sexy ugly


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001

Anyone else famous meet that definition?
He looks like a malformed Michael Jackson.

Besides, he sold out. How can that be sexy?
riiiiiiiiiiiifffffffff!!!!!!!!!! god, it's good to see you. how are you?

I heart steven tyler. Selling out to what? money instead of art? I still enjoy his music. Let him make his money.

It's the charisma that is sexy.
The movie "Kissing Jessica Stein" had some good ones, though I hardly think all on this list are remotely ugly, but definitely sexy:

Mick Jagger
Harvey Keitel
Angelica Houston

My addition: Steve Buschemi...though I mostly just think he's sexxxy.
Alan Cumming (Cabaret!!)

He gets me hot yet he's certainly not your run of the mill pretty boy. He can be downright ugly when the role calls for it, yet I always want to fuck him.
I know many women who fit in either the ugly in a sexy way or sexy in an ugly way (different things) lists, but none are famous.
i love fairulza and laurn...but i don't think they are ugly.

for years i've had a thing for bette midler.
Sandra Bernhard

I think that the French have a phrase for this--'la belle laide'--which literally means 'the ugly beautiful woman.' Some people have features that just look wrong, but also have a certain attractiveness...

RomanHans said:
So, would you include Abraham Lincoln? Or would that make you too much like Julia Roberts?

Mr. Lincoln was a wonderful person, but I don't find him sexy at all.

Lyle, on the other hand, that man's voice drives me mad!