So I got approved,


Apr 8, 2002
for my first year of tuition - over 10k, through Human Resources, AKA Unemployment Insurance. I go tomorrow to sign the contract, and will be starting school on Monday - assuming I haven't had a major alcoholic blackout at some point, and am able to procure a police clearance certificate. Holy fuck! I'm gonna be a student again.
Freya2 said:
for my first year of tuition - over 10k, through Human Resources, AKA Unemployment Insurance. I go tomorrow to sign the contract, and will be starting school on Monday - assuming I haven't had a major alcoholic blackout at some point, and am able to procure a police clearance certificate. Holy fuck! I'm gonna be a student again.
With that intro, I'm almost afraid to ask what you'll be majoring in.
I'm confused. I'm unemployed right now too...does that mean I can do that also or is that a Canada thing?
Freya2 said:
for my first year of tuition - over 10k, through Human Resources, AKA Unemployment Insurance. I go tomorrow to sign the contract, and will be starting school on Monday - assuming I haven't had a major alcoholic blackout at some point, and am able to procure a police clearance certificate. Holy fuck! I'm gonna be a student again.

hehe Grats! I will be joining you this summer.
Re: Re: So I got approved,

Ham Murabi said:
With that intro, I'm almost afraid to ask what you'll be majoring in.

Massage Therapy.

Rom - it's a Canadian thing I guess. I'm not sure if you guys would have that type of thing there.

Purrde - wanna help me study? I'm so worried about doing well.
Re: Re: Re: So I got approved,

Freya2 said:
Purrde - wanna help me study? I'm so worried about doing well.

Sure I will help! I have to keep a 3.0 average in nursing school. I havent decided what to study though. I have 2 years to pick from occupational therapist or rehabilitation nurse. :)

Not that I think keeping a 3.0 will be hard. But I haven't been in school for 7 years. I'm kinda scared.
A massage therapist who may possibly suffer alcohol-induced blackouts? Your patients might get an award-winning treatment if you merely slip into DTs.
Lancecastor said:
(They run CPICs on massage therapists now??)



Well, if you have a record, it could affect getting your certification apparently, so they ask for it in advance - that way if you're going to have a problem, you'll find out about it early rather than later. Thanks hun.

April - do I need to use that as an excuse? ;)

Purrde - I have to keep over 70% in all classes, but I want to do much better than that. We can cram anatomy together. I think that'll be my sticky point.
Re: Re: Re: So I got approved,

Freya2 said:
Massage Therapy.

I :heart: my massage therapist. I just found her last week but she has THE most amazing hands.

Mind you, if you moved out here...I would cook for you if you practiced on me daily.
Freya2 said:
for my first year of tuition - over 10k, through Human Resources, AKA Unemployment Insurance. I go tomorrow to sign the contract, and will be starting school on Monday - assuming I haven't had a major alcoholic blackout at some point, and am able to procure a police clearance certificate. Holy fuck! I'm gonna be a student again.

Grats to you......let me guess you're gonna be a sex therapist!
Freya2 said:
Purrde - I have to keep over 70% in all classes, but I want to do much better than that. We can cram anatomy together. I think that'll be my sticky point.

Luckily I only have to take one math course. That I know of. I won't be able to see a course desciption for my last 2 years until I complete 50 hours.

I would so love to make a 4.0. I like to do my best. :)
Saint Valentine said:


Thank you. :)

Ham - DTs can be so much fun. All those imaginary bugs and pulsating walls and stuff! I'm pretty sure my memory gaps are solely related to not so handsome guys I might have known intimately in the past, so hopefully my record is clean.

Mia - I might be going there in the summer of '04 after I'm finished. Depends on what's going on in my life at that point. Free food will be a blessing - I'll be starving for the next 1.5 years.
Freya2 said:

Ham - DTs can be so much fun. All those imaginary bugs and pulsating walls and stuff! I'm pretty sure my memory gaps are solely related to not so handsome guys I might have known intimately in the past, so hopefully my record is clean.

I'm sure your record is clean, Freya. Good luck. There's nothing about your career choice that rubs me the wrong way.
Mona said:


Now the real "fun" begins. :)

Ugh! Seeing how that's coming from a student, I am not so reassured. :D

Tank - yeh, how'd you guess? Mind if I practice on your wife? ;)

Purrde - you'll do great! We both will, and in a couple of years, we'll be rocking our way into our new bright futures.

Blackbich and Ham - thanks guys! It's a challenge, but I'm totally up for this. I can't wait.
HEY! Congratulations, Freya!

Good for you! Wishing you a fun school year and prosperous results.

Freya2 said:
Ugh! Seeing how that's coming from a student, I am not so reassured. :D

Start strong at the beginning of the semester and pace yourself.
You'll be fine. :cool:
Nora said:
YAY FREYA!!!!!!!!

*GULP* :)

Thanks love.

Thanks Cherry and KS. And Mona - for the advice. It's been much too long since this ass sat in a classroom.

Edited to add a big thanks to KM too. :)