sexual role play / kingdoms of fun


Literotica Guru
Dec 1, 2002
I am looking for a sl with a princess of course played by me. and a prince that have more then just fun in the family. The kingdom of course would be hush hush and even she would be promised to the kings best freind son from the next kindgom. It could be a lot of fun. Tthe princess would have the dutie to keep up the family name in more ways then one, and have a very loving brother as well.

I need as a cast
Princess Alisa: FILLED
that will be me.

A King Anderew: FILLED
princess Alisa's father and Prince Kurtus father as well.

Princess Kurtus: FILLED
Princes Ethan: FILLED
the intended to the princess

King Barthon : Open
Princess Ethans father.

( If any wish to fill as a guard or a servent or something pm me and we can see what can be done)
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sexualroleplay/ kingdom fun

Alisa stood on the balcony to her bed chamber she looked over the kingdom to the east a grand city with large waterways and a prosperous kingdom that would soon be hers to rule at the side of the young prince Ethan, Some called him Lord Ethan yet all the same the sone to the king a prince.

She has seen him only once when they where young children. Now he was 21 maybe and she 18 now and this very night was a bout to meet her father in law to be, and the man who would be her husband Princes Ethan. She took a deep sigh as she heard the door open and figured it was her father that had come to tell her the king had arrived or maybe a servant was at the door.

She didn't turn around when she felt a set of strong arms embrace her from behind. She though they where to be her father to tell her it was time then she felt them slide up over her breast and grabed to her stroking and tugging at already hardening nipples...

She was about to scream when a hand closed over her mouth and a voice came to her ear ." Sister dear hush.. it is tradition that on the night before you wedding a family member is to take your virginity and i get the honors..." it was Kurt he was caressing her in one hand and holding her mouth closed with the other. she wanted to scream yet it felt so good she had always loved her brother very much and secretly had a crush on him so this embrace was a welcome one yet she knew it would be no good if other found out about it.

She felt his hand dip in under the material of the gown pulling out both breast as she feel him tweak each nipple she...
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this looks interesting, can i be Princes Ethan: the intended to the princess
sexualroleplay/kimgdom fun

She... Closed her eyes and felt his fingers awaking her senses, her body trembled and tingled with a sort of electricity she had never known before. This was not right this was not the way it was supposed to be. Or was it? She had heard her best friend the lady Alton, say her brother and her shared a very special relationship and it was fun, is this what she meant?

Kurt turned her around and gazed to her exposed breast his fingers still pulling at the nipple as his mouth devoured hers. He couldn't believe this creature was his own younger sister and she now stood before him and he could awake her to a life that he had only dreamt a bout to be with his sister in secret. Her arm's stopped fighting and became more tender, as she pressed her hands against his massive chest in slight protest ... He looked at her in silence and...

He puts his black and gold trimmed armor on and combs his hair and straps hsi sword to his waist. He looks to his advisor and he nods in approval. Today Princess Alisa will be mine he though. He had a deterimend look on his face.

"Nothing will stop me from kissing her sweet lips on this beautiful day. Let us be off/"

*He walks off and goes to the carriage and they ride off, to the castle where Ethan will meet his love. Ethan is nervous, he has been with a lot of women, but never for love. He looks to the sky, seeing the clouds and the blue sky. He loved the freedom the sky had.*


She felt his lips seeking hers as his hand roaming her body. She felt a sensation, she knew was not right yet it heated her whole body. She closed her eyes feeling this heated kiss lingering even more to her as she heard a low deep moan escape out into the air, as she realized it was her own voice.

"No! We have to stop this it can't go on like this your my brother, Kurt ... Ethan will be here any moment, papa told me he would be here today."

Kurt knew full well Ethan would be ariving and this was his only chance to do what he had wanted to with his sister. His father told him this was the last chance to follow through on the plan. And he damn well planed on finishing what he started .Father was right this might be the last chance unless Ethan agreed to it. But then again they did'nt want many to know of there traditions.

Just then she heard a coach turning up the cobbled stone path and in through the gates as she panicked. She had not seen Ethan since she was a young girl, a very young girl and now he was there to wed her as promised by her parents. Yet her brother stood groping her like a wild man and she was trembling, but was it from excitement of her prince coming to her after all this time .Or excitement because of her own brother had started a flame in her that she was not expecting. And now her groom was pulling into the court yard.

She turned to look to the balcony she felt the buttons ripped from her gown and the gown itself being pulled from her body. She turned as Kurt lifted her to the bed and started to ravage her body. Now screaming as he tried to remove her under garments the only thing left she had on now. Hitting and fighting him with all she had left in her. She squirmed and tried to stop him but it only seemed to excite him even more. The sounds carried through the hall way and out the open balcony door as she pleaded with him to stop! her screams heard openly now as Guards started to made a path to the Princess chambers. As the captian of the guard shouted orders

"To Princess Alisas chambers now! "

He approached the castle in his carriage and told the driver to go faster. He had not seen his wife to be in years, he had always dreamed and fantasized about her in his chambers and played with himself. But soon after he was always interuptted by a wench that always got himoff. As they approched the crowd of people, he noticed the guards running up towards a bedroom and Ethan was a trained leader of a army. He was a savage beast when it came to war. People called him a blood thristy demon. Many fear this man cause of hsi battle prowness. He jumped out and ran after the guards and offering to help as they did not tell him the situation, more they accepted his help. Ethan drew his legendary sword with many notch markes, for every leader he has killed with it. It had a long black handle etched with gold and shaped as a dragon head and at the bottom of the hilt was its mouth holding a red ruby, along the cross piece was more gold and silver. His blade had all teh notchs on it and had oriental runes all over it. His sword was legendary and priceless. They say Ethan killed the barbarian leader with one swing and the sword sucked his soul away. But that was just storys. Only Ethan knew what happened. He soon found out waht was going on adn that made him run faster as he got infront of all the guards and heard the screaming of hsi beloved and he burst through the door and held his sword with all the rage and fire he held in hsi body. He had a very murdous look in his eyes. The demon was here and in the room was hsi wife to be and the enemy.


He walked over and grabbed the man, not caring who he was and threw him against the wall and held the tip of hsi sword to his throught.

"I should kill you for what you have done, and most likely i will, once my love leaves the room, i do not want her seeing the masacure of your life. You have 3 heartbeats to explain what is going on here and if i see fit taht you are a bastard, than you are dead adn im sending you to hell where you belong.... got that"

He pushed hsi sword gently into hsi throught drawing blood from the tip. The man Ethan did not know was afraid for hsi life. All Ethan did was grin very evily at teh man

She let out a blood curdling scream seeing a mad man rush in and pull her brother from her like that. Then throw him against the wall, with now a blade to his throat. Quickly the coverlet was pulled and brought to her neck to cover herself as she stared to the man and her brother at the wall hearing the words Ethan shouted to Kurt. Guards standing to her side in protection as she struggled to get to Kurt, yet the guards had her blocked, as well as held her back by force.

"NO! Stop it... You can't kill him ... please I beg you sir. Please stop . That is Prince Kurt Altor... He is many things and right now I am ashamed to say it but... He is my brother. Spar his life I beg you sir... please..."

Some of the guards knew what went on behind some of the chambers walls others looked on shocked to what they had seen and heard. Kurt stared to the man with the blade at his throat. he had heard him call her his wife to be, His love, so he knew he was now held to the wall by Prince Ethan himself and caught in the act. Yet Alisa was in such a state that she had not even realized it or recognized the man yet.

"I beg you sir, for his worthless life. We will let the king deal with him. "

The coverlet pulled up to her neck and held tightly as she glared to Kurt's eyes, yet her whole body trembled as she felt the eyes of so many that now knew , what Kurt was trying to do to his own sister. She looked to the floor ashamed...

" Away from me ... Take him away"

Tears flooded her eyes as she threw herself to the bed her face buried into the covers . She felt ashamed and disgraced. Some of the guards left as a few remained looking to Alisa then the man holding the prince Kurt still against the wall. Some looked on with disgust to Princes Kurt others only smirked knowing what was just foiled. all eyes b ut Alisa's now looked to Ethan who still held to the prince against the wall.
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As he head the crys from his wife to be to not kill him cause taht is her brother. That remark just made him want to kill him more. All the nerve, he had heard that he was supposed to get married soon as well.

"You sick fuck, i should chop your manhood off and feed it to a wolf, no, i think i shall just throw you in the pits of hell where you belong. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!! I AM LORD ETHAN, MANY FEAR THAT NAME, MANY CALL ME ETHAN THE MERCILESS, OR ETHAN THE DEMON, I LOVE TO KILL. Adn you have tried to put your hands on my wife to be, my beloved. Oh fuck you. Gurads get him out of my sight and make him sorry he was ever born. his father will deal with him."

The gurads took him away dragging him and punching and stomping on him, making sure to listen to Ethan. He turned to his beloved and walk to get her a change of clothes. She did not even reqonize him, he slicked his long black hair back out of hsi face and you could see he had mystic green eyes. He walked up to her and handed her some clothes.

"whats the matter you dont reqonize me, its me Ethan. I have waited for this for a long time love, i have missed you so dearly"

He has the same sweet innocent boyish look on his face as he did when he was a boy, but it was so different so see him with his battle face on,

"what happened here. why was your brother all over you? That is why i want you to be with me, so i can protect you forever, i promise nothign will happen to you with me around, oh i forgot i got you something"

He went outside to where he dropped the flowers and he ran back inside and presented them to you, you see they are white and red roses with a purple one in the middle and he smiled and offered them to you

"its good to see you again"

She watched in horror as this man held a blade of steel to her own brothers throat. Then she heard it the name, his name. Lord Ethan... Ethan the merciless, could it be one in the same? She had heard tales of a heartless monster called Ethan the Merciless. Yet she never dreamed it was the Ethan she knew and waited for.

She blinked as she stared in disbelief at the man that shouted and cursed Kurt . He said not a word he shook in fear as he stared to the ground. Never , had she seen her own brother act this way . Such a cowered ,so dishonorable yet he was trying to assault his own sister .In a state of utter shock and disbelief, she watch Kurt be drug out as Ethan than moved over to her. She looked up at him still clutching the coverlet tightly to her chin her knuckles turned white she had such a grasp to it.

He held out her clothes to her as he spoke ,his own words to her. She stared into his eyes as she then saw those green eyes staring back to her from under the hood of that long dark hair. It had been some time since she had seen him and both had grown and matured to adults now. The boy she knew was now this man standing in front of her. Yet he still had the same boyish good looks that she did remember and she had dreamt about. She swallowed hard as she realized this was her Ethan that had come to rescue her and now he saw her shame at the act her own brother had tried to do to her.

She blinked as he asked her why Kurt was doing this to her , then ran out saying he forgot something. It was then that she took the clothes and slipped the gown over top her head trying to fix herself for this man. Tho her heart still thumping in her chest as she heard him walk back into the room. His hand held some flowered her favorite red and white roses with the hint of Purple.

"Ethan... Lord Ethan the Prince I am to wed... Is really you? My God you saw what he was trying to do to me. I am sorry how can you forgive this. I don't know why he did that to me... He came from behind me he ... he ." She looked away and spoke in a whisper.

" He said it was a family tradition to ready me for my marriage bed and he was doing the honors"

Her face flushed with embarrassment as she looked away not able to face the man that was to be her own husband And she also could not for get he said he was known as Ethan the merciless...

He had a look of anger and rage on his face as he heard you say it was family tradition. His eyes went from boyish freedom to a scary demon mercilus look.

"No, it is not family tradition, it is a sick twisted thing your brother did to you and I should have killed him. I dotn care if he is prince here or if he is your brother, all he is to me is my enemy now."

He shook his head and started to smile again. Those once red blairing eyes turned back to his normal mystic green eyes. He gave you a smile that hopefully relax you

"Im sorry my love, i just get so mad when stupid people to things like that to sweet innocent people liek you. You are to beautiful to let a man like that to ever lay eyes on you. I am barly worthy enough to look upon your grace."

His looks were ever so boyish, as he is trying to charm you, he locks his eyes on yorus as he keeps that smile of his on hsi face

"I'm sorry Ethan. Truly I am sorry , for what has happen. I have never heard of any tradition like that before ever in this family or any other. He's never touched me before or has any one."

Her eyes lifted to his seeing that look change from day to night in the blink of an eye. Yet his charms had always caught her heart as she broke out one of her warm smiles back to him.

"You said you would take me away from all this... Protect me once we are wed?"

Her hand reached to his as she looked deeply into his eyes. She felt fingers linking between his, her hand still shaking as she looked to him seeing not the monster that she had hear about, that Ethan the Merciless...But Lord Ethan the man himself the very every one she dreamt of in her night dreams. Her heart almost jumped in her chest knowing he was there now , and said he would protect her.

"You look so different Ethan... If not for those wounderful green eyes . I think I would not have know you truely. I guess I have changed as well. I am no longer a little girl that you last saw, and you now you stand before me as a man I am to wed. If you will still wish it so after this day and the events that took place? "

Her eyes held a sort of fire from the excitement of this day a mixed emotion of lust as well as excitement of what was to come. Her brother had done one thing this day , he had opened her up to the sensation of being touched by a man as she looked now to the man that would be her husband.
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"You dont have to be sorry for anything. Now your brother, he is a different story, he will be very sorry he ever decided to lay his hands on you. I will always be there for you. And yes I know, I have changed. But you, you are ever as beautiful as I can remember."

As you hold hsi hand you can feel the emotions he has for you. He smiles at you and he hears a noise come from the hallway as his soft visage of love goes to that bloodlust of rage, he gently lets your hand go and he leaps over the bed and draws his mythical sword and stands ready. You can feel the anger in him, the demon is rising out of him, you see a aura around him that spells rage. It might just be your imagination but you thought you saw his eyes blairing red, but it might just be you. You see a older man stumble into the room and Ethan almost takes hsi head off, but he quickly realizes who it is, and than another man dressed in armor walks in beside him. And Ethan just turns to you adn smiles.

"Im sorry Yaleson, I am on edge today. Yaleson, Ranson, this is my beautiful wife to be, Alisa. Isnt she a Angel. Now what is it that brings you hear Mage? Im sorry love, this will only take a second."

They walk to the back of the room, so they dont disturbed you, Ethan keeping a eye on teh door. And a hand on his sword hilt. Ethan laughs and takes two things from the mage adn than takes a thrid and a fourth. He takes his guanlet off and places something under it and reapplies hsi gauntlet and puts a ring on and puts the other two in hsi cloak. He dismisses his two liutentents and tehy walk out and Ethan walks back over to you. With that same boyish smile on hsi face.

"Sorry love. Those were two of my closest friends and two liutenents of my army. They just needed to give me something. Im sorry if I alarmed you. So how has everythign been going?"

He takes hsi hand and puts it close to yours and like a shy little boy he pulls it back. This is the love of hsi life and he had no idea of what to do. He still saw the lust in her eyes and really saw the excitment in her eyes, but it was more the lust that had him gulp. He gazed into her eyes. Her eyes were so mystic, they always calmed Ethan down, he dream about her eyes. Her eyes always casted a spell on Ethan, a spell that he could not shake. He seemed to melt before you. Still he stared into your eyes and smiled, smiled like he was the happiest and luckiest man in the universe.

She felt his gaze follow her those beautiful green orbs of his linked here's. She was stunned at the change in him from ferrous to calm at the drop of a hat, yet she was use to her own fathers quick temper and had learn to walk away when it happened or more likely step back and get out of the way.

Those Deep lavender hues of her own lingers to his as she brushed away the fallen locked of dark drown curls that framed her face to gaze back k at her intended. She had been called many things in her life time a beauty a vision but never an Angel. She was 18 just last week all, One hundred and fifteen pounds of her with long dark brown curls cascading down her back and shoulder and the deepest lavender eyes just like her own mother, the queen. A happy girl full of energy and at time willful yet a princess in every right. and now soon to be the wife of prince Ethan.

"It's all right Ethan, all has been well. I'm glad your friends came to see you get married. I do hope they approve? Yet did I hear you say the one was a mage. Truly a mage? And to answer your question. I have been well, excited over the events to come. I have never been to your castle before ." She shrugged softly looking down a bit shyly. " I have been in your kingdom only once but I was very young then."

Her eyes lingered to him again still till they lowered over the rest of his form taking it all in. The strength the muscle she saw there made her smile shyly. Yes he could take care of her as he said , and in more ways then one did her heart yearn to find out just how well. Again the lust formed in her loins from just her own thoughts and emotions. Her body still trembled as she again reached to his hand.

"Ethan I'm still shaken ...I know this might sound strange but could you please hold me? I need to be calm before I meet with our fathers and before the ceremony ."

She slide to the edge of the bed closer to him. Her body did tremble. If he would, take her in his arms he would feel it for him self? she knew he would feel her calm down and stop trembeling, feeling his powerful and protective grasp, maybe even tender and loving she hoped . She knew the wedding was scheduled for this night, and she was not even to see her till that point, yet she didn't care any more. He saved her from a fate she might not be able to come back from. But now she wanted to know what it felt like to be held in his arms. Her eyes twinkeled in the firelight of the hearth in her chambers, as she looked to him waiting for his reply to her request.

"She has simply been acting strange the past few days."
Andrew sat before this peasent, dressed in royal servant clothing, kneeling before his king, his god, pouring out the strange behavior of his only daughter. He had wafted his hand, as if this were unimportant, but the peasent urged his plight onward.
"Please sir, I do not think she is ready."
"Nonsense," his voice boomed, already tired of this man, "She is nervous, as should any bribe be before the wedding night. Go back to your duties and bother me no more, before I decide your head is unworthy of the neck it is attached to."
The man, kneeling, clasps his hands together. For a moment, he looks as if he will try to push harder, make his argument even more serious, but then the words cut too deep for him to challenge, and he stands to make haste for the door.
The king bids him a farewell.
"Peasents these days, you would think they could show some manners. I am their king after all, it isn't as if this were some sort of game."
He spoke to no one in the great hall, and yet his conversation did not go unabated. Truly, being the king of such a nation, he enjoyed the conversations he had with himself. They were the only ones worth something in this country.
"My lord," someone rushed through the room, disturbing his peace. He stood, ready to inflict pain upon him for calling unannounced, but as he bowed, the urgency inside him showed through, and Andrew bid him to speak.
"My lord, the caravan is on its way, it should be here within the hour."
"Excellent, prepare the great feast. In the main hall, we should have things set up for this joyous occasion, have the orderlies and such be on their best behavior. I will have no insolence inside my castle, not today, understand?"
Ho bowed, and left. Andrew sat down again, lost in his own thoughts. Such wonderful thoughts.

Her smile bright and full of hope and promise as she looked to Ethan, still wishing to be in his arm. Was it seeking his comfort that she wanted or the feeling of being held in a mans arms. But not just any man her husband to be. She did admit to herself, that after this incident with Kurt she wanted to know if all men would give her those strange feelings? She had never felt like that before. Not even with Thane the stable boy that night. Yes he tried to get her to come with him into that empty sable, yet all she did let him do was kiss her. That kiss felt good she admitted that ... But that was all she was about to do. Thane was all hands to like Kurt just a few moments past, but it didn't affect her like that. Then again she was younger. Yet still she wanted to remain a virgin for her husband for her wedding night, and still was to this day as she stared up at Ethan waiting... No hoping he would hold her. She had always dreamed about the first time he would hold and kiss her. Would it be now?

Back at the kings chambers another guards came to him saying the Captain of the royal guard had some news that he demanded to speak to the king about... Yet the captain would not wait the news was to urgent and pressing and could change things that might happen this day if not brought to the kings attention right away that he burst in and looked to the king.

Capt.> " Your Majesty I am truly sorry for this intrusion but I have grave news to report. Prince Kurt is under guard in this very palace. Seems Lord Ethan arrived ahead of the caravan and a commotion was going on in your daughters room ... The tradition your highness...

He knew the king would know what that was fully as he swallowed hard knowing the King as well would most definitely not be pleased with the turn of events as it had taken this day.

"Your Tradition Sire...It may be in jeopardy. Your son was seen by lord Ethan as he was trying to do as you commanded. The princess was rather upset at the whole event. Lord Ethan was furious as well. If not for The princess, Prince Kurt may not be alive. She begged for his life. Lord Ethan granted it sparingly. After hearing her tell him he was her brother then he demand he be taken to the dungeon... Lord Ethan is in your daughters chambers as we speak. I assigned two of my best men to her side they are not alone. Your son is still in the dungeons. What will you have me do Your Majesty ? "

The captain stood at attention awaiting the explosion as well as his next orders.
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This indeed peaked his interest. He stood up, his cape floundering around him as he did so. Ethan, the brave lad had snuck through his security, past all of his guards to meet in secret with his beloved daughter, and could be doing who know's what in her maiden chamber.
He mercilessly hurts his own son, the flesh and blood soon to inherit this kingdom, and then sends him to the dungeon.
"I thought I was the king, has Ethan overthrown me already?"
He looked outside, trying to figure this all out. Obviously the reputation of Eric the merciless had been true. Andrew thought he could trust him, at least with his daughter, but it seems as if the man has no trust in him.
"Fine, send the best guards. I don't want my daughter harmed, and send this boy to the dungeon. If he wants to disrespect my family in my kingdom, he will see how things are dealt with around here. Release my son, prepare him for the feast. It seems as if there is much more to discuss with King Barthon than a simply dowry now. Let us just hope war does not break out."
He threw something across the room, watching as it shattered. In this mood, he was prepared to kill anything to protect his own family.
The nerve, the absolute nerve of this man.
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Prince kurt

OOC: if you still want a prince Kurtus I would love to play the part of the brother to Princess Alisa and carry on the family tradition *wink*

Prince Kurtus

Prince Kurtus rubbed his wrists bringing back the circulation to his long slender fingers. He threw back his head his long black hair flowed around his shoulders as he glared, his black eyes flashing at the guards that had thrown him in that cold. damp dungeon. He wanted to reach out and strangle each one of them and knew he was capable of and had the right to do just that, but held his temper knowing that it would only disrupt the plans that him and his father had for the coming evening. Soon the feast would begin and he would be gathered with his friends and his lovely sister as they began the celebration. Wine would flow a bounteous feast would be before them and they would watch the dancers his father had asked to be brought to the festivities. Kurt always enjoyed the dancers as they moved sensuously in time with the music, their oiled bodies beckoning to the guests. Six of the most beautiful girls in the kingdom, Their colorful gossamer gowns flowing around their voluptuous breasts, their succulent hips and sinews thighs moving provocatively beneath.

Thinking about the dancing he found himself becoming aroused even though his body was still cold from the time he spent in the dungeon. He thought of his virgin sister and of his obligation to his father. It was unfortunate that Prince Ethan had interrupted them earlier but Kurt was sure that his father would take care of things. He always had before. Now as he strode anxiously toward the main hall he felt confident and proud. Proud to be the son of the king and proud to be the brother of the bride. this night would be a momentous occasion for him and his family and he would do his best to see that it went as planned.

He stood there seeing her lovely Angel features ask to be held; even through she did not ask him through words. It was all through the heart and soul, he could tell. He stepped up to her and took her into his arms with love and tenderness. He loved the way she felt in his arms, so warm and soft to the touch. She ignited a fire in his body, which is how he knew he loved her. He rubbed her back slowly as he held her, he could feel the shivers move up her body. This was the day he was to be married, and there could be no better day in his life. Finally, he has found the love of his life and he would be with her for the rest of his life, he would let nothing get in his way of love and happiness. He felt so happy. He had soon forgot the events as he was overtaken by her angel presence. She completed Ethan.

“Alisia, I love you, and I always have. Today is going to be a great day for us. I have something for you. I hope you will accept it with love and soul.”

He holds out a shinning ring of gold and it has black opals in the band. Has a large red ruby in it. The ring seems to light the whole room up as you look upon it. In the band of the ring has a dragon around it, making it even more mystic. He looks into your beautiful sparkling lavender eyes and tells you something

“Alisia, with this ring I give to you my heart and my soul to do whatever with as you choose. Also I give to you this dagger. A family heirloom passed down and I give it to you. I love you Alisia, with all my heart.”

He gently lowered his head taking in her sweet scent as he moved his lips to hers. He kissed her ever so gently, hoping that she would return the kiss. He rubbed his hands slowly again over your back as he kisses you with love. He soon breaks the kiss and just holds you, feeling that was not the right thing to do. As you look at him, you see he is blushing and looking away from you. Him being the shy little boy around beautiful angels such as you, he lowers his head.

“I am sorry, I should not have done that. Not with out your permission at least. Can you ever forgive me? And for your question about Yaleson being a true mage.... Yes he is. You see magic is very rare in these lands and I am glad to have him as a friend."

You can tell he changed the subject, so he can quickly retreat from the fact that he just kissed you.
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She felt his arms encircle her as she held her breath. Feeling the tender caress of his hand moving along her spine. Her arms wrapped around him holding him closer as her own heart quickened just in his arms. So this is what it feel like to be held in his arms. She thought to herself as she closer her eyes and pressed her cheek to his shoulder trembling even more now in his arms but not from fear. She almost asked him not to let go as she felt him pull back then he spoke.

Her ears took in the sound of his voice, her eyes followed his lips on every sound of his words that fell from those lips. She smiled as he handed her the ring and the dagger, then explained to her about then. So shocked at his words of love, she was almost speechless as her hand ran over the ring and gaze into it seeing a strange sort of light.

His kiss took her by surprise as she could feel him moving to her as his lips lowered to lay claim to her own> Then she did returned the kiss. Her own heart racing in her chest as she felt his arms surround her again. Her own body responded to it as she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes lingering there with it as she then felt him pull away. Then heard his words she to had a blush rising over her own cheeks The guards stared to move into her taking her arm not harming her just reminding her of their presents.

"There are to may I'm sorrys in this room this night. And since when will you need to ask permission to kiss the one that is to be your wife?"

The guard answered "When he is your husband! Until then we are under orders by the captain of the guard to make sure it dose not happen again princess Alisa."

She smiled to him as the two guards at the door folded their arms and stared to them both. She heard the man speak his orders and knew they where right. Then she reached to his hand bringing it to her chest above her heart. She knew he could feel it pounding against his hand.

"See what you have done to me Ethan... And just thing tonight we will be free to share so much more our joys our love ... our kingdoms ... tonight my love tonight we will be one as it should be. here Place the ring on my finger. So I may wear it this night. Please Ethan will you do this for me?"

Trying to relax the guards as well as gather her self. She looked back to him and then to the ring as she handed it to him.

"So tell me how do you know this mage... They fascinate me?"

Prince Kurtus

As he stepped into the main hall Prince Kurtus discovered that the festivities had already started. The Three virgin maidens were beginning their dance. He took his place on a soft velvet cushion beside his father and taking a silver goblet of wine that the servant offered him made a toast. "

To your beautiful and charming daughter and to my loving sister I toast on the eve of her marriage and the beginning of her new life with prince Ethan. He took a drink and then raised his goblet again in a toast more in private to his father. And to us dear father may we have the opportunity tonight to guide her on her way to happiness and fulfillment so that she is prepared to share the passion that we teach her with her husband to be.

He winked at his father and returned his attention to the dancers as they approached him. Each one was unique in the manner in which they were dressed and the way they danced. The first a buxom lass with dark flowing hair and a full voluptuous mouth smiled at him seductively. her dark eyes flashing an invitation to experience the eroticism of her dance. Her ample breasts crowded the fabric of her translucent gown threatening to spill out at any moment. She leaned over Kurts head and took his right hand and placed it between the soft globes.

“Later my prince.” she whispered as she knew the custom of prince choosing the dancer of his choice to spend the night with after the celebration and the presenting of the bride to her husband.

The second was a petite blonde with small pert breasts that seemed to point their hardened nipples skyward. She also leaned toward the prince, but instead of pressing his hand against her breasts placed it between her muscled thighs and held it momentarily prisoner against the folds of her wet hot quim in a promise of what was to await the prince if he should choose her.

The third, a fiery redhead her body supple and vibrant lowered herself to the ground and maintaining a delicate balance kissed the tip of Kurtus now hardened cock licking the clear liquid moistness that had formed at the tip. Her promise for later was obvious as she rose and turned. She lowered her body again until the rosebud of her arse just touched his throbbing cock. Quickly she rose and joined the other two as they began once again to dance.

Suddenly the music stopped and everyone gazed in awe as the princess Alisa entered the chamber
Kurt gazed in awe at her beauty and felt his love for her begin to fill his heart forgeting in that moment the dancing girls, thinking only of her being close to him for this last night. There was so much for him to teach her and he thought about he had been prepared by his father for this event as he had arranged the most experienced harlots in the kingdom to teach him how to please a woman He chided himself for being so impetuous earlier in the day and vowed he would be more gentle with his sister as the evening went on. He watched her glide across the floor to take her place on the cushion beside him.

There seemed to be no time for small talk or lingering gazed. The guards told Lord Ethan the caravan had arrived and he should get ready for the festivities for tonight , and the princes would need help getting dressed. She smiled holding the ring as the guard about pulled Ethan out of the room.

"I will see you soon Ethan" She smiled as the door was shut blocking her view. been the guards where posted to the outside of her door as a lady in waiting came and helped her with her own gown for this special night. Of course it was white trimmed in pearls and lace the low-cut with a push up bodice was laced so tightly she felt she could hardly breath . Yet it enhanced her breast to their fullness with cleavage aplenty and 'twas the style. Her hair she wore with strings of pearls that hung from the back and at her shoulders . Smiling in the mirrow ready to go , all excited for this day and the events that where starting to fall into place . First a great feast, then a small time to ready for the wedding and the reception to follow. She was all excited.

Both doors to the grand hall opened at the same time , as she stepped into the room the announcement was made through trumpets blaring as all eyes turned to her.

"Announcing The Princess Alisa Altor"

The crowed cheered as she smiled with a slow nod looking about to see those gathered. Her own eyes already searching out one but not seeing Ethan. She held tight to the ring in her pocket hoping for him to still place it on her finger. She hoped he had not missed her entrance. looking about trying to see others not even her father could she see from this point . Maybe he had not arrived or maybe he was with a group of men discussing business. She would see him, she knew but when? The only one she saw she stopped cold in her tracks. Seeing him seated at the table ogling the dancers then looking her way. It was her brother Kurt...

The captain of the Guard walked to her seeing her sudden pause as he offered her his arm to escort her to the family table and helped to Lower her down to the cushion beside Kurt.

CAPT.> " Not a word about this afternoon Princess, You would not wish to see your father angry this day . I am sure it is to be kept secrete."

He bowed to her and backed off as she looked to Kurt, seeing look in his eyes. She held her head tall and smiled to all the guests not wanting to look to her brother Kurt at all now, almost afraid to. However she did add.

"Father will not be happy about this... And neither is Ethan. Kurt how could you do this to me? I want an explanation after my wedding."

All was said with a smile and in a very hushed tone.