Snooping Around

Big Bair

Really Experienced
Mar 16, 2003
OK - I was 15ish, alone bored, baby sitting so I went snooping in the master bedroom.

I only found the under wear drawer - cotton panties, bras, panty hose etc nothing "sinister"

How about anyone else - am I the only one or did anyone else do this and hit "pay dirt"

This could be an interesting thread to pursue, but it does not belong on the how-to board. Try taking it over to the GB.
The most interesting thing (of that type) I ever found in a client's house was a Frederick's of Hollywood catalog. This, mind you, was waaaaaay back before Frederick's was respectable enough to appear in a mall (something which still boggles my mind a little bit). This was in a house where there was literally nothing else to read.

I was full of curiosity and hormones at that age, but was able to turn it off while in a client's house; I don't know whether I'd be that way now. At any rate, these were slightly more innocent times, and what I trolled for in a client's house was something to read after the kids had gone to bed. One of the best places I was ever in was where I encountered James Thurber's Fables For Our Time. I laughed until I was helpless.

That's not to say I never encountered anything interesting. In one client's house he'd left a copy of Psychology Today on the coffee table. It contained a piece on how campus life is like an artificial womb, and the cover photo featured a young man, with longish hair and wearing nothing but a pair of sneakers, curled discreetly in a fetal position in a womb. The client's son, a six-year-old boy, wanted to know what the picture was about and so I did my best to explain it to him.

This same client had an aunt, Dariel Telfer, who wrote a horrific book, The Caretakers, about mental illness and goings on in a mental hospital. I don't know how wide its sales were, and I am quite sure it's gone out of print, but it probably contributed toward the attitude of fear and stigma that to some degree still adheres to mental illness today.
Found pornos

Once about 25 years ago while doing a job I found pornos. There were two of us working in a lady's basement correcting a water problem. Looking for something to read while using the can I found some pormo films not tapes in the living room in a basket with some mags. Needless to say we each took our turn watching alone and jerking off. Sure made the job more fun.

sorry for posting this in the wrong place - am still new around here (can you see the "Wet Paint" sign

apologies fer breakin board rules.

btw - I take it "GB" means General Board .?.?.?.?
Re: Ooops

Big Bair said:
sorry for posting this in the wrong place - am still new around here (can you see the "Wet Paint" sign

apologies fer breakin board rules.

btw - I take it "GB" means General Board .?.?.?.?

yes GB means general board
Well, lets see....When I was working as a live-in nanny for three kids during my senior year at high school, I had a lot of time to snoop around. :) I found some tapes which were my first viewing of porn. Needless to say, I loved it! Whenever I was home alone (after school and before kids got home) it was masturbation frenzy! :p Now that I am on my own, I have a nice collection of my own, and of course vibrators to go along ;)
bbwforsugar said:
Well, lets see....When I was working as a live-in nanny for three kids during my senior year at high school, I had a lot of time to snoop around. :) I found some tapes which were my first viewing of porn. Needless to say, I loved it! Whenever I was home alone (after school and before kids got home) it was masturbation frenzy! :p Now that I am on my own, I have a nice collection of my own, and of course vibrators to go along ;)

I think this is generally the way most of us were introduced to porn at an early age. Not a bad way to go! And now that you're on your own, it's a heckuva way to celebrate your exploration of things. :D