Shone Holmes again? Really? Really?


Vault Girl
Jul 6, 2002
I dont know if anyone remembers her, but back in 2009 she was trotted out by the American conservative movement to show the evils of Canadian healthcare

now the Koch brothers are trotting her forth again in an anti-Obama ad

on the surface this looks like a horrible story... woman with a life threatening cancer forced to wait by an uncaring Canadian system so long that she had to go the US to get the treatment to save her life

this would be a hugely condemning story, and a grand indictment on the failure of the Canadian healthcare

except for one thing... it's all bullshit

her terminal cancer truned out to be a benign cyst

her wait time was the same as anyone else with this form of cyst

she chose to go the US

she then billed us Canucks for her treatment

she only got pissy when we told her the taxpayer wasnt going to pay for her because she opted out of universal healthcare... so she's suing the government to pay her bills instead

you stay classy Koch brothers