So... I have had

La Huesera

see how high she flies
Aug 24, 2001
One beer to much tonight. What will stop a hang-over...hang-down in the morning? I can feel the head starting to hurt now.
Water to fight the dehydration and vitamins to combat what the alcohol stole from your body.
Lots of water and a couple of asprins now.

I drink a glass of water for every glass of alcohol, and have never had a hangover.
Lots of water, most of the hangover is due to dehydration. Suck it up and you'll be a little better in the morning.
Thanks all.. I have a big glass of water now. Going to take a couple of asprins just before bed. Hope everyone has had a good night.
Take some vitamin B-12 also helps replenish that destroyed/used up by the alcohol.
ya know... I thought I was going to feel bad in the morning. My friend just came home from the bar, and he has his head over the stool as I type this. Poor guy. He NEVER drinks this much. I have gave him Kool-Aid and that just made him sick. Guess all I can do is stand outside the br door and talk with him.