-sighs- It's time to admit my faults. I have...

Gilly Bean

Princess Spanky Pants
Aug 29, 2001
I've tried ot over come my addiction, but it seems to be getting worse every day.

People try to tell me I have to stop, but I just can't. I find myself becoming more and more with drawn as I shy away from friends and relations in my family.

My husband says it's alright, but still, I find that it frightens me the deeper and deeper I go into this.

Maybe I should just step away, but if I do, what will happen? Will I be able to stop? To just quit, cold turkey? It's so new to me, so exciting. Will I be able to turn away from it?

And better yet, if I do turn away, what will my poor play station think? I don't want it to think I abandoned it! Poor PS2! Must play more SSX Tricky!!!

Now, for those who are worried about my addiction, don't worry, Lit is still my first addiction. Besides, SSX hurts my fingers more than masturbation. ;)

Get Vice City.. that'll cure your other addicitions...


I'm at school

No PS2.

I miss it.

I miss Ray Liotta's sweet proclaiming of "I'm innocent, officer!"

We just got the PS2 for Christmas from my FIL and my Aunt each chipping in towards the PS2, and a small collection of 6 or 7 games.

Our 4 year old LOVES to play a Bob the Builder game I found for only $10, and we have a Shrek Treasure hunt for our 7 year old.

Dad has all the sports games and RPG's he could want (well, ok, he's a man, he always wants more!).

I got a roller coaster one, and now, this one as well. :)
Nobody Special's wife said:
Well its nothing like a group of people fighting off addictions by playing PS2 ;)

Especially with only 1 controller! -gasp-