Skid Marx........


Jan 23, 2011
Lehrer is a weak sister.

Mr. Lehrer is simply getting very old...'s almost like he's turning into a great-grandmother before our very eyes.

Whatever masculinity he once held... leaking-out fast, now.

I wonder if the poor dude has lost his prostrate...
The talking heads on MSNBC are about to explode. They're highly pissed and said Obama didn't show up.
Obama without his teleprompter is an empty suit. Bill Maher tweeted that Obama needed his teleprompter.


Romney was energetic, engaged, and made eye contact. Obama was the exact opposite. The smirk on his face didn't help.

I'm thinking Nixon - JFK debate.
Rudy G. is on MSNBC making fools out of Maddow and her idiot sidekick. Chris Matthews was LIVID over The Fraud's poor performance.
We see what can happen when the President is protected for hard questions for four years. If I was him I'd fire Jarrett and Axlerod immediately.

I can't thing of anyone Obama has ever fired.

Except himself. :D:D
I just don’t know what to say. Romney changed stripes again tonite, spoke many untruths and like a thief stole the night.

— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) October 4, 2012

debate frustration. I wanted Obama to TALK FASTER. and SAY MORE.

— Rebecca Stead (@rebstead) October 4, 2012

Closing statements, Mitt won the coin toss. And put the coin in the Cayman Islands
— Bill Maher (@billmaher) October 4, 2012

#Obama is having his lunch eaten. On to the next one.

— Abby Huntsman (@HuntsmanAbby) October 4, 2012

Obama: Blue Tie, Romney: Red Tie = Brian Williams: Purple Tie. #primarycolors

— jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon) October 4, 2012

Mitt wrote off 47% of our country (poor/mid class) w/ his own mouth. All of a sudden tonight he cares about us and has a plan 4us? How c …

— Janelle Monae (@JanelleMonae) October 4, 2012

President Obama did his thing! He gave us the real!

— Mary J. Blige (@maryjblige) October 4, 2012

CBS analysis says Romney stomped Obama with undecided voters

— ABFoundation (@ABFalecbaldwin) October 4, 2012

GOP needed some good news–Romney delivered it. Shd be clear now why he led one of the most successful private equity firms in the world.

— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) October 4, 2012

Particularly due to Obama supporter comments, generally...

...I'd rule that Romney undeniably won tonight's exhibition.
Romney to Obama: "I've been in business for 25 years and have no idea what you're talking about."

Consider the debate to be a job interview.

Obama would get a reject letter.
This is the first time in four years someone asked Obama the tough questions, and he folded like a tent.
Yes and in return he got a big pregnant silence from Obama. Dems have spouted that talking point for years and have never backed it up.

Obama acted like a scolded child. He'll blame Bush for his poor showing.