Subway Shooter Frank James Being Memory-Holed


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
As predicted:

Brooklyn Subway Shooter Frank James Is Already Being Memory-Holed​

His identity doesn't reinforce The Narrative.

Thu Apr 21, 2022
Robert Spencer

At 5 p.m. ET on Sunday afternoon, I did a Google search for Frank James, who shot ten people on the subway in Brooklyn on Tuesday. There was a grand total of one news story posted about this crime on Sunday, a “what you need to know” video from WPXI in Pittsburgh. Before that, there were three articles posted Saturday, one by a site called Complex, one from the UK’s Daily Mail, and a New York Post article. These were sparse results for a mass shooting in the nation’s largest city less than a week ago, but they weren’t surprising: when a story doesn’t fit the establishment media narrative, it tends to disappear quickly.

Remember Darrell Brooks, Jr.? On November 21, 2021, he plowed his car through the Waukesha Christmas Parade in Wisconsin, murdering six people and injuring 61. Remember Noah Green? On April 2, 2021, he rammed his car into a barricade at the U.S. Capitol, murdering one person and injuring another. You don’t hear very much about them nowadays, because their cases don’t fit the media narrative, either.

Brooks, Green, and James shared the same ideology: they were all black nationalists who hated white people and believed that they could never get a fair shake in an America dogged by systemic racism and white supremacy. In other words, they hewed closely to the standard Leftist worldview of today, but their violence didn’t fit the media’s idea of how you should perceive reality.

This is supremely important but not generally well understood. Many Americans still believe that the likes of The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and the rest of them are still news sources, but that is not the case and has not been the case for many years. The establishment media outlets do not exist to disseminate news, but to spread propaganda that favors the interests of the political and media elites. Those elites are today propagating that white people are selfish, privileged oppressors, and black people are noble, aggrieved victims. Every news item must reinforce that narrative. If it doesn’t, it is ignored. If it cannot be ignored, like the violent acts of Brooks, Green, and James, then it has to be given coverage as cursory and glancing as possible, and then ignored. The specter of a black person mercilessly and savagely attacking innocent white people doesn’t fit the beliefs and views that powerful people want to inculcate in the American people, and so it doesn’t exist.

Thus we are not likely to be hearing much more about Frank James. But it is useful to examine his beliefs and assumptions while we can. According to the New York Post (one of the media outlets that is sneered at as “right wing” for daring to break ranks with the establishment and report on such matters), “the social media rants of the 62-year-old suspect reveal a man consumed with hatred of white people and convinced of a looming race war.” James posted a meme that said: “O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys.”
As predicted:

Brooklyn Subway Shooter Frank James Is Already Being Memory-Holed​

His identity doesn't reinforce The Narrative.

Thu Apr 21, 2022
Robert Spencer

At 5 p.m. ET on Sunday afternoon, I did a Google search for Frank James, who shot ten people on the subway in Brooklyn on Tuesday. There was a grand total of one news story posted about this crime on Sunday, a “what you need to know” video from WPXI in Pittsburgh. Before that, there were three articles posted Saturday, one by a site called Complex, one from the UK’s Daily Mail, and a New York Post article. These were sparse results for a mass shooting in the nation’s largest city less than a week ago, but they weren’t surprising: when a story doesn’t fit the establishment media narrative, it tends to disappear quickly.

Remember Darrell Brooks, Jr.? On November 21, 2021, he plowed his car through the Waukesha Christmas Parade in Wisconsin, murdering six people and injuring 61. Remember Noah Green? On April 2, 2021, he rammed his car into a barricade at the U.S. Capitol, murdering one person and injuring another. You don’t hear very much about them nowadays, because their cases don’t fit the media narrative, either.

Brooks, Green, and James shared the same ideology: they were all black nationalists who hated white people and believed that they could never get a fair shake in an America dogged by systemic racism and white supremacy. In other words, they hewed closely to the standard Leftist worldview of today, but their violence didn’t fit the media’s idea of how you should perceive reality.

This is supremely important but not generally well understood. Many Americans still believe that the likes of The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, MSNBC, and the rest of them are still news sources, but that is not the case and has not been the case for many years. The establishment media outlets do not exist to disseminate news, but to spread propaganda that favors the interests of the political and media elites. Those elites are today propagating that white people are selfish, privileged oppressors, and black people are noble, aggrieved victims. Every news item must reinforce that narrative. If it doesn’t, it is ignored. If it cannot be ignored, like the violent acts of Brooks, Green, and James, then it has to be given coverage as cursory and glancing as possible, and then ignored. The specter of a black person mercilessly and savagely attacking innocent white people doesn’t fit the beliefs and views that powerful people want to inculcate in the American people, and so it doesn’t exist.

Thus we are not likely to be hearing much more about Frank James. But it is useful to examine his beliefs and assumptions while we can. According to the New York Post (one of the media outlets that is sneered at as “right wing” for daring to break ranks with the establishment and report on such matters), “the social media rants of the 62-year-old suspect reveal a man consumed with hatred of white people and convinced of a looming race war.” James posted a meme that said: “O black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys.”
Never forget how awful black people are.

There, I summed up the OP in a sentence.

Suck a dick, klanguide you racist boomer.
Yeah there is and I do understand your confusion and lack of proof to the contrary.
The problem here is your credibility on the topic. You said they weren't talking about it before, which immediately was shown to be incorrect.

You just want the narrative...what exactly is the media supposed to be saying right now that they aren't and why?

The answer is that it doesn't matter to you because you already have your bullshit narrative.

They are reporting on it. They aren't whitewashing it like the right has done to Jan 6 in plain sight
The story seems to have hit the memory hole. Not a word.
In Pat Buchanan's Death of the West, he complained at length about the press failing to give adequate coverage of black-on-white crime.

Doesn't seem the RW has grown any smarter since then.
In Pat Buchanan's Death of the West, he complained at length about the press failing to give adequate coverage of black-on-white crime.

Doesn't seem the RW has grown any smarter since then.
Hey, they give even less coverage of black-on-black crime. Why don't they cover it? Because invariably those neighborhoods are controlled by Democrats and their favored narratives of white cops, white supremacy, the Klan, all go up in friggin' smoke.
Hey, they give even less coverage of black-on-black crime. Why don't they cover it? Because invariably those neighborhoods are controlled by Democrats and their favored narratives of white cops, white supremacy, the Klan, all go up in friggin' smoke.
Nope, not one IQ point gained on the RW since the 1990s.
How could you possibly be in a position to know? Go ahead and try and refute that post.
Easy. The media is not controlled by the Democrats. I was a reporter once, I know. I sometimes reported on black-on-black crime -- nobody ever told me not to and no editor ever killed the story.

This business about liberal or Democrat or LW bias in the MSM is one of the most preposterous canards in the past 30 years. If there were any institutional bias it would not go that way -- editors answer ultimately to MBAs in suits who sit on the boards of interlocking directorates -- your class enemies and mine. (And, no, I'm not a Marxist. You don't need to be a Marxist to know a class enemy when you see one.)
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Hey, they give even less coverage of black-on-black crime. Why don't they cover it? Because invariably those neighborhoods are controlled by Democrats and their favored narratives of white cops, white supremacy, the Klan, all go up in friggin' smoke.
Was there not enough press coverage of Will Smith assaulting Chris Rock for you?
Which development in the story is not being reported?
This is so fucking stupid. This country has so many mass shootings that it takes something truly unique to linger in the memory for more than 48 hours. Until Paddock was mentioned in this thread, it had easily been over a year since I've seen or heard his name — a man who shot hundreds of people and killed dozens of them less than 5 years ago.
Easy. The media is not controlled by the Democrats. I was a reporter once, I know. I sometimes reported on black-on-black crime -- nobody ever told me not to and no editor ever killed the story.

This business about liberal or Democrat or LW bias in the MSM is one of the most preposterous canards in the past 30 years. If there were any institutional bias it would not go that way -- editors answer ultimately to MBAs in suits who sit on the boards of interlocking directorates -- your class enemies and mine. (And, no, I'm not a Marxist. You don't need to be a Marxist to know a class enemy when you see one.)
Generous uncompelled testimony to Peck's lack of awareness and unfamiliarity with reality in the leftwing legacy media. In addition grim testimony to the protection afforded by the bubble that seals his separation from life on the outside. Peck seems to think there are a plethora of conservatives and Republican presenters on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and ABC. You promote, Cite, and quote known Marxists in defense of your ideology, so stop with the bullshit.:D
Peck seems to think there are a plethora of conservatives and Republican presenters on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and ABC.
Not presenters -- executives. The ones who ultimately make the decisions.

Reporters do have an inherent liberal bias of a kind because all have some higher education and every one dreams of playing Jack-the-Giant-Killer -- but, for that purpose, a corrupt labor union or leftist organization will serve as well as a corrupt corporation or administration.
He isn't being memory-holed. Thanks to gun nutz running wild in the United States, there are multiple mass shootings every day. They just go by so fast, so often--thanks to gun nutz--that each story gets limited coverage time. If this wasn't a country the gun nutz had grabbed by the balls on a false reading of the Constitution, which the gun nutz otherwise are happy to ignore, there would be more effort available to concentrate on attacks like this. And, by golly. there wouldn't be so many gun-nut supported attacks like this. But then not so much innocent blood would be running in the streets and gun nutz would be oh so sad about that.
This is so fucking stupid. This country has so many mass shootings that it takes something truly unique to linger in the memory for more than 48 hours. Until Paddock was mentioned in this thread, it had easily been over a year since I've seen or heard his name — a man who shot hundreds of people and killed dozens of them less than 5 years ago.
That's another one who has mysteriously slipped into the memory hole. The question is, why?