Send your Catholic trash our way!


Super Jewess
Mar 12, 2002
So this is just what our quiet little town needs.

"PROVINCETOWN - The Rev. Paul Shanley, a central figure in the clergy sex-abuse scandal, may be staying in Provincetown after being released on $300,000 bail yesterday".


There were people handing out flyers about running him out of town on a rail (ok so I'm reaching for primitive cliche's). So what would you do? Or rather how would you feel.

Man has to live somewhere right. You could be next. lol
LionessInWinter said:
Hiya Sunstruck,

I have a girlfriend whose husband is a police officer. She saw the internet site which he can pull up in which there are listings for all the sex offenders in our town. She said there's upwards of 85. I live in a town of 13,000 or so.

They're already next door. It's creepy.


edited for bad use of an apostrophe. :)

Florida post all of the known sex offenders on the net as well. By zip code I believe.


PS. LIW, clean out your PM box please.
Yeah, those damn sex offenders start crawling around my house every year, especially after the neighbor bombs for them. I got to call Orkin.
Yes but this is slightly different. You don't think there is a difference between your average sex offender and someone who uses the Church to find their prey?
Catholic trash, eh?

*grabs her icons of Mary, Jesus and St. Dymphna, her rosary, and her crucifix and hands them over to sunstruck*
The next time I try to start a serious thread I'm going to remember this. I am fluff. I am fluff. I am fluff.
Maybe now that he's "out" he can find a friend of a more appropriate age. I didn't read the article--he hasn't been assigned to a parish, has he? As you said, he has to live somewhere.
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Darlin, ya know i love ya. You know this. But dont you find it even a BIT amusing that a pedophile priest, especially a monster like Shanley, wants to settle down in P-Town?

Ok, ok, i'll take alot of flack for that, but c'mon, its funny!!:D

Besides, you know i'm just fooling ;)
It's about time that Cardinal Law finally stepped down...

Seriously, don't you think that some of this could have been allievieated if the church would grow the fuck up and let priests and nuns marry and have sex and let women into the boys club that is the priesthood?
I was just wondering if anyone here would make a big deal if he moved to their town.
If he moved to Milton, i honestly dont think i'd care...because i spend so little time actually around my town, i doubt i'd ever see him.

And yes DN, it IS about time the Catholic Church let priests and nun and shit marry...let women into the priesthood...their numbers are dwindling as it is!!! Allowing marriage would give an influx in members, and hell, it'd stop the little boy touching. Cardnal Law was a jackass, i'm glad he's gone.
sunstruck said:
Yes but this is slightly different. You don't think there is a difference between your average sex offender and someone who uses the Church to find their prey?
A pedophile is a pedophile whether he wears a robe and collar or blue jeans and a t-shirt and coaches little league baseball. Their all scum and cannot be "rehabilitated" a bullet to the back of the head would seem right to me. But, thats not gonna happen, so I suggest life in prison. These people ruin lives. For many victims, the pain is always there.:(
Cornholing Choir Boys

I never knew until recently how much some of those Catholic priests loved " cornholing " those young Choir boys...

I always thought that was something " hillbillies " and " faggots "
