Sexually Frusterated and bored out of my mind


Living in your heart
Feb 28, 2001
Sorry just thought I could come and vent here. I really thinkI'm losing my mind......Wait a min, can't lost somthing you've already lost...hehehe
I so know that feeling. You are not alone. (Not that that is much comfort...but hey,what can you expect on a Thursday?)

It's just my bf is not interested latetly and I have to be the one suffering and annoyed......4 weeks is a long time.

(and besides....I've already broken my fav vib:( )

A run to the toy store is a necessity I think. Then maybe a movie rental or two!

If he won't help yourself!
Actually been there done that, kinda bored with it and want the real thing..I'm almost ready to ask one of my guy friends to help me out.......but wouldn't you know,they are all gay. Beside I wouln't do that to him. I really have been a wonderful 3 years.