Similar Stories?


Undersexed & Horny
Apr 21, 2021
I've noticed the "Similar Stories" list at the last page of each story published always lists the same stories, and never display's anything different or new, etc.
Is this a bug or intentional?
Is there a setting that would change this?
Please advise, thanks
Kimber :-
The site itself has never gone into too much detail about the way that "Similar Stories" works. What the users have been able to piece together is discussed here: most-frequently-similar-on-lesbian-sex-stories.1553047 . (Unfortunately, the forums no longer display tables correctly, which makes this thread a pain to read.)

Basically, the Similar Stories list is drawn from stories that have been favorited by the people who also favorited the story being read. The list is updated from time to time, but not very often, perhaps once a month. Even then the list may not change if there hasn't been much favoriting activity. As far as we can tell this is intentional and there is no setting that can change it.

Another way to find stories is to click on the author's name at the bottom of the story. This takes you to the list of the author's other stories. Then you can click on the "Favorites" tab to see other authors and stories the author recommends.