Shotgun Sally


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
for years Sally has lived up in the back country, scaring off wannabe suitors and other varmints with loads of rock salt.
this spring Sally's daughter Dee is turning 18.
Does Sally buy her a shotgun of her own as a gift?
Does the daughter inform Sally that she (Dee) has a more favourable view of the young men he has met at school?
Do they have twice as much stew in the pot?
twice as much pot in the stew?
I think that Sally has been secretly visited for years by the Olsen boys (from the next holler) while Dee was in school. When Dee comes of age she gets to join the fun. The shotgun is only for the ones she doesn't want to fuck.
I’m getting strong Dukes of Hazzard vibes. We all wanted to see the Duke boys fuck Daisy on the hood of the General Lee so maybe the Olsen twins, once revealed to be two boys and not one, could employ their vehicle in such a manner.