ;)
I'm oggbashan's other female alt, or rather jeanne_d_artois's alt. After all I only exist because she wrote a story about me.

Got any ciggies?

Cuban cigars welcome.
i've used a female alt or two...

shit turns on you like an abused pitbull.

wants to cuddle.
An interesting experiment by Sean - and the reason why I would have chosen a male avatar even if I had been a girl...