'Sex-with-a-stranger' centres


Really Experienced
Dec 19, 2008
Let your mind run free and help me out with this fantasy/idea.

I'm planning a chain of walk-in centres where consenting adults of both sexes can go to obtain gratification on demand.

This is not prostitution - there is no money involved other than what the centre charges for administration (and profit) and the 'staff' are there simply to run the place, not to be actively involved.

Tell me some of the detail as you imagine it. Have fun.
... I'm planning a chain of walk-in centres where consenting adults of both sexes can go to obtain gratification on demand. ...
I thought these already existed, and were called "Hilton Hotels". Since most of the male participants are on expense accounts, it costs them nothing, except for "what the centre charges for administration (and profit)". It costs any female using one nothing, and she gets free drinks as well.
I thought these already existed, and were called "Hilton Hotels". Since most of the male participants are on expense accounts, it costs them nothing, except for "what the centre charges for administration (and profit)". It costs any female using one nothing, and she gets free drinks as well.

I'll take that as wry commentary.

To me, this has great potential as a fantasy scenario. Is it really the case that nobody here has any genuine contribution to make?
I thought these already existed, and were called "Hilton Hotels". Since most of the male participants are on expense accounts, it costs them nothing, except for "what the centre charges for administration (and profit)". It costs any female using one nothing, and she gets free drinks as well.

I've stayed at Hiltons...this never happened to me. Shouldn't I get a refund?
I'll take that as wry commentary.

To me, this has great potential as a fantasy scenario. Is it really the case that nobody here has any genuine contribution to make?

I agree there is a germ of an idea here that could be a platform for many variations. I think though that snoops has a point beyond mere humour - with 'free sex' readily available (well, not for some of us) - why would these centers be established? That motivation might define the story direction.
People tend to be pretty choosy about who they have sex with, so maybe there should be some sort of matchmaking service specific per location. (That's the problem with most existing matchmaking services anyway, that they aren't specific per location and give you useless matches hundreds of miles away... :rolleyes: )
I think both of the above comments miss the point that I am aiming here, just for once, at a fantasy situation.

Certain elements of disbelief have to be suspended. Likewise, certain real-world obstacles can be dismissed for the purposes of the discussion.

Yes, I would love to think that such places could open in reality but at the moment, let's be honest, the usual moral uproar would torpedo things.

I'm asking for contributions regarding how the mechanics of such a place would operate. Once we've got that sorted, maybe we could put an anonymous proposal to the government of some liberal, progressive country (tongue firmly in cheek) !! Sweden perhaps? Not the USA or the UK, for sure.

To begin with, I suggest the concept of separate M and F entrances, somewhat deliciously - and perversely - akin to the puritanical separation of Boys and Girls in victorian era British schools...
People tend to be pretty choosy about who they have sex with, so maybe there should be some sort of matchmaking service specific per location. (That's the problem with most existing matchmaking services anyway, that they aren't specific per location and give you useless matches hundreds of miles away... :rolleyes: )
I would have to agree, unless you are willing to accept pot-luck...
Actually lol I was thinking that the thing which would make it a great fantasy for me is to have a computer present me with photos of men living in my local area and guaranteed (according to their profile data) to consider me attractive, then I could pick out one or more that I liked from that batch. Having sex with a random person who isn't my type or doesn't find me attractive is a nightmare, not a fantasy. I could see having virtual reality sex or sex with an android which was customized to match an appearance I described though.
Suggestion number 2 etc:

There might be individual changing/disrobing cubicles.

Would you be expected to bring a bath robe?

There might be a walk-by 'gallery' of some kind where women would be inspected by men or vice-versa with regard to choosing. Lots of scope for detailed proposal here.

There might be an 'anonymity option' where only the lower portion (neck down?) of the woman would be available to the man. Similarly, his face would be unseen. Perhaps a bed-with-divider situation similar to that in Cathérine Breillat's film 'Romance'..?

Individuals might likewise elect for other options at 'reception' in order to be matched with others: sexual position preferences? race/body requirements? camera recording? music? drinks?

'Special services': bdsm? gangbang? conception? spouse present/cuckolding?

There's no limit to it! I'd like to make a note of the best offerings, so PLEASE bring your thoughts to the party.
I'd expect that you'd have to register as a member, and for the sake of the group there'd be a fairly stringent screening process; full sexual health check, so on. I like SunandShadow's concept of ensuring that people are matched via profile. In this case the profile information, aside from yours, would also include what you find attractive. In my case, natural, slim-ish brunettes or redheads over blondes or plastic-fantastic for example.

In terms of architecture, I'd have a main entrance, central lobby, four rooms off the central lobby that act as waiting rooms. The lobbies are split via sexuality and gender; two male rooms - one hetero, one homo - and the same arrangement for the females. This helps maintain some of the "stranger" concept, as the point is to be tapping a stranger. On the second floor, various rooms, perhaps themed. You can walk in and take a seat in the waiting room, which would presumably be set up as a sort of bar with various libations and so on. Good area here for some light aphrodisiac cooking.

You'd have the usual membership fees and there'd be standards of conduct, so on. I would assume that you'd have a well stocked sex shop, various lubes, condom options, small toys/large toys and so on. As to various fetishes, that'd be part of the profile. Profile should include some contact information, so that if someone comes in that fits your preferences, the operators of the facility can phone you and let you know. This would help reduce the "empty room" factor. Siting it in a heavily populated, central area would help.

Underground parking would be best for the sake of privacy. It doesn't keep you safe from the private eye or anybody with even the most rudimentary surveillance skills, but it provides that psychological peace of mind that would help increase this sort of place's popularity.
Some great ideas BF.

That's got me running for my pencil sharpener.

Incidentally, yes, I'd thought of a city centre location as being most the likely option.
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Thanks mate. I thought a bit more about this over supper and in terms of construction and location it would be almost ideal to build it in an older neighborhood, a place that's still residential though still downtown. In the European locales considered, that would mean the refurbished brick row housing that is then resold to wealthier suburbanites as part of "urban renewal" programs. It would have to be a fairly modern structure; not in style, but in terms of date of construction, in order to accommodate the unconventional layout of the ground floor, at least. A renovation of a existing hotel structure could do the job, but I don't see many of those scattered around downtown European locations with the urban renewal type houses.
A masquerade theme could be really cool - everyone wears a comfortable half-mask, and might wear minimal costumes but they must not need to be removed to have sex. It would be great if there was a spa area where you could get a massage, shave/wax, general pampering, and like Glamor Shots they would pretty you up and put a costume or body paint/liquid latex on you if you wanted. Then the people in the costumes could mingle in a warm room where there was music, several games to play, munchies, and little sachets or incense burners or something that produced interesting scents, like coffee, orange, pine, etc. Or maybe these would be colognes that the spa employees applied to the people.
Very Roman. I am certain that if the "sex with strangers" concept caught on that sort of a theme would become very popular.
I thought these already existed, and were called "Hilton Hotels". Since most of the male participants are on expense accounts, it costs them nothing, except for "what the centre charges for administration (and profit)". It costs any female using one nothing, and she gets free drinks as well.
I've stayed at Hiltons...this never happened to me. Shouldn't I get a refund?
You have to make the request clear. Start with the barman (barkeep in the US) and if he can't help, try the Head Hall Porter (Bell Captain in the US), especially if the latter has crossed gold keys on the collar of his uniform.
A masquerade theme could be really cool - everyone wears a comfortable half-mask, and might wear minimal costumes but they must not need to be removed to have sex. It would be great if there was a spa area where you could get a massage, shave/wax, general pampering, and like Glamor Shots they would pretty you up and put a costume or body paint/liquid latex on you if you wanted. Then the people in the costumes could mingle in a warm room where there was music, several games to play, munchies, and little sachets or incense burners or something that produced interesting scents, like coffee, orange, pine, etc. Or maybe these would be colognes that the spa employees applied to the people.
Sounds like Venice during Carnevale.
I've taken note of all the suggestions. Please keep 'em coming.

By the way, if anyone was wondering why I've posted this in the story ideas forum, I think it's safe to say that the possibilities are huge. I just need to work out the detail of my preferred version of this so as to use it as the 'backdrop' for a possible tale set in a not-so-distant future...
A masquerade theme could be really cool - everyone wears a comfortable half-mask, and might wear minimal costumes but they must not need to be removed to have sex. It would be great if there was a spa area where you could get a massage, shave/wax, general pampering, and like Glamor Shots they would pretty you up and put a costume or body paint/liquid latex on you if you wanted. Then the people in the costumes could mingle in a warm room where there was music, several games to play, munchies, and little sachets or incense burners or something that produced interesting scents, like coffee, orange, pine, etc. Or maybe these would be colognes that the spa employees applied to the people.

Excellent ideas. Speaking from personal preference, I'm not so sure about the 'games' business or anything else which digresses from the main purpose of the place. To me, there a deliciousness about it maintaining a stark, immediate function as a place for sex with a random stranger, away from the eyes of spouse, family etc.

Oh and by the way, has anyone given any thought to the following ideas?

1. What would happen to the for-money prostitution trade locally as a result of establishing one of these? Could it expect protests/fire bombings from the local pimps?

2. What legal grounds, since this concept is based entirely on the idea of consenting adults, could there be for refusing a business 'licence'? Any US or UK lawyers around? 'Immoral earnings', would it be..?
There's no legal objection that I am aware of under European law, but I don't know much European law. The idea would be to keep it out of the eyes of the media as much as possible. Prostitution won't be affected greatly, this is a service that would most benefit residents and not transients like tourists.
Just found this fantastic thread.

I could easily imagine this sort of place - but hey, why confine it to sex alone? People could surely ask for BDSM 'services' as well, right?

Guys or gals who feel like a light, medium or 'sound' spanking, either as giver or recipient, could have their own section!

And yes, I could well imagine how a lot of the local 'professionals' might have their nose put out of joint.
Personally, as mentioned before, I wouldn't be up for any serious 'dilution' of the basic purpose but maybe spanking might have to be allowed!
I would assume that a larger, purpose-built facility would cater to the side market of the BDSM fetish crowd. Going with what I described earlier, the "preferences" section of the member registration/profile card would include options for "BDSM - Light/Medium/Heavy" and so on.
Story development

Storyfeller, this concept needn't be limited to fiction but could actually be developed!
Potential venues abound: Most cities or large urban areas have single or multi-story malls. These have adequate parking and alternate access (buses/taxis) and by their nature, mutiple stores as a reason for your visit not to be readily questioned.
Within the mall there are most often specialised interest areas: foodcourts/ clothing/electronics et al -- and health/financial services professionals (where traffic is less and your reason for visit is your business -- no-one elses.)In these areas may be located the meeting facility within or behind these business's consumming their surplace floorspace. To ensure access privacy and also that there is not a surplace of partners at any time, entry is gained via a one-off-use barcoded ticket door entry. This ticket is supplied from an adjacent automatic teller / cash point machine : what more innocuous activity -- if observed -- than using an ATM?
How does the ATM work? When you insert your standard innocent bank/credit/health insurance card the ATM (which provides genuine services) reads your membership/ profile/ prefered partner details which is imbedded on the card's magnetic strip with it's own P.I.N. code separate from the card's primary function. Should a compatible partner of your choice be present in the facility for you to meet, the barcode is issued for use of door entry and identification with your partner.

Operating costs and membership applications could be covered as standard Adult Dating cyber sites operate now with this "discreet-meet" facility as a premium adjunct. By such sites credit and personal confidentiality could be arranged as could timing of potential meetings with the like-minded so that visits are not entirely random of meeting compatible companions.

It's just a thought......

An alternate may be like The Glass House of Bangkok as described in "Emmanuelle in Asia 2" (?) by Emannuelle Arson ......
Hmm... I'm not sure I go with the ATM idea but it's certainly a possibility... and for sure I agree that the concept may well be feasible in reality.

Likewise, I want this to be kept to the 'with-a-stranger' concept rather than becoming a place where actual pairs of lovers could meet up. Were you suggesting the latter or have I misread you?

Now, as regards the aforementioned feasibility, here's a problem: the lurking press/private detective/blackmailer etc. How to arrange for discreet entry and exit..? That one's got me stumped for the moment and, for the lack thereof, I feel the whole house of cards could tumble.