Senate Parliamentarian Shuts Down Welfare For Illegals


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Looks like the Schumer "Wild Bunch" outlaw gang has been stopped at the edge of town and sent screaming into the hills.

Senate parliamentarian rules against immigration in $2T Biden bill
By Juliegrace Brufke
December 16, 2021 7:38pm

The Senate parliamentarian ruled against Democrats’ plans to include provisions that would provide work permits and deportation protections for illegal immigrants in President Biden’s $2 trillion social spending bill.

The news is another blow to Democratic progressives, who have vehemently pushed for its inclusion in the stalled reconciliation bill, which allows them to bypass the filibuster and pass the measure with a simple majority in the Senate.

Senior staffers from both parties met with parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough earlier this month to lay out their cases on whether it should be allowed to be included in the measure.

Under current rules, “the Senate is prohibited from considering extraneous matter as part of a reconciliation bill,” with Democrats failing to convince the arbiter of Senate rules that the matter was more than “merely incidental to the non-budgetary components of the provision.”

More here:
Do you consider helping illegals get proper legal paperwork "welfare?" :confused:
Do you consider helping illegals get proper legal paperwork "welfare?" :confused:

We should be doing nothing to help illegals enter our country. We have a legal process and it begins in their country. Not ours.
We should be doing nothing to help illegals enter our country. We have a legal process and it begins in their country. Not ours.

These are for people who have already entered our country. Would you rather them find the path to being legal or hiding out in slums and making less than min. wage under the table?
These are for people who have already entered our country. Would you rather them find the path to being legal or hiding out in slums and making less than min. wage under the table?

No. There has to be a price for entering our country illegally. We have a legal process that thousands have already complied with and are in the system pipeline hitting their goals to become citizens. It's an affront to fairness, our laws, and those who have complied with our laws to allow these criminals to achieve the status that so many others had to work hard to achieve. I say send them back to their country of origin when they are discovered and make them go through the process with the least amount of consideration given in view of their attempt to break our law. Period.
No. There has to be a price for entering our country illegally. We have a legal process that thousands have already complied with and are in the system pipeline hitting their goals to become citizens. It's an affront to fairness, our laws, and those who have complied with our laws to allow these criminals to achieve the status that so many others had to work hard to achieve. I say send them back to their country of origin when they are discovered and make them go through the process with the least amount of consideration given in view of their attempt to break our law. Period.

Where is the "welfare" part of this or is that something you added to be more sensational?
Where is the "welfare" part of this or is that something you added to be more sensational?

Anything we give them is welfare and exacts a cost on every America, there are billions of dollars involved. For openers, temporary deportation protection for five years. The protection would allow an estimated 7 million individuals to get renewable employment authorization. Pathway to citizenship, amnesty. There's $7.1 billion in new Section 8 housing vouchers, in addition to $5 billion in subsidies Democrats already appropriated in March — and markedly loosens requirements. Noncitizens would no longer have to provide proof they’re in the country legally to qualify. So for instance, illegal immigrants could get in line for one of the 100,000-plus vouchers the New York City Housing Authority distributes. All of which rewards them monetarily for violating our laws.
a "pathway to citizenship" is now considered "welfare" in the eyes of the whackadoodle right. :rolleyes:

....but BoBo's monthly handout from the Federal government is NOT considered welfare. :rolleyes:
These are for people who have already entered our country. Would you rather them find the path to being legal or hiding out in slums and making less than min. wage under the table?

I would rather Biden do his sworn duty to uphold the laws passed by congress and deport the mother fuckers.

Why is American Democracy such a problem for Democrats?? :confused:
a "pathway to citizenship" is now considered "welfare" in the eyes of the whackadoodle right. :rolleyes:

....but BoBo's monthly handout from the Federal government is NOT considered welfare. :rolleyes:

Earned benefits are not welfare Rob.

Words mean things. :D
a "pathway to citizenship" is now considered "welfare" in the eyes of the whackadoodle right. :rolleyes:

....but BoBo's monthly handout from the Federal government is NOT considered welfare. :rolleyes:

Rob is in the practice of giving criminals the keys to his house so his resources can be used for their welfare. Good Job, Rob.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
No Covid19 testing or vaccines for illegals then. Guess we won't be hearing about how illegals aren't being tested or vaccinated any more.

Time to get rid of ALL federal social welfare programs ESPECIALLY those for illegals. :)

Actually, since the Clinton Administration, there aren't many of those left, anyway. And immigrants don't use them much.

Myths and facts about immigration to the United States:

"Immigrants come here to get 'welfare'"
Latin American immigrant labor-force participation is close to or higher than the American average.[3]
Immigrant workers make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force (12.4%) than they do the U.S. population (11.5%). Moreover, the ratio between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes they pay is consistently favorable to the U.S., unless the “study” was undertaken by an anti-immigrant group. One study estimates that immigrants earn nearly $240 billion a year. Studies find that immigrant tax payments total $20 to $85 billion more than the amount of government services they use.[9]
Since the welfare reform of 1996, when limits were implemented cutting off benefits to two years consecutively or five years cumulatively, this is a bogus accusation.[10]
To immigrate into the US, you must have a sponsor (generally the family member, such as the spouse, bringing you into the country) who will testify, and provide proof, that he or she has enough money to support you, if you are unable to support yourself, or if you lose your job.[11] This means that until you naturalize as a U.S. citizen or have been a taxpayer for 10 years, your sponsor's income will be taken into consideration in deciding whether you are poor enough to qualify for means-tested benefits, and that if you do take those benefits, the government can sue your sponsor to recover those costs. You can also sue your sponsor if they fail to support you at the poverty level.
I would rather Biden do his sworn duty to uphold the laws passed by congress and deport the mother fuckers.

Why is American Democracy such a problem for Democrats?? :confused:

It isn't at all. Its the blatant racism that we have a problem with and the complete lack of empathy.
Why is American Democracy such a problem for Democrats?? :confused:

Says the man who never misses an opportunity to remind anyone who will listen that the USA is not a democracy, it's a republic.