Should bus driver be fired


The lunatic is on line
Jan 12, 2002
A bus driver brought a gun on the bus at one point he pulled it out and told the children to sit down, shut up, and say your prayers.

It turned out to be a toy gun the school district put him on pay leave until they figure out what to do.

I say fire his ass.
Yeah, one would hesitate on drawing down on the children of today because they tend to pack REAL heat...

I would think that a more level headed replacement would be in order.
They don't pay enough for level-headed.

Children are very good at getting on the nerves of adults.

I know how bad ONE can be when in traffic.
SINthysist said:
They don't pay enough for level-headed.

Children are very good at getting on the nerves of adults.

I know how bad ONE can be when in traffic.

So, all people in the lower income brackets are lacking the ability to think in a reasonable manner?
Only ones that agree to drive school buses!

You cannot be thinking level-headed and take that job on unless you are in the same state as Tommy, the fabled Pinball Wizard.

Don't take my flippancy wrong. It was a dastardly deed. He should have used a squirt bottle. That's how I train my dawgs. Works on my wife and kid too!

They see that water bottle coming up and immediately modify their behavior.

SINthysist said:
Only ones that agree to drive school buses!

You cannot be thinking level-headed and take that job on unless you are in the same state as Tommy, the fabled Pinball Wizard.

Don't take my flippancy wrong. It was a dastardly deed. He should have used a squirt bottle. That's how I train my dawgs. Works on my wife and kid too!

They see that water bottle coming up and immediately modify their behavior.


They need that bus driver from South Park.
I say put the guy in jail. My kids can drive me crazy but I don't pull out a gun to get them to shut up. Not to mention that he is a caregiver in a manner of speaking. When he has kids on his bus the parents of those kids are trusting him to take care of them, not to scare them with a gun. I dont care if it did turn out to be a toy.
The guys a BUS Driver. Not to demean anyone, but getting fired is simply punishment enough. He's not living the glam life...
fire him??? nah thats to good for him....i say lock him up for a few the state pen...let him meet a butt buddy....that should learn him
So are you telling me that if he was a Senator you would want his punishment to be higher?

If he went into a school what would they do?

Kids are getting Arrested for doing the same thing at school. This is was someone who was in charge of the children.
tyme said:
Kids are getting Arrested for doing the same thing at school. This is was someone who was in charge of the children.

It was a TOY gun, first of all.

Secondly, he should be fired but not arrested.
Then let's get all draconian and fire the incompetent boob that hired him too.

Additionally, I bet lawyers are lined up to punish the school system properly too with a multi-million dollar lawsuit that will take funds from education as well as raise property taxes for the community dumb enough to hire the guy that hired the guy who drove the bus of kids who know they will never be disciplined or held accountable for their behavior because, as we all know, kids are absolute saints...

Let's punish EVERYONE involved because it takes a village!
They want to issue guns to pilots why not school bus drivers?? You never know when a terrorist group of 8 year-olds will attempt to hijack a school bus!!:D
SINthysist said:
Let's punish EVERYONE involved because it takes a village!

I'm not saying that it's a low-stress job or that kids shouldn't be held accountable. I'm just saying that threatening them (even if it wasn't a legitimate threat) wasn't the way to handle the situation and I wouldn't want my kids around an adult who handled things that way.

I'd want to know more details, however. If he had complained about certain kids repeatedly and nothing was done about it he may have felt like he had no legitimate actions that he could take.
SINthysist said:
Then let's get all draconian and fire the incompetent boob that hired him too.

Additionally, I bet lawyers are lined up to punish the school system properly too with a multi-million dollar lawsuit that will take funds from education as well as raise property taxes for the community dumb enough to hire the guy that hired the guy who drove the bus of kids who know they will never be disciplined or held accountable for their behavior because, as we all know, kids are absolute saints...

Let's punish EVERYONE involved because it takes a village!

As long as no one punishes the kids...after all, they ARE capable of making rational decisions.
I know it was a toy gun. Also the times I am thinking of where a kids has brought guns they were toys also. One happened just this past halloween.

I tend to get a bit upset when it comes to idiots with guns, that go waving them around children to scare them. The man has problems and needs help he at least needs to be on some kind of probation.

As far as the lawyers I bet they are all over this thing. Its the way things are sadly enough.
Great thread. I think everyone is on target.

Of course, one is outraged. I'd want to hit the guy if he did it to my kid, who is being HOME schooled so she can get an education. The problem is over-reaction. We've gotten real good at over-reaction.

Bottom line is cost of education goes up again against a backdrop of decreasing state revenues.
RawHumor said:
It was a TOY gun, first of all.

Secondly, he should be fired but not arrested.

It was a toy gun, but the children in question probably at the time had no idea it was....This guy, although he may not deserve jail time needs some serious hospital time....To work out those ticks.....;)
capricious_chic said:
What are the ages of the children?

It sounded like they were all elementry age they were crying and trying to open windows to get help.