Shingles Anyone?


Really Experienced
Sep 9, 2011
OK, if you've read my profile you know I'm a breast cancer survivor who's had a masectomy. Good news, I survived!

I had all my routine testing done 2 weeks ago, but my lymph nodes were funky and they did a at scan...then about 3 days ago, a terrible rash appeared along my scar line, very similar to one of the symptoms of the kind of cancer I addition my primary care doctor also mentioned it could be shingles, brought on by my compromised immune system.

Either way, until a biopsy determines what it is, neither the oncologist or my doc want to treat it--which will be remedied today--one way or the other because I've been a patient of theirs and know they how strongly I believe in being your own advocate AND they will at least treat the symptoms or I will become their worst nightmare. I have a high tolerance for pain and don't make appointments to see them unless I know something is up because it is different and that I know MY body best.

Of course, my worst nightmare is that it is a recurrence. BUT if fate has only brought me shingles, has anyone here experienced them, treatments, long-term effects, etc. Who would figure that I'd be hoping I have shingles LOL....
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I had shingles once and I begged the doctor to amputate my inflamed left arm. He refused and I got better.

I never thanked him for leaving my arm in place, perhaps I will do that.
Shingles SUCKS...but it will pass. Painful, burning and all. It's inconvenient, but it's temporary. There are medications you can take to lessen the symptoms, but it's a virus, and it's going to run its course. Here's hoping that you get good news and that the rash is just a reaction to the changing of the seasons.:rose::rose:
I have the roofer coming to repair mine after the last few storms.

Seriously, I've had shingles a long time ago and they were horrid. I hope never to have them again.
Hey - sending good vibes your way. It sounds like you have been through a lot. Yes the virus that causes chicken pox goes into your nerve and can reappear as shingles. If you didn't know it (and this won't help you) there is a vaccine out now for shingles. If you have had the chicken pox it is a good idea to get it other lit readers. Shingles is very painful and unfortunately symptomatic control by your physician has to be managed to help get through it. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Thinking of you:rose:

Shingles is a recurrence of the measles you had as a kid. Usually occurs in the 50's or 60's, and seems to have some relationship to stress.

It manifests as a rash with pustules, usually only on one side of the body.

You should stay away from people who have not had measles, because you can infect them.

THERE IS A VACCINATION SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO GET SHINGLES. If you are getting up into the age group where it could occur, go beat your doctor over the head and get vaccinated.

It really pisses me off that I didn't have to go through that. It pisses me off when I hear of others who are unnecessarily going through that.
If it is shingles you need to jump on it immediately with prescription meds. If you don't, you will be really, really sorry.
If it is shingles you need to jump on it immediately with prescription meds. If you don't, you will be really, really sorry.

This is the spot where Sweeps could step in and give us the straight scoop, in her usual marvelous detail. 8)
balladeer, it's the same family as the chickenpox, not measles.

desiree - had chickenpox four times as a kid and shingles as an adult. not many spots with the shingles, but they were dark and made my entire arm very very painful, heavy, and weak. it passed.

here's hoping your rash turns out to be shingles, is not too painful, and passes swiftly :rose:
About 12 years ago I had an outbreak of shingles on my lower back. Not much larger than a two-inch diameter circle. It was like the worst sunburn I ever had. I couldn't even stand to have a loose shirt brush up against it. It passed after a couple of weeks.

Ask your doctor if the shingles vaccine is appropriate for you in light of the other medications you are taking long term. I don't know of any obvious contraindications, but you need to make sure.

As has been pointed out, the vaccine won't help you with your current case, but it should protect you from a future recurrence. That alone makes it worth it.
My Dad was the strongest bravest man I ever knew but shingles was one of the few things he ever complained about, so I know it must be really really nasty.
If it is shingles you will want a presciption for one of the nerve-pain blockers - gabapentin, neurontin, etc. This will probably not take the pain away completely, but will make it manageable. And since you have a history of chronic pain and a high tolerance for it, the drugs might dull it to a point that you won't even notice it. The narcotic-type painkillers will not touch this type of pain, so don't bother there.

It is a manifestation of the virus varicella zoster, the same one that gave you chicken pox as a kid. (Incidentally, if you never had chicken pox, you cannot get shingles, but you could get chicken pox from somebody who has shingles. You cannot transmit shingles from person to person.)

I hope that's what it is. I agree that you must be your own best advocate. Good luck to you. :rose:
Of course, my worst nightmare is that it is a recurrence. BUT if fate has only brought me shingles, has anyone here experienced them, treatments, long-term effects, etc. Who would figure that I'd be hoping I have shingles LOL....

I had shingles followed by post herpetic neuralgia. The nerves in my left foot never returned to normal. That was 14 years ago.
About 12 years ago I had an outbreak of shingles on my lower back. Not much larger than a two-inch diameter circle. It was like the worst sunburn I ever had. I couldn't even stand to have a loose shirt brush up against it. It passed after a couple of weeks.

Ask your doctor if the shingles vaccine is appropriate for you in light of the other medications you are taking long term. I don't know of any obvious contraindications, but you need to make sure.

As has been pointed out, the vaccine won't help you with your current case, but it should protect you from a future recurrence. That alone makes it worth it.
There's no vaccine, and there's no way to prevent nor cure it.
They have vaccinations these days to keep the shingles away.

Just don't be a pussy about it.