Sneak-a-peek – Body Play

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Shankara20 said:
great links - I found out about Yakuza Beads in 1989 and have wanted something like that - still do.

more comments in a day or so....


Very welcome, Shank. Which one's your fave?
Back on the condom/piercing/beading thing...

The closest comment I could find was this one.

Rings of Desire Website said:

Another common query is whether genital piercings can be used with condoms or if they cause condoms to break. Most body jewelry is very smooth, and works well with condoms. Sometimes condoms break when there is no jewelry present.

There haven't been any formal studies as to whether there is an increase in condom breakage resulting from genital jewelry. I know numerous clients with genitals which are covered in body jewelry that use condoms with no problem. Pleasure Plus condoms have been said to work well with body jewelry. Folks who are not fans of latex barriers will be pleased to note that while condoms may dull some sensation, there is additional sensitivity resulting from a fresh piercing. *********

During the healing stages (see healing times as a rough guideline) a piercing is an open wound, and condoms must be used to prevent sharing bodily fluids. This is the case, even if you are in a monogamous relationship! Also, while you do not need to abstain from sexual activities you must "listen to your body." That means, if it feels sore, ease up. While a piercing is healing it is delicate, and subject to a variety of potential complications if abused.

Text in context found here.

I'll Google it some later when I've got a bit more time.
bronntanas said:
No idea on the condoms, Neon. I'd thought of that too, though. No apologies on the healthy thing. I just went sort of off on a guy in the GLBT forums who said that he prefers to have bj exchanges with married men because they're safer, disease wise. :rolleyes:

I'm thinking the implants below the skin wouldn't be any worse than piercings, but I have no idea what the stats are for that either. I suppose I should look into it, cause that first link (Beads, Baby! Beads!) looks pretty yummy.

I have had not problems with my frenum piercing damaging condoms in the 7 years I've been pierced. When I expect to be "in action" I use my smaller jewelry and that may contribute to condom integrity.

People having unprotected sex outside a fluid bonded relationship is an assault against the unsuspecting partner - always. There is still some questions about BJ's and AID's transmission, but taking that risk between two consenting men is one thing, but when one, or both, men are in relationships the partners are now placed at risk. And the risk of other STD's complicates the risk if that act. Good for you for going after that guy. Men! such jerks (well a few are)
bronntanas said:
Very welcome, Shank. Which one's your fave?

I think the ribs look great and would feel better while wanking than the pearls.

Shall we go get some done at the same time? Which are you gona do? How many?
Shankara20 said:
I have had not problems with my frenum piercing damaging condoms in the 7 years I've been pierced. When I expect to be "in action" I use my smaller jewelry and that may contribute to condom integrity.

People having unprotected sex outside a fluid bonded relationship is an assault against the unsuspecting partner - always. There is still some questions about BJ's and AID's transmission, but taking that risk between two consenting men is one thing, but when one, or both, men are in relationships the partners are now placed at risk. And the risk of other STD's complicates the risk if that act. Good for you for going after that guy. Men! such jerks (well a few are)

Thank you for your testimony! I'm thinking that since the beads (or whatever) are under the skin, it would give an extra layer of protection. It seems like as long as the condom is big enough for the added girth, it'd be okay. But might there be some leakage from the top since it's not a tight fit?

Re the BJ Boy on the other forum.

I Googled HIV stats in Australia (because that's where he's from, and I wanted transmission/infection rates that would be pertinent to him, if he listened at all.). It turns out that he's from the area of the country with the highest rate of infection and male/male homosexual contact is the leading cause of infection there. Even if your partner's married, it's still homosexual.
Hi bronntanas and Shankara, thank you both for delving into the question of safer sex. :rose: If either of you decide to actually get a bead or a bar or two, would you consider sharing pics? I do think they look beautiful... :cool: Neon

P.S., Shank, glad you peaked out from under your bed for a bit. :heart:
Yup, neon. If I ever get permanently decorated, I'll share. Rebecca, that statue has a lovely sword.
neonflux said:
Hi bronntanas and Shankara, thank you both for delving into the question of safer sex. :rose: If either of you decide to actually get a bead or a bar or two, would you consider sharing pics? I do think they look beautiful... :cool: Neon

P.S., Shank, glad you peaked out from under your bed for a bit. :heart:

You bet I'll post pics - I've posted all my bits and parts and will keep everyone advised of any and all changes.

That stated, I have a list of tattoos ahead of more body jewelry, but that could change :D

re - your P.S. - There are very big and scary dust bunnies under here!
Shankara20 said:
You bet I'll post pics - I've posted all my bits and parts and will keep everyone advised of any and all changes.

That stated, I have a list of tattoos ahead of more body jewelry, but that could change :D

re - your P.S. - There are very big and scary dust bunnies under here!

And fine bits and parts they are too! I love hardware. My first sub had a PA. I made good use of it.

I was thinking about this set of pics the other day and decided I repost them here all in one place. I know, I know, white in winter! Well it is going to be summer soon for our friends "Down Under"

(click each pics to see larger size)

time to run off to be with the grandkids, rest of the set late tonight or in the morning...

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chris9 said:
I like those pics a lot! :cathappy:

thanks - I have posted these before in a thread I had over in ampics but not here. I have other sets I post from time to time.

It feel good to get your feed back...
I love these! You look so, dare I say Easter-Sunday-best-virginal? ;)

BTW, am glad you finally got away from those nasty dust bunnies :D
Shankara20 said:
I was thinking about this set of pics the other day and decided I repost them here all in one place. I know, I know, white in winter! Well it is going to be summer soon for our friends "Down Under"

(click each pics to see larger size)

time to run off to be with the grandkids, rest of the set late tonight or in the morning...

neonflux said:
I love these! You look so, dare I say Easter-Sunday-best-virginal? ;)

BTW, am glad you finally got away from those nasty dust bunnies :D

"virginal" yes I do believe that captures my essence.
I have several other outfits I find more attractive then that last one that I will post later. Once I get my new camera I'll do some now ones.

it was touch and go with those darn dust bunnies

you have been working through a few av changes - I'm not complaining I've been known to go through 4 in one day
Shankara20 said:
"virginal" yes I do believe that captures my essence.
I have several other outfits I find more attractive then that last one that I will post later. Once I get my new camera I'll do some now ones.

it was touch and go with those darn dust bunnies

you have been working through a few av changes - I'm not complaining I've been known to go through 4 in one day

can't wait to see the new ones!

re: av changes, this last is for Nirvana and baby girl Gabrielle...

:rose: neon

P.s., am assuming that you flogged those darn bunnies into submission?
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