Slavery rules in stories

The moral side of me is saying this is utterly bizarre and the politics nut in me is think that, for a lot of what they say, there wouldn't even need to be a constitutional amendment. The 13th amendment already allows for "slavery and indentured servitude... as a punishment for a crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted..."

You wouldn't need an amendment as all the mentionings are for it being as punishment for a crime, just the US Congress, SCOTUS and/or state legislatures to give more powers for what exactly that means.

As for OP's question on slavery rules in stories, I'm not 100% sure, but I'd guess it's allowed under the "if the victim (slave) gets pleasure out of it, it's fine" rule.
Yes, but I like story in witch the owner is not a sadist, but more of disciplinarian. I read a story"my ex my prisoner"where a girl was removed from prison and put in ten care of the former boyfriend, and at first he gave in a very strict set of rules until they retook the relationship. But she was on a kind of house arrest.
One of the issues I have is that the slaves are all submissive and enjoy their slavery. Many women don't orgasm for their boyfriend and husbands but slaves are always wet even when they are being "raped". Guess it is me that have a problem for wanting all to be real.
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You MIGHT be able to make that work on Lit. The Detainee knows the conditions, chooses to accept and comes to enjoy it before fulfilling their term of home probation.
You MIGHT be able to make that work on Lit. The Detainee knows the conditions, chooses to accept and comes to enjoy it before fulfilling their term of home probation.
In "my ex my prisoner" the girl beggs to be put on house arrest for she was being bullyed in prison and she was put in protection, but the guy was not in to it at least not at the beginning.
I love stories where both sides are uncomfortable at the beginning, no sadist evil master nor wanton wet whore. I know that the rules say that the slave must have also pleasure. But I find hard to believe that, at least in the start first times in relationships is not the best time and even more in a non consent situation.
Dealing with the reader is hard. šŸ˜‚
Set it in another century or another country where/when slavery is legal. I did that in one story (antebellum southern USA) and it was fine.
You will probably be fine as long as you don't get too out of control with the pain and torture. The rules on this site are really more strong suggestions than written in stone rules and the Mods grade on a curve. If you can write like Stephen King nobody is likely to stop you from writing a story where not everybody lives to the end.