
Scarier inside to be sure, to be sure

I wasnt to sure I was seeing right the first time
Is that the problem?

I thought it was just a funky dancing banana that was the scary as fuck bit
Jim_Henson said:
I thought it was just a funky dancing banana that was the scary as fuck bit

It is, it's that smile that makes it so scary. Imagine seeing that grin on a person.
What resolution setting are you using?? It's only 1/2 an inch on my screen.

I dont want to EVEN think of that sort of resolution setting

But after thinking of Banana's in Pajamas... the nightmares live on
Bananas in Pajamas
are coming down the stairs

(or something like that)

I never let my kids watch that show.
I dont think theres anything wrong with it

I mean Bert and Ernie are gay and into BDSM
Barneys a purple dinosaur
The purple teletubbie is gay

B1 and B2 just sleep together
They never watched any of the above. Seasame Street was ok, but they didn't like it. Teletubbies and Barnie were just too stupid for words.

My girls grew up on Blue's Clues.
That scares me myself

We just used to watch you cant do that on TV if it came to that

Only ever watched the muppets, not sesame strret and Astro boy

My kids will be SOOO behind the times...