Shhh, they're here somewhere


Literotica Guru
Aug 29, 2008
The vigilant nocturnal predator stalked the silent female forum lurker waiting until she seems most at ease with her situation then unleashes his fury upon her unsuspecting nubile form.
Changes the OP's name to Yosemite Sam.

Yes he is a hunter with a gun. Didnt find a lasso picture :p (though this isnt exactly lasso).
Mostly was making a joke about the fact that not even the psuedo-females (the bots that make the same post every few days and the girls whose rp style and one and done endurance indicated dudeness) seemed to be posting at that hour; yet every other late night sub-seeking nutter had their hook in the water. Its like my powerball tickets mostly a joke unless they hit; then I am buying all the weed and whores in Amsterdam.