Sexual predators at Lit


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
I've decided that JazzManJim is Muffie's sexual predator flavor of the week. And he needs to stalk me. Right now, this very minute.
Is that how its done? Well, shit! No wonder! I've been sitting here waiting for mine. I shoulda know I was supposed to ask for one!
You know, it kills the stalk when the stalkee comes right up the tree stand where you're hiding and invites you in for coffee.

Muff, consider me your personal perv for the week. Just give me the job specs and I'll see what I can do. :)
estevie said:
Is that how its done? Well, shit! No wonder! I've been sitting here waiting for mine. I shoulda know I was supposed to ask for one!
estevie said:
Is that how its done? Well, shit! No wonder! I've been sitting here waiting for mine. I shoulda know I was supposed to ask for one!

You've had one for a while now. ;)
Is this spontaneously becoming a group grope thing? I need a wide angle lens, if so, and the lighting in here sucks for live-action group photos. Could y'all just kinda hang for a few while i change cameras and haul in a few lights? No touching...

I was going to volunteer, but JMJ is a much better man for the job!

HeavyStick said:
So you don't someone after you?

I didn't exactly say that!


I was going to offer to help cym with the lights for the live video, though.
Do someone say Predator?

Arnold: "If it bleeds we can kill it".

Billy: "There's something out there......and it ain't no man....we're all gonna die".