Since Emerald.........


Literotica Guru
Sep 29, 2002
used my most personal experience of being raped against me, I guess there's no harm in telling you the whole story.

Yes, I, like many, have some psyche problems. After my surgery, my meds went haywire on me and that is why I was so bitchy and on edge, to say the least. I told Laurel about this, and that's why she was so quick to forgive, forget, and move on. NnN has never posted anything without her name, I am not responsible for any of the 'unregistered' posts. I'm honest enough that if I have something to say, I'll say it with my own name. I'm sure you can all see the difference between NnN and MsTerious because now my meds are back on track, and I'm much more calm. MsTerious is the real me, NnN wasn't. I have purposely been posting on the gb now because I wanted to see what you were all about. I have learned that most of you aren't the jerks that I thought you were. I also learned that most of you actually like the real me. So, are we going to continue to be adults and enjoy each other's company? Or is this flaming going to continue?

Fyi, I only changed my name because my personna has changed. Those of you who are saying that by changing my name and not being honest about it is deceitful, and doing so indicates that I think you're stupid, guess who bent over backwards to help me change my name. Laurel has been a very kind, understanding, helpful, and beautiful human being. One thing she is not is stupid or deceiptful. Nor am I.