So, first they sell a town on eBay, then a family. What's next?


Apr 10, 2001
What do you have to auction off on eBay?

I'd offer a lucky someone the opportunity to light a a big-ass firework sticking out of Hanns' ass.

Of course, all proceeds would be donated to "Let's buy a new stap-on for Perky" fund. :D
I'd auction Heavy off...

X amount per orgasm he gives them.

All monies would go to the kitty toy fund. :D
I'd like to put the White House up for sale.

I bet that would draw a lot of media attention.....dont you?
islandman said:
I'd start off small, maybe a pair of used panties and bra? :devil:

Why would I want used panties and bras? I can look in my dirty clothes hamper for those.

I want sexy summer dresses that are backless and strappy sandals to go with!!!
PacificBlue said:
Why would I want used panties and bras? I can look in my dirty clothes hamper for those.

I want sexy summer dresses that are backless and strappy sandals to go with!!!

ps...I'd also like a collection of berry red toenail polishes to choose from.
PacificBlue said:
Why would I want used panties and bras? I can look in my dirty clothes hamper for those.

I want sexy summer dresses that are backless and strappy sandals to go with!!!

I meant you should auction yours off. Otherwise, you're kinkier that I initially thought you were.
I would auction off my mother in law with all proceeds going to the damn bingo ppl in hopes they would take a trip somewhere and leave my poor father in law alone. My luck would have to relist her and damn near give her away but thats ok she would gone damnit and don't think hubby would miss her for nano second :D