Seeking RPers & Inspiration 2012

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Looking for a female RP partner. Thinking along the lines of a lonely housewife meets a stranger who helps her live out her deep hidden fantasys. He's a rich handsome man who can supply her with everything she needs to bring her out of her shell. Maybe she starts out doing some housework for him just so she can get out of her own house and things develop. Maybe he spots her at a coffee shop and decides to "target" her. PM me if interested and have ideas.
Hi. I am a total newbie to this area of the site. I enjoy rp and am told that I can play a believable character. This is my first reply and I have probably broken every etiquette rule in the book. If I have, apologies in advance and please let me know! Hope to hear from you. Anna
So, it's the Olympics, but I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a while.

A swimmer who was the golden girl of the games has since seen the downfall of her career. She's been trying to claw her way back from oblivion after an accident sidelined her for much of the interum four years. She's on hard times but has a lot of fight in her still.

What I'm looking for is one male player to play the man who brings her back to glory. I'm looking for someone who writes with detail and in a believable way. PM me if you're interested for more details.

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Hello all!

I'm looking for a fun RP partner for a few ideas I have. If you can tell by my username I have a little kink for being a futa girl.

mostly I want to RP with a normal female character but Futa/futa is okay too.

1. Little sister finds out about her big sister's "secret" and is all too eager to find out more about it. Big sister is all too eager to show her.

2. A female student tries to seduce her female teacher... futa could be either one.

3. A horny futa is restless at home and decides to order a female escort through the internet

4. An aspiring witch accidentally summons a sex hungry futa demon.

I'm open to RPing here or on yahoo chat!
Alright, looking for a Harry Potter Fan (or few) to do a marauders era rp. I was hoping to focus more on Sirius and Lupin, as opposed to James and Lily. If we get enough interest, I would love to make this a big rp, if not, I have an idea for a one on one featuring Sirius (or Lupin) with a made up love interest. So, nerdy people, PM me!
Definitely thinking of an Olympics themed thread as well. I've never done a celebrity themed srp before, but I have a certain male swimmer in mind (Ryan Lochte) who I'd love to think up a thread involving. If you're interested in talking about this, please pm me. I don't necessarily think it would be a long-term thread, but it could work out to be something lengthy if we played it right. Since I've never done a celebrity SRP before, I have no exact plan or plot, I just know it would be incredibly fun... and hot. Very hot... Yeah.

Please be well-written, no one-liners or rush straight to sex! Thank you!
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All this Olympic talk has me thinking... Would anyone be interested in a Paralympic story? :)
I am very interested in doing a story involving a big age difference.

It could involve and UNCLE/niece situation or dad's best friend/daughter situation.
I would like to involve some minor punishment scenes, nothing brutal, maybe some bare assed spanking.

I am not opposed to flipping the roles either, AUNT/nephew, if anyone would prefer that.

If this interests you, please send me a PM and we can work out the details.

Thanks for reading
Keen to explore a culture clash roleplay. The man an East Indian with a dominating personality. A sub, western girl of any subculture meeting each other. I am a pro-lengthy post person. I like to explore characters and let them play off each other before heating up the scene. I can play the male part but need a girl to play the other part. PM me if interest. I will set it up once I get some interest.
I've been wanting to explore a role with another female player. I've never played anything like that before and thought it might be fun.

As far as a scene goes, I don't really have one in mind.

PM me with one if you're interested!
I have an idea in mind for one female writer. I would write the role of a successful movie producer in Hollywood in his early thirties who has always come up craps in the romance department (a divorce, and some very public breakups). He meets a young woman at a coffee shop and he believes it's a love at first sight situation. He later finds out she's a budding pornstar, and he tries everything to turn in her into mainstream star to save his own image, even if it is something she may not necessarily desire.

I prefer more detailed posts, at least a paragraph or two, and sex typically isn't the main focus of stories I write. PM if interested.

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This RP thing is very addictive! :)

Never knew how brilliantly creative and exciting it would be. So here I am looking for my 3rd game (possibly the 4th) and I am interested to do a "Lolita" type thing involving seduction of an older man by a younger girl (all in legal age group ofcourse).

THe key point is I need the partner to do long posts rather than "wham bam thank you ma'am" type thing. The most important part is the seduction and the girl needs to be the initiator with the man being the "submissive" one being seduced. Not interested in the theme of domination in this game - more about teasing and denial with the final act being the actual sexual act. The plot has to evolve to that point though - no need rushing it.

So how about it then? Any female takers? I would like to play the male.
An idea just came to me that I figured I would post here to see if anyone finds it interesting.

A woman who has been down on her luck for awhile and has had to resort to stripping, hooking, porn or some combination of the three just to make ends meet, catches the eye of a rich guy and he pretty much becomes her sugar daddy.

Confronted with the possibility that she doesn't actually need to do any of it any longer, or even to have a job at all, she finds that she actually enjoyed what she was doing before and it was the desperation that she hated about it all, and she wants to keep doing it with her new Sugar Daddy's resources to help her out.

If any ladies are interested in the basic premise, let me know and we can develop the idea further. The details are still very much up in the air so it's almost entirely negotiable.
I have been very curious about what kind of woman could
Handle the hulk. I know anger brings out the beast. But what about the passion of lust. Can any of the ladies of lit dream up a perfect match for the hulk? I'd love
To write a thread about it.

It could go along a super hero angle, or the daily loves of super heroes, or
Anywhere in between. PM me if your interested an fee can flesh out a story
Seeking a creative and sensual-minded female partner for lighthearted, literate and sweet smut; I have a variety of one-shot PWPs I'd like to do, as well as some longer-term plots that can be condensed to erotica. (All characters must be played at least 20 years of age.) Some favored kinks of mine are oral/anal, rimming, light bondage, affection, romance, playfulness, humor/snark, body worship (breasts, feet, ass and legs especially), uniform [professional office wear, nylons, etc.], footplay, foodplay, spanking and dirty talk. (I don't really do a lot of hardcore stuff, I'm afraid, and have zero interest in "dark" RPs.)

Please read my SRP profile--which, along with my F-list and website, are linked in my signature--so you know what I'm interested and not interested in, as I'll do for any potential partner. I'm willing to RP via E-mail or Google Docs.

Thankee for reading, and if you're interested in an RP, PM me. If I don't appeal, then I hope you find a partner that fulfills all your fantasies, writing-wise and...otherwise.
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Currently seeking some new players for The Diamond Club.

Summary: The year is 1924, the Prohibition is in full swing and the supply of alcohol that many had bought prior to the passing of the Eighteenth Amendment has long run out. All across the United States, illegal liquor is being produced, bought and sold. Chicago has become a haven for those involved in bootlegging alcohol. Speakeasies can be found on every street corner, if you know the password. The most notorious speakeasy belongs to the Chicago Outfit, a branch of the mob run by Al Capone. This speakeasy, also known as a “titty bar” for the brothel it houses, is called the Diamond Club and is the most difficult of bars to get into. Based on invite only, it is the home base of Capone and his crew. Featuring live entertainment, dancing, gambling, food, and, of course, alcohol, the Diamond Club caters only to those with the money to pay for its amenities.

But the Feds have started to crack down on speakeasies all across the country, and Chicago is no different. Nightly raids are making it risky for people to venture to any bar, no matter how well-hidden it may be. Not even the Diamond Club is safe from a raid.

Those who enjoy the high life, however, are not about to let the raids end their good times. The Diamond Club is just as hopping as ever. The thrill of potentially being caught is growing and the patrons and staff of the Diamond Club are eager for a good time.

Please feel free to check out the OOC and the IC threads.
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"Taking It To Eleven"

A story of a music store owner and a regular customer, finding themselves giving in to temptation in the soundproof practice booth of the shop...

PM me with some character info and/or pic, if interested. Thanks!
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Very interested in a romantic/lustful roleplay of some sort. Feel free to look at the basic pairings I have in my signature's link ^ . ^
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