Sex with one person?


Mar 10, 2002
I haven't seen this topic before.

So, who's only had one sexual lover in their lives? Meaning, you lost your viriginity to him/her, and that's still the only person you've had sex with to this day.

I'm one of them. Lost my virginity at 18, now 22, and still have only had, and still having, sex with just that one person.

Anyone else?
Damn, I meant this question in a good way, but people seem to be taking it as me being pathetic, and not being able to get laid...hahahaha :) It's cool. I've dated many girls before my current girlfriend, just never wanted to lose it to someone I felt I would regret losing it to later.
I wish that the person I was with before my wife never happened, and I've only been with those two.

Can that count?
I've had 5 lovers in my life, counting current husband who is by far the best of the 5. Despite my previous experiences, he gave me my first orgasm (the previous 4 didn;t care about MY pleasure). But I was HIS first and still his only that went all the way. He had done some heavy petting and oral (cunnilingus, got felatiated, and 69) but I was his first and still his only fuck. He's the first who REALLY loved me, much more than my first husband, so that more than made up for his lack of experience. Besides, he has been an enthiusastic "student". I like that he has never been with anyone else before me or since meeting me, it makes me feel very special to be the ONLY one to have experienced this gentle, caring, loving, giving man.
Not me, I couldn't imagine being with only one person my whole life. I'd keep wondering if it was different or better with someone else. For me at least, having many experiences before settling down with one person is the way to go.

Do you think you might regret it in later life in you marry without trying others? It can be a lot more damaging for people if the exploration takes place after the marriage.
I've been with 5 male and 3 female lovers (actual sex) and a number (not a large number) of other people for other acts of pleasure... I'm glad I didn't marry the man I lost my virginity to. I was engaged to him, eventually, but then realized what a dickhead he was. I thank my lucky stars that I smartened up enough to break up with him.
Wow, this is a really good thread idea. I'm even going to give it my first ever thumbs up!
infamousfobb said:
I haven't seen this topic before.

So, who's only had one sexual lover in their lives? Meaning, you lost your viriginity to him/her, and that's still the only person you've had sex with to this day.

I'm one of them. Lost my virginity at 18, now 22, and still have only had, and still having, sex with just that one person.

Anyone else?
*raises hand*

pretty lil stranger,

Thinking what way? I think you have it wrong...I just asked if anyone's only had one sexual partner in their life, as of RIGHT NOW...tomorrow, someone with only one sexual partner might all of a sudden have two, or three if they're slick :D

Yea, at my age, marriage is definitely not something I'm ready for. Not for at least another 3-5 years.
infamousfobb said:
I haven't seen this topic before.

So, who's only had one sexual lover in their lives? Meaning, you lost your viriginity to him/her, and that's still the only person you've had sex with to this day.

I'm one of them. Lost my virginity at 18, now 22, and still have only had, and still having, sex with just that one person.

Anyone else?

We lost our virginity to each other. We only been with each other . We arent married but we might as well be. lol We've been together for over 5 years.
I am just popping in to commend the thread topic and starter.

I really have to respect anyone who can say they have had one sexual partner, whether it is at 22 or 42 years of age.

*sigh* If only one could turn back the clock.

But then, one would have to make all the right choices at the right time and well, I didn't do that.
MissTaken, I'm curious as to why you think having just one partner is necessarily a good thing? I think it is a matter of personal style and preferences--to each his own.

Trying to interpret your post, I sense you feel now you may have had way too many? Or maybe a few guys who you strongly regret?

I'm in my 50's and my experience is that many (most?) people who marry their first lover w/o experiencing others often regret that choice later in life. Not so much that they regret the spouse, but the lack of experience with others.
I have been with one guy and he took my cherry. I am still with this guy. sometimes I feel I want to try someone else's cock.

If you feel this way--you're too young to settle down with one guy--you will only regret what you missed much more as you get older.

Maybe you should break up with your B/F or at least tell him you feel you both should date around. If it's the real thing with this guy, he will still be there for you when you've scratched that itch".

Just my thoughts.
I lost my virginity to my husband nearly 5 years ago, i have slept with no one else and i do not feel i have missed out on anything...
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