Sick is as Sick does.

Seeing things like this, make me refer to my signature and the dozens of other "motivational" slogans like it I have jotted down in various places.

To believe there is a higher power that is merciful is at the least naive, at the most its pathetic and I feel bad for people who do.

"God doesn't make the world this way, we do."

Also keep in mind something I told a priest whop wandered into the homeless shelter I volunteered at for a couple of hours on Easter when he said "God bless me, he sent me to help people."

I told him, "People help people, God just takes the credit."
Politicians take credit, God takes worship and $$.

Religion can do better.
Politicians take credit, God takes worship and $$.

Religion can do better.

Religion will never do better.

Faith can, but that has nothing to do with religion. Religion is business pure and simple.
Religion will never do better.

Faith can, but that has nothing to do with religion. Religion is business pure and simple.

I've been trying real hard not to believe this: Religion can save people from death, problem is, they all have been beating a dead horse to do it.

There has to be a Greater way to promote Greatness without piousness.
+& then my faith in humanity is slightly restored as A big 3 network covers it.

&then with SS they bring up a good point:
"MORAN: But supporters of abortion-rights argue that Gosnell's shady, dangerous practices are exactly what women will face across the country if abortion is outlawed. Gosnell now face the death penalty. Terry Moran, ABC News, New York."

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I'm sure there has to be a better way that stopping life. I understand there are bad circumstances sometimes.