
I posted that yesterday and effusively thanked the Democrat Party for getting all those new guns out on the street in such a Fast'n Furious fashion...

.223 bulk ammo is sold out everywhere.

Magazines are being sold by the case.

I bought a new street-sweeper.

:) ;) ;)
Nothing like the fear of a change of regulations to cause a run on products.

And of course the FBI is destroying all of those background searches, like the law tells them to.

They are building a massive new complex to store our data-mined emails, but do not tell Mike Yates.

AOL needs to keep the few users it still has. :cool:
I'm sure it's underground.

And built by the lowest bidder.

Using Davis-Bacon labor.

Hmmm, bacon . . . .
The rest of the civilised world is horrified by reports of people frantically buying guns.
Obviously, there is no way Americans are prepared to compromise on gun control.
The only good thing about this whole sorry saga is that your nutjobs insist on killing their fellow citizens, so the rest of us should be safe enough.
The rest of the civilised world is horrified by reports of people frantically buying guns.
Obviously, there is no way Americans are prepared to compromise on gun control.
The only good thing about this whole sorry saga is that your nutjobs insist on killing their fellow citizens, so the rest of us should be safe enough.

Define "civilized."

if move to america they'll let me have as many guns as i like :)
We totally agree.

It should be completely illegal for nutcases to buy guns.

Wait - it already is and has been for years.
The rest of the civilised world is horrified by reports of people frantically buying guns.
Obviously, there is no way Americans are prepared to compromise on gun control.
The only good thing about this whole sorry saga is that your nutjobs insist on killing their fellow citizens, so the rest of us should be safe enough.

That's because or gov skipped the compromise bit and started tossing up "assault" weapons bans to fix less than 1% of our muder problem.

There has been no discourse over regulation/education....nope it's either ban everything or do nothing. The pro gun control crowd is being every oz as pig headed and obstinate as the pro 2A group. Just look at them....Pistol's accounting for over 90% of gun crimes? Ban pistol grips and adjustable stocks on rifles. :rolleyes: fucking brilliant!!! They could not have gone with a higher level of derp with which to castrate their own argument.

And that is why America sold out of every assault rifle and all the ammo out there available....blame the tribal drum thumpers making political statements out of ignorance and irrational fear, not the peoples reaction to said ignorant ass statements. And that is why any legislation that comes from this will be a half assed exercise in far L or R douchery and not an effective, rationally laid out plan to reduce gun violence.
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When was the last mass Swiss shooting?

Are they of the "uncivilized" nations?

They are more civilized than some "freedom fighters" here.

Semi-automatic guns aren't allowed there. Containment is VERY regulated.

Possible since decades in Switzerland - impossible in the US of A, the land of unlimited im- and possibilities.
When was the last mass Swiss shooting?

Are they of the "uncivilized" nations?

America averages 75 deaths a day from gun crime (I read that this morning), not including accidental shootings and mass shootings.
That is far, far higher than anywhere else on the planet.
One shooting every 25 years or so.... almost understandable.
One or two every year? Not so much.
Today, enlisted men are issued M57 automatic assault rifles...


The M-16, like all fully automatic rifles, had a semi-automatic setting too...
America averages 75 deaths a day from gun crime (I read that this morning), not including accidental shootings and mass shootings.
That is far, far higher than anywhere else on the planet.
One shooting every 25 years or so.... almost understandable.
One or two every year? Not so much.

I wonder why that figure is so high considering the war on drugs and the role of moral relativism that has come to dominate our condoning of the violence of the hip-hop culture...

It is probably very comforting to the CHinese to know that when they decide to expand, as did Japan before, for resources, that once the skeleton armies of the "civilized" nations fall, the people are basically sheep.
It looks to me that gun buying is democracy in action. It certainly is making a statement that people want to own and carry weapons.

We already get accused of having a bromance.

Of course, it's by people we couldn't give any less of a shit about . . . .

Never mind, BFF, carry on.

Just men of reason around the water cooler...

Now I am stimulated to stimulus!

;) ;)