SF plot bunny


Literotica Guru
Sep 5, 2007
Is this amazing or what? Imagine connecting a couple as they 'connect'. The sensory possibilities are quite delicious.
Awesome. Lots of possibilities. What if you can connect without the other person realizing, and "ride" their experiences? The ultimate in voyeurism...
I believe that there is evidence of this 'linking' in concordant mono-zygotic twins.

Go on then, Bear, please write one.
I don't know . . . I'll let it marinate in the back of my mind for a while and see if I can turn it into a plot. Right now I'm working on two new chapters of Horner Springs Institute and am thinking about another chapter of Midsummerfest. And this is in addition to starting a business!
Bear, I used this feedback in my NaNo story a few years back and it is an awesome way to show the emotions of two lovers.

I need to get back on that story at some point. I lost the original except for the very first section which is posted here on Lit. My laptop was stolen on a Thanksgiving vacation.

Thanks for the reminder.