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Sweet submission
Jul 10, 2012
Shelly stared at the cereal in front of her deep in thought. She would be graduating high school next week and the world would be open to her. She always picked up on new things easily. She let out a heavy sigh but if that was true she wouldn't be 18 about to head out into the world and not a single clue what to do with a boy. Well it was her own fault she knew for obsessing over her older stepbrother Jake. That was probably the reason for her blue mood too he still lived at home to help out there folks but he had spent last night with his girlfriend.

God did Shelly hate that bitch she was always putting Jake down for still living at home and helping there parents with bills and helping her since her or well their dad had gotten cancer a few years back. It was still an uphill battle for them. Anyway she shook the thought away no need for more depressing thoughts so early on.

It was too early for anyone to be up the sun was just now starting to pinken the sky so she was sitting there in her boxers and tight with tank. It looked like it would be a good morning to go to the beach and surf for a bit but it was always more fun when Jake took her. Lost in thought she barely caught herself from falling on her ass the the kitchen door slammed open and Jake stomped in growling "Bitch" She stared at his perfect body filled anger and just stared in shock she had never seen him so angry.
Jake could not believe that woman, she gives her everything, anything she wants. And for what, to be treated like trash. He sat in his car for a few minutes to finish smoking and he sighed as he punched the steering wheel.


He got out and he walked to the house, storming in as he threw open the door and thought about slamming it, but knew better cause his parents were sleeping and probably his sister... step sister.

He walked right to his room, passing the kitchen and not even seeing his step sister there. He just walked in and put his head to the wall as he closed the door and pounded it a few times. He didn't want to leave her, but what was he to do. He just asked if she...


He shook his head as he knew he was being too loud and he opened the door and went into his bathroom and he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw a picture of himself and his girlfriend and frowned and he than looked to another picture of himself and his step sister and he smiled as he took the picture off the mirror and saw how beautiful she was, how full of life she was, how happy she would make some boy she met in collage. Jake put the picture back and started to shower as he stripped.
Jake hadn't even seen her, her heart shattered but something must be wrong quitely she slipped up to his room tapping on the door when noone answered she peeked inside not seeing him she opened the door. She was worried about him had never seen him so upset. Turning her breath caught as through the open bathroom door she heard the shower running and Jake was down to his boxers about to remove them. Suck hit first then embarassment.

"SHIT!" she said loudly and did an about face instantly facing the opposite direction.

"Ummm Jake you okay?" she called sure he had hear cussing.
Jake shook his head as he heard a sound from outside and he looked and saw Shelly in his room, outside his bathroom. He walked out and looked to her.

"Hey, what are you doing up so early and in my room, I mean I don't care, but whats up?"

He saw she was concerned about him and he wondered if she saw him come in.

"I... I am fine sis, don't worry about me. Why don't you go back to sleep. Hey, its your big week sis, get some rest."

He took her into his arms and he gave her a tight hug, followed by tickling her, whenever she was around him, he was in a good mood, she was a really great girl.

"Tell you what, what time is it... what time do you got to go to school?"

He smiled.

"Go get ready, we will go to the beach and surf for a bit and I will take you to school."

He ticked her some more than.

"What do you say to that?"
"Tell you what, what time is it... what time do you got to go to school?"

"I have a late start today so I am good for a few hours I got up early in the hopes to hit the waves"

She giggled as he tickled her worming around trying to get free but happy to see him smile now. She bounced up kissed his cheek. "I'll meet you down stairs." Then raced off to room to change. Her day was now muched improved. She smiled and hummed to herself pushing away the slight hint of shame she felt at being atracked to her stepbrother.
Jake smiled as he stripped and jumped in the shower to rinse off really fast, he got out and toweled off really fast, putting his board shorts on and flip-flops on, he headed out and waited for Shelly.

"Lets go slow poke, and no revealing suits either... we are there to surf, not to see your stuff pop out in the water..."

He grinned to himself as he said that.
She was bounding down the stairs throwing her hair in a pony tail as she went. "I got your slow poke and besides even if I did wear something skimpy no one would notice if my "stuff" popped out. Now zip me up." She turned her back to him indacting the back of her wet suit. "My string broke a few days ago and I forgot to fix it."

She bounced around impatently knowing she was making it harder for him to get control of the zipper but not caring she enjoyed the time when it was just her and Jake together and playing around. She love to watch him smile but she worried about him too. She hadn't told him yet but she had got accepted to a univeristy that had courses she could take online so she could stay home and help take care of dad. But there was time enough for that later she didn't want to fight with him now when she knew he was stressed.
He smiled as she bounced around wanting her suit zipped up.

"Look at your wet suit Shelly, you are wearing it out already, this is the second one this year."

He looked out the window and saw the sun was shining. He took his phone and looked up surf report.

"Look Shelly, water is in high 60s, 3-4 over head. Nice sets. Don't be scared out there now."

He zipped her up and he smacked her ass as he opened the door for her.

"Lets go..."

He watched her go out to his truck, where there boards were already in the back.

"We will go and get you a new suit if you want later after school."
She giggled as he smacked her ass and they headed out the door.

"I'm a growing surfer girl it happens, and I am not letting you buy me a new suit you might be a brat and say it's my graduation present and we can't have that."

She giggled and jumped in his truck humming happily she loved mornings like this spending anytime at all with Jake really.
"Well I already got you a few things for that present, want to see it or wait?"

He laughed as he helped hr get into the truck, he put his hand on her ass as he helped her. He could not believe how nice of an ass she had. She had a little bit of an apple shapped ass with just enough plush to it. He shook his head as he closed th door behind hr and walked over to the driver side. He climbed in and looked to her.

"Ready sis?"

He smiled as he started his truck up and music blared and he pulled out and headed t the beach.

"So gt any plans with any of your boyfriends for after you graduate?"

He smiled at her as he wanted to hear her.
"Well I already got you a few things for that present, want to see it or wait?"
She shook her head laughing at him slightly relieved he hadn't asked her what she wanted knowing what her answer would have been and sure it would have shocked him.

After he helped her up into the truck and went around to get in she couldn't help but moan at the way his hand felt on her ass. Once they where on their way he asked, "So gt any plans with any of your boyfriends for after you graduate?"

She laughed again and raised an eyebrow at him and said sarcasticly "That's right I saved myself for graduation now I am going to go on a fucking spree. How slutty do you take me Jake?" She added with a laugh.
He had a shocked look on his face for a second and than it turned into a laugh as he drove.

"Slutty, never, you wouldn't know what to do with I if one was in your face sis... my sweet innocent sis I should hope you are..."

He grinned knowing that would throw her off and he wondered if she had any experience at all.

"No serious, after you graduate you have a few weeks off right, are you going to travel or get a part time summer job, serious sis. You can't hang around the house all ummer, I won't let you. You need to hve some fun before collage. And yes go get laid... jeez, sluty sister that is funny."
She gave a bit of a growl, "I have a job lined up and I start my college courses right away as they are letting me take my classes online. As for getting laid the only one I would trust enough with that is YOU." She huffed proud of herself for putting all the things she had kept in out at once. There let she what he thought about that while he was over in the driver seat acting high and mighty.

After a second the last part of what she said dawn on her. "OH SHIT" she thought glancing at him to see if he caught it yet.
He heard what she said, but he laughed it off. He knew she was teasing him, but to say somethin like that in the open... wow

"Sis, even if we could do that, do you think fr a second that you could handle me... I mean, I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but I get rough..."

He smiled again and started to laugh, than he thought about the est sh had said, it was just out of order.

"Wai, wait a min, you said your taking your courses online? What about th money I gave you for room and tuition? I thought you sad you were going to live on campus?"

He didn't like this, he wanted his sister to get away from home, go and live life and enjoy it. Not be burdaned by home life. That is why he was at home to help out. So he would not be held down by this.
She blushed listening to his response and had to fight tears when he basically said he was out of her leauge even though she knew it was true and then hearing him get upset about her decision to do online courses and stay home. She truly hated upsetting up but damn it it was her life and if he was out of her leuge what the fuck did he care.

She was so pissed and humiliated she hadn't even realized she had stated that last thought out loud. "Tuition still needs to paid even for online courses jackass and the money for room well you shouldn't let your sister have you account information it sitting back in your account." She stated calmly still not realizing the had yelled her earlier statement. She was glad they where almost to the beach this day was just not going her way at all.
"Hey calm down Shelly, no one is yelling or mad at you. Its me Shelly, I just don't want you to miss the best years of your life and if I have to drag you down to the collage to get you there, than I will."

He smiled at her when he put his hand on her thigh.

"Hey that suit is way to tight on you, take it off. Th water is warm enough, you don't need a suit, I'm not wearing one."

He wanted to see her big titsc wet from the water, he wanted to see the sun shine off of them. He looked back to the road.

"And about what I said, if we were not brother and sister, I would definitly ask you out, and I I was your age... haha. But I bet you would turn me down anyways, I am far from good enough for you sis, and I would be afraid o you brother, I hear he is sugical wth a shotgun."
Shelly tried to laugh but she knew it sounded force she turned her back to him so he could unzip her since her string was broke. "I am not going to the college we had talked about I am doing the classes I can online this summer but come fall I am going to the vocational college for the hands on part in a year and half I will have my nursing degree so you see me staying home is actually educational I could be more help to Dad."

She didn't mention the them being together again thing she knew it was pointless and she just wanted to unwind before she had to go to school and be around people.
He unzipped her wetsuit for her as he slowed down at the beach access parking. He showed the attendant his pass as he pulled in and parked. He looked to his sister and he smiled at her. He saw her peeling out of her suit and admired her breasts, they were perfect... all becaue they were not soiled yet...

"When did you get such a hot body sis, I think you better put your suit back on... your tits might really pop out, that bathing suit is umm... a little smal..."

He looked to her and put his hand on her shoulder.

"You really are beautiful sis, you bette be careful, there are t many assholes out there... they will want to hurt you just to et what they want..."

He sighed as he pulled a smoke out and lit it up as he got out of the truck ad he pulld there boards out nd the wax.

He looked the waves over and smiled. The waves were terrific shaped, so beautiful.

"Shelly, look at the waves, perfect sets..."

He took a long drag from his smoke and he put it out in th little ashtray he built into the back of his truck. He pulled the water from the cooler and threw her a bottle and grabbed the towels. He took her board and his and waited for her.

"Come on lazy, bring those big tits and let's get wet!"
Shelly didn't know what to say or think now. Did he want her in or out of her wetsuit she looked down and realized she hadn't taken it all the way of so he didn't know most of her ass hung out far more than her breast did. She was truly in shock there was no other explaination for and did he just tits big. "WHAT THE HELL" she thought she really and truly lost.

She jumped out of the truck and yelled at his back "You are so confusing you ass." with that she turned her back to him and began wiggling out of her wet suit. She never would have worn this bikini if she had known he was going to tell her to take the wet suit off she had actually worn it to be a smart for when he told her not to wear anything skimpy. Well looks like that plan so going to bite her in ass.

Oh well at least at this time of day this section of beach was normally deserted. "Jake" she called over her shoulder. "Wait for me this damn thing dont wanna come off." She really did need a new one her ass and breast and really developed after this one had been bought.
Jake looked back to her and smiled as he saw her trying to get her suit off. He walked over to her and watched for a minute. He took his phone out from his pocket and turned the camera on.

"Wait, let me film this, this is good stuff..."

He watched as she tried to get it, bouncing around, her tits bouncing, Jake could feel his cock stirring as he saw this.

"Do you need a hand sis?"

He smiled and he tried to suppress his cock, he didn't want to look like a perv in front of her. Even though she already knew he was a perv, all his porn and dirty mags.

"Here let me..."

He took her suit in his one hand as he kept filming and he tugged it down and over her ass, got it about half way and he moved his hand to the back and his fingers dug down on her ass, he blushed for a minute as he felt her soft ass and for a few seconds he let his hand stay there as he tugged down a bit, slowly revealing her ass more and more.

"Well, I guess you didn't listen to me when I said not to wear a skimpy bikini... its alright though, got it flaunt it right..."

He grinned as he was still recording.
"Wait, let me film this, this is good stuff..."

"Ass no you aren't you wanted me to take the damn thing off you can help me get it off. This would be so much easier if I was wet."

"Well, I guess you didn't listen to me when I said not to wear a skimpy bikini... its alright though, got it flaunt it right..."

"Shut up I did it as a joke I didn't think I would betaking the wet suit off."

Finally they got it off as she turned to face Jake her face turning bright red. "You reaklly didn't film me did you?" When she saw his wicked grin her only warning to him was the war cry of his name before she launched herself at him. "JAAAAAAAAAKE"
Her cry was loud and funny as hell. He put his phone back in his pocket and watched her run at him. Jake was not a small guy, when she got to him he grabbed her and he just picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and held her there. He smacked her on her ass as he held her.

"Calm down there Shelly."

He placed his phone in the back of his truck in the lock box and he started to walk her to the beach, he would come back for there boards and stuff, but he had a angry sister to deal with.

"Oh need to cool off sis... I got the cure for that..."

He walked faster to the water and he would throw her in.
"No no no no" she pleaded beating on his back but the next thing she knew she was air borne and landing in the ocean. She let it take her and pull her out farther to sea holding her breath and relaxing. Finally when she thought she would never breath again she broke the surface. She threw her hair back as her upper body rose above high above the surface with her momentum. With out looking to the shore she swam futher out to sea letting the waves wash over her and feeling free.

Free of her father's sickness, free of her gathering passion for Jake, Free to just be.
Jake smiled as he saw her let the waves take her, he watched to make sure she surfaced and when she did...

"Oh wow..."

The sun was at the right height and shown off her body, revealing her tits covered by her bikini, showed them off in a marvelous display... Jake just about drooled as he saw that. There was a boy next to him, another surfer staring and Jake looked to him.

"HEY! That is my sister, get the fuck out of here!"

Jake yelled and the kid ran off. It was out now, Jake had a boner. He sighed as he ran to his truck and grabbed the boards and he ran back with ease and into the water with both boards as he strapped it to his ankle and started to paddle out to her.

"Shelly! Here take your board, and stop showing off your perfect body, jeez. You made some kid on the beach's day by show off... come on lets surf."

He smiled again as he stared for a few more seconds at her tits and he paddled off.
She knew they had come to surf to spend time together but she was unsure if it was wise now for eventually she would make a fool of herself with him and once she did he would boot her out the door for sure. "Oh Well life goes on" she thought attaching her ankle strap and laying belly down on the board timing the waves before swimming out. Jake was already out and riding in she knew her rounded ass was barely covered and well on display in this postion but there was no help for it. She sighed readying her body to catch the next wave in getting lost in the music in her head as the rose.