So how is Obamacare doing?

I read that folks are already self-limiting their consumption of medical services. Admissions are down, office visits are down.

What I'm expecting is for America to soon have the healthiest princes and healthiest illegal paupers in the world.
I read that folks are already self-limiting their consumption of medical services. Admissions are down, office visits are down.

What I'm expecting is for America to soon have the healthiest princes and healthiest illegal paupers in the world.

This has happened throughout the recession when people tried to save $ by not using medical services. Other than that, if population health remains stable while people use fewer medical services for runny noses I think it's great.
There will be no medieval magic when one turns to government to be their champion. Government is not a shining knight on a strong horse; it is a night mare.
A_J, the Stupid
This has happened throughout the recession when people tried to save $ by not using medical services. Other than that, if population health remains stable while people use fewer medical services for runny noses I think it's great.

It's always amusing when the fringe right laments the perceived "lack of access" to medical care nowadays, citing anecdote after anecdote, while they themselves have never had a problem getting in to see their doctor.

A textbook definition of "concern trolling".