Do you use a plot?


Fun Loving
Aug 23, 2024
One of my stories was recently criticized for not having a plot. The accusation was completely true.

I make no apologies. My stories are pure porn; fuck stories with no point other than people doing anything they can to achieve orgasms. There is a premise behind all of the stories (which is not the same as a plot). There is a set-up for the sex. Even still, the sex is gratuitous and serves little purpose other than to titillate.

I realize that many authors take a more classic approach; they work hard to craft their stories and have them be as fluent as possible with a plot and, sometimes, one or two subplots. These kinds of stories are truly fine and certainly have their reader base.

Please forgive my rant, but when someone complains that I have never offered a plot, I can't help but think, "I never promised you one."

I feel better now,
A few years ago my beta-reader described one of my plots as an intricate Faberge egg - although, in that unfortunate case, also with a massive crack running down one side.

Since then I've worked at reducing the number of working parts in at least some of my stories.

I've just had an audio go hot where the plot is - "He has a flight to catch. She really wants to give him a blowjob before he goes." It seems to work

(Although the talents of my VA are undoubtedly what is driving the votes more than anything I've done.)
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I always have a plot to my stories, but that's just because of what I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing about the personalities of my characters, how those personalities cause them to interact, and how they manage to find their way through the situations of my plot. Sex is definitely not the primary goal of my stories, but it sex does happen, it happens as a result of my plot and not just because I wanted to write about sex.

Porn is fine. I just don't enjoy either reading or writing it.
I always have a plot to my stories, but that's just because of what I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing about the personalities of my characters, how those personalities cause them to interact, and how they manage to find their way through the situations of my plot. Sex is definitely not the primary goal of my stories, but it sex does happen, it happens as a result of my plot and not just because I wanted to write about sex.
What ronde said x
One of my stories was recently criticized for not having a plot. The accusation was completely true.

I make no apologies. My stories are pure porn; fuck stories with no point other than people doing anything they can to achieve orgasms. There is a premise behind all of the stories (which is not the same as a plot). There is a set-up for the sex. Even still, the sex is gratuitous and serves little purpose other than to titillate.

I realize that many authors take a more classic approach; they work hard to craft their stories and have them be as fluent as possible with a plot and, sometimes, one or two subplots. These kinds of stories are truly fine and certainly have their reader base.

Please forgive my rant, but when someone complains that I have never offered a plot, I can't help but think, "I never promised you one."

I feel better now,
Fair enough, and good luck to you. I go for the more plot heavy stuff these days, but there's space for both styles, thankfully. And I certainly wouldn't think of one being 'better' than the other.
Every story has a plot. It may not be very extensive, but it's always there.
Absolutely. 'Insert tab A into slot B. Repeat as necessary(with vigor),' is a plot.
Individually my works consist of a premise then sex, followed in some cases by more premise and more sex. Generally I try to have a major sex scene close the end, without much further ado.

At a series level they connect together, largely through characters, but I am not sure any have a plot in the true sense. The one that comes closest is The Fall of Laura which might have enough of an ending to qualify.
Idea for a story where the plot revolves around a plot: "Guy Fawkes and the Bum-Plougher Plot"
Every story has at least some plot. Yours do. You just like to keep it short and simple and concentrate on the sex, which is perfectly OK.
Isn't the plot for most of the stories to get the MC laid? and to get the reader off? Oh, wait...that's just the ANONs.

Throw in a small plot if you are concerned about. It's simple, and you don't have to go into great detail of it is a small plot the MC mentions. Like, banging his or her Gym teacher. Boom, plot.
97% if stories have a beginning, a middle and an end. Or at least should have these parts.

It doesn't have to be complicated. Even basic porn has it.

Man meets girl. A reason for sex is revealed {hot pizza delivery driver} (the begining)
Sex. (The middle)
Someone climaxes. Reason why lover has to leave revealed {husband returns} (the end)

It sounds like your readers feel they are getting the sex, without the reason for the sex.

In your next story, try to make both the beginning and the end short, but clear and strong.
Setup - or lack thereof - can make or break erotica for me. Maybe I'm way too desensitized at this point, but just reading about people doing it isn't doing it for me, no matter how exotic or debauched it is. The kick comes when the sparks are flying, emotion is involved.

Well, and I love to write stories first, porn second. Thus word counts in the tens of thousands. Short stories are an alien concept to me. :)
I wish I could write something short like that. My stories all take way too long to plot out and organize.
My stories are usually vignettes, or a collection of vignettes. I write here to turn myself on and have fun...penning intricate, plot-heavy stories does not do that for me. It does for many writers, however, and as others here have expressed, there is room on Literotica for all of us. It does confound me, however, that so many readers come to an erotic fiction website, and then complain about a story's lack of realism and dearth of dense plotting...
Anything that turns me on has a plot of some sort, so that's what I tend to offer too. I can't see the point of having ONLY gratuitous sex scenes graphically displayed, unless I can work out and believe how the characters got there in the first place, even if the link is a bit tenuous. With BDSM stories both sub and dom have their own motivations and the plot guides them to do all of the depraved and splendidly sexually sordid things to each other we all know and love!