Show the damn pics!


Thread hijacker
Feb 9, 2015
(The Hill) – Kim Phuc Phan Thi, the woman from the famous Vietnam War "Napalm Girl" photo, said in an opinion piece published Monday that Americans should not shy away from images showing the effects of gun violence to help them understand the horror of "domestic war."

"The thought of sharing the images of the carnage, especially of children, may seem unbearable - but we should confront them," Phan Thi wrote in The New York Times. "It is easier to hide from the realities of war if we don't see the consequences."

Phan Thi was captured at the center of a photo that became iconic of the Vietnam War after her village was bombed in 1972, when she was 9 years old. She was captured naked with a scream of terror and pain on her face after experiencing severe burns that still scar Phan Thi 50 years later.

"I know what it is like to have your village bombed, your home devastated, to see family members die and bodies of innocent civilians lying in the street. These are the horrors of war from Vietnam memorialized in countless photographs and newsreels," she wrote.
The photos of Emmett Till after his attackers were done with him are credited with sparking the modern civil rights movement, too. Which reportedly is just what his mother was hoping for when she OK'd publishing them.
It isn't a photo, but I think that Matthew McConaughey's use of a pair of green sneakers in today's White House press briefing to slam home that these were the only identifiers left of one of the recent elementary shooting victims was highly effective for anyone with a heart, empathy, sensitivity, or a brain, which, unfortunately, excludes the gun nuts and the board Trumpettes.
It isn't a photo, but I think that Matthew McConaughey's use of a pair of green sneakers in today's White House press briefing to slam home that these were the only identifiers left of one of the recent elementary shooting victims was highly effective for anyone with a heart, empathy, sensitivity, or a brain, which, unfortunately, excludes the gun nuts and the board Trumpettes.
And 44 % of the GOP who think that children dying is an acceptable price for gun freedom.
So, you like you some snuff porn. You really desire to see the dead bodies of children?

What about the families? Do we need to throw that in their faces?
Do they need to see the dead bodies of their loved ones
whenever they turn on the television or
read a magazine/newspaper
or website?

After all, napalm girl was used for propaganda here...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
And 44 % of the GOP who think that children dying is an acceptable price for gun freedom.
That's a false stat (fake news), I saw a good takedown of it this morning.
But it did get around the world before
the truth got its boots on...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
We have created a media (and social) tradition of insulating ourselves from death. We don't show pictures of the dead, we give warnings about graphic images depicting the dead, and most natural death is cleanly tucked away into morgues where no cameras or visitors are allowed.

But, like all things, the pendulum swings and we're now at a point where some raise the cry for the media to show that which we have shunned for nearly a century. There's no purpose to it except shock value but the call is still there.

Which leads me to wonder why. The answer lies in looking at those who are leading the calls.
We have created a media (and social) tradition of insulating ourselves from death. We don't show pictures of the dead, we give warnings about graphic images depicting the dead, and most natural death is cleanly tucked away into morgues where no cameras or visitors are allowed.

But, like all things, the pendulum swings and we're now at a point where some raise the cry for the media to show that which we have shunned for nearly a century. There's no purpose to it except shock value but the call is still there.

Which leads me to wonder why. The answer lies in looking at those who are leading the calls.
The reason that the Vietnam war ended is because it was telecast into every American home so that we could watch live combat on our TVs while eating dinner.
So, you like you some snuff porn. You really desire to see the dead bodies of children?

What about the families? Do we need to throw that in their faces?
Do they need to see the dead bodies of their loved ones
whenever they turn on the television or
read a magazine/newspaper
or website?

After all, napalm girl was used for propaganda here...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
It's cool when they show abortions though, right?
Republicans won't change. Change requires morals. They have none. Pictures won't change their view because THEY wouldn't look at them. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop thinking of Republicans as humans. They aren't.
Republicans won't change. Change requires morals. They have none. Pictures won't change their view because THEY wouldn't look at them. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop thinking of Republicans as humans. They aren't.
I never have any expectation of trying to change the mind of d any brain dead trumpists. It's about targeting middle road independents who use their critical thinking skills.
The reason that the Vietnam war ended is because it was telecast into every American home so that we could watch live combat on our TVs while eating dinner.
I think the reason public opinion turned against the war was simply that it kept dragging on and on with no end in sight.
I never have any expectation of trying to change the mind of d any brain dead trumpists. It's about targeting middle road independents who use their critical thinking skills.
Lol...middle of the road independents that use their critical thinking skills? How many times does this need to happen? Pics won't make a bit of difference. Cause those you are describing DON'T FUCKING EXIST.
I think the reason public opinion turned against the war was simply that it kept dragging on and on with no end in sight.
Do you believe that would have been the case if American mothers and fathers didn't have an opportunity watch their children dying in combat for the purpose of fighting the alleged domino effect of communism?
Lol...middle of the road independents that use their critical thinking skills? How many times does this need to happen? Pics won't make a bit of difference. Cause those you are describing DON'T FUCKING EXIST.
They did when Obama was twice elected. Where'd they go?
They did when Obama was twice elected. Where'd they go?
They want you to cater to thinking they exist. They don't. Anyone with a brain, even if it is a middle of the road independent brain...knows something must be done. Pics will not change their mind. If they really cared...they wouldn't be middle of the road on this would they? Americans complain more about the price of gas than kids being murdered
They want you to cater to thinking they exist. They don't. Anyone with a brain, even if it is a middle of the road independent brain...knows something must be done. Pics will not change their mind. If they really cared...they wouldn't be middle of the road on this would they? Americans complain more about the price of gas than kids being murdered
You opine that pics will not change the narrative but I believe they will. Neither of us can support our opinions with facts so, they remain as opinions.
You opine that pics will not change the narrative but I believe they will. Neither of us can support our opinions with facts so, they remain as opinions.
Show them. And remove that excuse. 30 years of mass murders in schools is enough for me to desire change.
I remember the Life pictures of My Lai


Didn't change many opinions. My dad still calls them gooks
So, you like you some snuff porn. You really desire to see the dead bodies of children?

What about the families? Do we need to throw that in their faces?
Do they need to see the dead bodies of their loved ones
whenever they turn on the television or
read a magazine/newspaper
or website?

After all, napalm girl was used for propaganda here...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Look, showing pics of gunshot victims is no different from a defensive driving class showing pictures of auto accident victims.
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I never have any expectation of trying to change the mind of d any brain dead trumpists. It's about targeting middle road independents who use their critical thinking skills.
By posting on a minor message board on a porn site?
A true American hero. 🙄