Shy girlfriend

So here is the new naughty pics we promised. Hope you guys enjoy them.
I have just discovered your thread and have only made it to page four so far, but I had to comment on this one. What and incredible start to your naughty pictures! This shot is fantastically sexy. Thank you both for sharing. Excuse me now while I get back to the thread.
I have just discovered your thread and have only made it to page four so far, but I had to comment on this one. What and incredible start to your naughty pictures! This shot is fantastically sexy. Thank you both for sharing. Excuse me now while I get back to the thread.

Well thank you and enjoy the rest ;)
Well thank you and enjoy the rest ;)

Oh, I did...very much :D

I love that she is enjoying this adventure and I do hope she is giving you proper credit (and rewards) for suggesting this way of confirming how sensual and sexy she really is.
Oh, I did...very much :D

I love that she is enjoying this adventure and I do hope she is giving you proper credit (and rewards) for suggesting this way of confirming how sensual and sexy she really is.

That's good :) Oh I get a lot of credit dude and i shall enjoy every minute of it ;)
New pic.

We thought you all might like to see where that black strip of fabric disappears to ;)
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We thought you all might like to see where that black strip of fabric disappears to ;)

Wow...give me a moment while I roll my tongue back up into my face and wipe all the drool off of my keyboard (when it sparks like this, is that a bad sign?) Ami continues to amaze with her beauty and sexuality. Here's to another impeccably posed shot of the hottest lady on here. Truly incredible.
Wow...give me a moment while I roll my tongue back up into my face and wipe all the drool off of my keyboard (when it sparks like this, is that a bad sign?) Ami continues to amaze with her beauty and sexuality. Here's to another impeccably posed shot of the hottest lady on here. Truly incredible.
Hottest lady on here, wow. That's a bold statement as iv'e seen some stunning women on here but thank you for saying it. Ami xx
Good Lord...
Shes sexy:devil:
Thank u sir.
Oh man, you are so f'ing lucky!
Lol that i a my good man :)
Oh god please please more :D
All in good time my friend :)
That is one sexy ass:devil:;)
That it is mate and thank you :)
eagerly waiting...

after the last one, i'm excited to see what's next. how has the sex been since posting?
So that's where that little black strip of fabric went ;)

Oh-Emm-Geee...what a work of art that delectable derriere is. I'd be I spank it or caress it or nibble on it or maybe all of the above? And should you require any assistance seeking out that lucky lace piece I would gladly raise my hand and volunteer. Simply yummy. Thanks for continuing to share! mmmm mmmmm mmmmm
Oh-Emm-Geee...what a work of art that delectable derriere is. I'd be I spank it or caress it or nibble on it or maybe all of the above? And should you require any assistance seeking out that lucky lace piece I would gladly raise my hand and volunteer. Simply yummy. Thanks for continuing to share! mmmm mmmmm mmmmm
Thanks again dude. All the above is the easy way out as to choose is just to god dam difficult ;) If i need any help ill be sure to let you know ;)
I can see why! I'd go too if I could!

Lol good call dude ;)
We thought you all might like to see where that black strip of fabric disappears to ;)

So that's where that little black strip of fabric went ;)

She is magnificent....luv her legs...the go right up and make a wonderful ass of themselves...

She seem too be more comfortable in front of the camera. Taking erotic pix and posting them can be intoxicating. We've been doing it for over 10yrs...