sitting her bored, watchin the Grammy's!


Literotica Guru
Mar 9, 2002
Yup, its me again...i'm here and just lookin for some conversation...

If i havn't talked to you before, i'd love to meet ya ladies!

If i have talked to you before, say hey!!!! I'd love to chat again...

I've got msgrs, yahoo and and AIM, come say hey!

im with you boreing tonight

yeah im here surfing and found this great site and boarded with the grammy's
talk to you later man

sup Russ! the grammys are so good, i put the TV on mute and listened to my downstairs neighbors having sex! she was pretty darn loud! wow, if she was fakin it, she did a good job

the biggest goal i have now, is to see what these two look like..**** times!

hope u have fun tonite Russ!
