shy asian girl peeking in

hello john! look who's rockin'? ;) you look rockin yourself, dude. glad you liked the AV. I felt that it was time for a change - and since people liked that dress so much, then might as well use it. ;) have a great weekend! :)

Thank you:D Good call by you on the AV. I'm trying. Could use less rain here.
The language lessons are fun... and I do believe that there are quite a few who would attest to my oral skills :p....

Kung Fu is pronounced Gong Fu in both Mandarin and Cantonese. The "K" and small "u" in Kung is from the old Wade Giles system of romanizing Chinese which is no longer in use (is quite complicated). It is however pronounced Gung Fu. Sio Pao in Mandarin is Cha Shao Bao and in Cantonese is Cha Shiu Bao... that spelling in Tagalog and in Vietnamese probably comes from the Hokkien (Min Nan) dialect as most of the Chinese population is from that area of southern Fujian centered on Xiamen (Shiaa Men) city.

The language lessons are fun for me too. ;) And I'm glad that you are multi-lingual.. and have great oral skills! :p

Now I will remember to eat Cha Shao Bao when I see it. ;)
Hi everyone! Happy hump day! ;)

Here's a sketch of one of my pics that a lit member did. He's softhelmet, and he has a thread at the personals. Check it out. ;)

I decided to give it a try, and it was sooo cool. He's VERY talented. :) I think his sketch is better than the original pic - I feel soo pretty in the sketch! :p

Have a good day/afternoon/evening everyone! :rose:


Stunning!! That picture is AMAZING! Very well done. And you look INCREDIBLY sexy in it!

...I love you.
Hi everyone! Happy hump day! ;)

Here's a sketch of one of my pics that a lit member did. He's softhelmet, and he has a thread at the personals. Check it out. ;)

I decided to give it a try, and it was sooo cool. He's VERY talented. :) I think his sketch is better than the original pic - I feel soo pretty in the sketch! :p

Have a good day/afternoon/evening everyone! :rose:

Hey Shai!

Very good sketch. I have to agree... i really like this picture and your pose. You look so hot ...and your lips so lucious. you dont show them to often, don't you?!
hope you are doing good!

Hey tiddley! Glad you came over and visited this thread. And I'm gladder that you liked my version - it's the first time that I've tried "that" pose, I think. Maybe I'll do it again - depends on the dress! :p
First time huh? You did it so well! I'm loving your avatar now. Super hot shai ;)
hey shai,
i was wondering if you are probably around.
i hope you have great weekend!

Hey d! Good to know that you still like my lil butt. :p Oh - a spanking? How... interesting! ;) Re: my hair - I didn't show my hair for a long time - since it was shorter - I usually tied it up or cropped the pic so that my shorter hair wouldn't be seen. Now my hair is long again. And here - there are more pics! Hope you enjoy. ;) Have a great weekend,

oh......a spanking huh......yeah....that's it.........well....that's the least of it I'd butt in my hands would definately get spanked.....if not to just punish that little brown butt of yours for being such a tease.....but so that in spanking it I would get a good feel for what each of your buttcheeks feels my palms compress it firmness and waves of impact rustle it's shape....shaking and bouncing as it regains it's orinal shape........feeling your soft skin....smooth and tight skinned buttcheeks against my cupping and spanking hand........your panties in my other hand............................:devil:

But what do you expect posting pics like that last one.............?
...what were you thining...?
You were thinking...."Do I really look this bootylicious in this dress......?"
Well, the answer ShaiGirl is this......yes you do.........your butt definately gives that rolled up skirt, some real shape.......:heart:

And I know that you are using your "tricks" to optimize what you have back there...and it's working....:p

But the bottom line is that you do really have a nice doesn't have to be compared to anything.........just on it's own........yours is a really nice butt!!:heart::heart:

Wow...shorter short.....?
I would really love to see that........:kiss:
Would love to see it tied up or back also.......hope your well dear SG:heart:
hey shaigirl!

it is always a pleasure to see you being around and keeping your thread alive!
hope you had a great weekend:)


a blast from the past
brings back good memories
mostly smiles and good cheer :)

welcome back :rose:

Thanks for the welcome! It was a delight to see your thread still thriving! and that you don't seem so shy anymore! ;)

skin, legs, breasts oh my
sexy shy girl likes to show
seductive teasing

Hi everyone! Been busy with RL, and generally just lurking at Lit - wasn't really in the mood to post pics or comments. :rolleyes: :p I hope all's been well and had naughty fun! ;)

Oh...My...God...Stunning!! That picture is AMAZING! Very well done. And you look INCREDIBLY sexy in it!
...I love you.

Hi Muff! Good to hear from you! I agree - the sketch was great, I'm very thankful to the artist, softhelmet. :) Glad you liked it. ;)

Hey Shai!
Very good sketch. I have to agree... i really like this picture and your pose. You look so hot ...and your lips so lucious. you dont show them to often, don't you?!
hope you are doing good!

Hallo ray! Wie geht's? Thanks for your words. Yeah, I don't show my lips often - I'm just paranoid, I guess. :p Schoenes wochenende! ;)

First time huh? You did it so well! I'm loving your avatar now. Super hot shai

Yeah, first time. Glad you liked the AV. ;)
Just dropped by to say "Hi" and see how you are doing? :rose:

Hi HMS! <hug> Good to see you still around. :) I've been well - I hope you've been well too? ;)

I am visiting this thread after a year or so. Still great!

Hey subya - I remember you! Thanks for visiting! I rarely post here, so the thread is usually buried. lol But it's nice to see old (and new) names visiting. :)

hey shai,
i was wondering if you are probably around.
i hope you have great weekend!

Yup, I'm around - now. :p Have a great weekend too! :)
oh......a spanking huh......yeah....that's it.........well....that's the least of it I'd butt in my hands would definately get spanked.....if not to just punish that little brown butt of yours for being such a tease.....but so that in spanking it I would get a good feel for what each of your buttcheeks feels my palms compress it firmness and waves of impact rustle it's shape....shaking and bouncing as it regains it's orinal shape........feeling your soft skin....smooth and tight skinned buttcheeks against my cupping and spanking hand........your panties in my other hand............................
But what do you expect posting pics like that last one.............?
...what were you thining...?
You were thinking...."Do I really look this bootylicious in this dress......?"
Well, the answer ShaiGirl is this......yes you do.........your butt definately gives that rolled up skirt, some real shape.......
And I know that you are using your "tricks" to optimize what you have back there...and it's working...
But the bottom line is that you do really have a nice doesn't have to be compared to anything.........just on it's own........yours is a really nice butt!!
Wow...shorter short.....?
I would really love to see that........Would love to see it tied up or back also.......hope your well dear SG

Hi D! Your post deserves a reply by itself. ;)
Re: my butt - I don't get your fascination for it, but since you do have it, then I'll just wiggle my booty and be thankful of your appreciation, I guess. :p And yes, it's a lil brown butt, or a "microbooty" as it was called by someone from here. (I think I like that term best - microbooty! ;)
I didn't buy that dress - it was too pricey and I really didn't need it. lol But yeah, it made for some nice pics. hehe..
Re: my hair - during the past year it's been short (as in then grew longer (around the same length as that of the sketch).
I cut it to almost this short:,_Ginnifer/gallery/TYG-027675/
then it grew longer- like this, but without the "curls"
And then it grew longer, until as long as the one in the sketch.
I didn't show pics of my "hair evolution" here, as I felt it was private. And I usually cropped my pics from the neck up, anyway. :p

Have a great weekend, d! ;)
Thanks for the welcome! It was a delight to see your thread still thriving! and that you don't seem so shy anymore! ;)

skin, legs, breasts oh my
sexy shy girl likes to show
seductive teasing


Hey voyage! Good to see you. This thread isn't really thriving - it just pops up when someone resurrects it from the dead. lol Oh, I'm still shy - didn't show my T, A & P here! I'll keep those private, thank you! :p

seductive teaser, busy voyager
when will their paths collide? ;)

Have a great weekend, v! :)
Hey voyage! Good to see you. This thread isn't really thriving - it just pops up when someone resurrects it from the dead. lol Oh, I'm still shy - didn't show my T, A & P here! I'll keep those private, thank you! :p

seductive teaser, busy voyager
when will their paths collide? ;)

Have a great weekend, v! :)

malheureusement not soon enough!

a shy seductress
tempting wondering lost souls
fantasies run wild! ;)