Sexy Songs

Countess DeWinter

Oral Goddess
Sep 11, 2000
I'm making a CD of sexy songs for...well for sex! And I've got several good ones (imo) but not enought according to hubby the great CD burner. wise and horny friends, what is the most sexy song you've ever heard? What song makes you want to stop what you're doing and screw someone's legs off?
Mona said:
Almost anything by Sade.


I agree with you on Sade... simply love her voice.

I also think the Gypsy Kings have some sexy songs. :)
You need some Barry White........Now that's a sex voice if ever there was one lol........;)
Mazzy Star- the entire cd "So Tonight That I Might See" is amazing...when I am in a seductive mood I'll just pop that baby on and let it play start to finish :)

Countess, where have you been all my life?

And on topic, I suggest Deep Forest, the beat gets in your . . . bones.
I was thinking Merry Go ROund, Broken Down. But if that is too spicy for you, I recommend Prince. THe older stuff. The new stuff is too trendy for my taste.

That or some of the old Motown shit. Get the Temptations going.
Okay, my favourite "love" song is Angel Eyes by the Jeff Healy Band. So I am sucker, get over it.
Pink Floyd is good for intense lovemaking, or anything else you're doing.

Avoid "The Wall" though, "Mettle" or "Animals" is good.

Zeppelin is good for fuck sessions, or Beethoven...
I recommend Berlioz if you want to really get into that freaky dom sex!
Mz_Scarlett said:
Mazzy Star- the entire cd "So Tonight That I Might See" is amazing...when I am in a seductive mood I'll just pop that baby on and let it play start to finish :)

I have heard the name before... but I don't think I have ever heard a Mazzy Star song, going to have to look into that one..
"Low Red Moon" by Belly.

And I second the nomination for Mazzy Star.
I've always liked anything by richard elliot, but especially his version of when a man loves a woman
Agreed. Almost anything by Sade.


Lady in Red, by Chris DeBurg

Wonderland, John Mayer

Jesus to a Child, by George Michael

Love in Elevator, by Aerosmith
islandman said:
Agreed. Almost anything by Sade.


Lady in Red, by Chris DeBurg

Wonderland, John Mayer

Jesus to a Child, by George Michael

Love in Elevator, by Aerosmith

Sade turns me inside out :)
This might sound a bit corny.. But oh well..

My suggestion:

Faith Hill & Tim McGraw - Let's Make Love