Sex Toys for Men.


Beware the Zombie Cats!
Jul 6, 2001
Vibrators are commonly accepted, but nobody seems to talk about sex toys for men.
I've noticed there's a considerable selection, and a large price range. Naturally, they all say they're 'realisitic.' Same with inflatable dolls. Is the fleshlight the way to go? I'm in a quandary!

Anybody have the straight dope?
A friendly word of advice from my Uncle Earl.

When your sex doll farts, it's not because she had too much beer. Get out the duct tape.
KillerMuffin said:
A friendly word of advice from my Uncle Earl.

When your sex doll farts, it's not because she had too much beer. Get out the duct tape.

I was hoping for something a little more specific?
Any men out there happy with their sex toys?
I can give my input from what I've heard. Most men I think are actually quite 'disappointed' with what they have to work with. Us women I think definitely get the better end of the deal when it comes to toys. We get a bunch of different shapes, sizes, and things that do different stuff. For men its pretty much, virtual feel mouth or pussy, which is usually something they hold in their hand. I dunno.. from what I've heard, most men would be just as satisfied, if not more with just their hand, instead of a "pocket pussy".
Malachi said:
Vibrators are commonly accepted, but nobody seems to talk about sex toys for men.
I've noticed there's a considerable selection, and a large price range. Naturally, they all say they're 'realisitic.' Same with inflatable dolls. Is the fleshlight the way to go? I'm in a quandary!

Anybody have the straight dope?

Yeah, we cheap-bastard guys just use the ol' hand and fist.
um, i dunno. i always thought cock rings were kinda cool looking. i don't know how well they work. maybe i should put that on my christmas list.
kotori said:
um, i dunno. i always thought cock rings were kinda cool looking. i don't know how well they work. maybe i should put that on my christmas list.

Oh, yes! Cock rings ARE nice...for both parties! And you can get them with little vibrators attached...:devil:

You'd know this if you'd met up with us in Atlanta....:kiss:
I have purple anal beads and plan on getting a glow-in-the-dark dong.

WTF? you say?
tswyk said:
Oh, yes! Cock rings ARE nice...for both parties! And you can get them with little vibrators attached...:devil:

You'd know this if you'd met up with us in Atlanta....:kiss:
oh sure, rub it in. i was just telling georgia girl how that turned out to be a trip from hell. if my kid does decide to go to school there, i'm getting her a frequent flyer card on delta, 'cause dad aint' driving that again.
kotori said:
oh sure, rub it in. i was just telling georgia girl how that turned out to be a trip from hell. if my kid does decide to go to school there, i'm getting her a frequent flyer card on delta, 'cause dad aint' driving that again.

Well, maybe next time???? You do have such a nice voice...

Sex toys for men have a stigma to them.
Its not so bad for a woman to have a vibrator.
but let another man know his buddy has an inflatable doll or pocket pussy and he'll never live it down. you're a guy...what kind of sex toy do you want????

I have a sex toy I love , my girlfriend bought it for me while she was away at grad school. I can't say enough good things about it... I actually bought a crate of them and gave them away to all my friends this christmas. A few of them were like "umm thanks.... I think..." the story now? "Holy shit dude! you're the coolest friend ever!" there hasn't been one person who hasn't said it was an awesome toy. Oh yeah before I get too ahead of myself lol lemme tell you what the toy is :


The fleshlight! I love it! I love it so much I put a link to the website in my Signature hehe I've got a glow in the dark pussy model (wonder wave iinsert), and a pink butt model. Click here for the website : Fleshlight