Sneaking away


I like sexy pics
Feb 1, 2017
Do you and your partner ever sneak away while the kids are busy/entertained for a quickie?
Just about all married/partnered people do this if they're still in the lustful stages of their relationship.

if they're at the point where they don't like each other anymore, then no.
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Oh hell yes. My wife and I did this a LOT. When the boys were small, they'd be watching their toons and we'd say, "Mommy and I are going to go fold laundry." If we barely got a response, it was go time. Upstairs, locked door, clothes off, assume the position. Sixty seconds of foreplay and then ...
Usually on the floor on a blanket, for minimum noise. Damn, it was fun and hot and we'd be downstairs in ten minutes or less. But there was still the occasional child observation afterward to deal with. "Mommy, why are your knees red?"
Fun times.