Seeking RolePlayers, Writers & Inspiration 2017

The Queen's sellswords

Looking for a female writer for a medieval style thread, where small kingdoms with central walled cities struggle for self determination. The politics are complicated, and the main challenge is making sure each kingdom is spending enough on defence to warn off potential invaders.

I would be playing Eldrin - the Queen's guard in a tiny kingdom surrounded to the north, east and south by three bigger kingdoms with superior armies. The number one asset of the kingdom is the well developed trading port in it's only city, Tamaris. It's own subjects are mostly farmers and trade sailors, having to rely heavily on mercenaries (sellswords) for border defence and cargo ships protection. Sellswords are notoriously fickle and treacherous, so the Queen - your character - has to use her charm and sensuality to keep them loyal to her, sometimes having to give into their unusual sexual desires while keeping appearances to the rest of the world and her own subjects. There's also a sexually tense relationship between her and Eldrin, who clearly desires her, but is bound by a sense of duty to stay clear.

PM me if you're interested.
I'm Jacky. 27 year old male. I'm looking for a female roleplayer. I live alone and have much time to talk and play. I'm very open to new kinks. I love Taboo, Pantyhose, Stocking, lots of cum, foot play, CFNM, teasing, roleplay, anal. Please send me a message if you want to chat. I'm enjoy being gentle, modest. We can try this type of play.. I have a few roleplay ideas and here some of them. Hope to hear from you soon!

What if I am shy and reserved son this time?

Maybe you are pregnant and your hormones are making myou do crazy and unusual things. Sometimes you just start sobbing and crying for nothing.. and most of the time you are horny as hell but hubby doesnt want to touch you during pregnancy. Your belly is nicely rounded and your breasts are full. And you are very happy that I am helping you a lot... but I am shocked when I notice your weird behaviour at moments...

Maybe you ask me for a glass of water and when I bring it to you, you lean your head at my crotch and I shiver as I am touched there for the first time... You appologise but in your brains you only see ejaculating cock...During the day you keep touching me in unusual way now and then... and I am always embarassed and scared, I don't know how to react and I am worried for you somehow...

When I watch you standing infront of the refrigerator, eating sandwich, you think I am looking at you like that because I caught you eating... And you say "Why you look at me like that? I must eat for two, you know?" but actually I am watching your body in panties and tanktop... Your boobs and nipples clearly visible through thin stretched material... and your small panties on your big white ass and fat pussy...

I always blush when you hug me and kiss me on my cheek or forehead... and your soft body leans against mine... Mostly you behave normal.. but at moments you feel so horny that you want to rub your pussy but you are so embarassed and you can not do it if I am around... You also start imaging my naked body.. my cock. And you feel so guilty because of this...

Maybe you will want to try to change diapers. I would protest but you would keep asking me to help me with that..

I am so embarassed as you ask me to get completely naked and lay on the bed... then you would clean my body with a wet warm towel... especially my ass and balls and cock... I will get a hardon and start leaking.... You would kiss me like i would kiss your little baby all over... mmm yes, oil...
I'm still interested in this one. Had one taker, but he never responded.

My RP track record has been a bit weak lately due to some RL issues, so this may be a slower moving RP.


Transporting Tricia

My character, Tricia Wells is bound for prison. But first, she must be taken there. That's where you come in.

Your character would be an independent contractor tasked with bringing Tricia in. You can simply be a driver who gets her from the local police station, or you can be a bounty hunter who arrests her in her apartment and drags her out in chains or slung over your shoulder.

I would be locked up in a cage in the back of a van, but you could have access to me whenever you wished to use me. I could be chained however you wish, and you could also slap me around, or use a taser to keep me in line.

You would also have to feed me, take me out to use the bathroom, and we could stop at places along the way like a motel, a restaurant, or anything that could prove interesting. We could even stop at a strip club on amateur night and you could force me to strip for gas money.

Or our van could break down and you could lead me on foot across the highway.

Anything could happen.

I also wouldn't mind doing a group scene that's Tricia being forced to strip for gas money, I think that could be really hot. I would need RPers to play my guard, strip club clientele, other strippers, or anything along those lines.
Seeking females:

With male writing partners, I only write heterosexual males in non-sexual situations.

With female writing partners, I write heterosexual males and lesbian or bisexual females in both sexual and non-sexual situations.​

About me personally:

I am a guy. (I know, my ID is vague. Sorry.)

I am not new to role play. I was on another site for 6 years, but it is now dying a slow death.

I don't share my age, but I'm likely older than you are.

I am anal about proofreading for proper grammar and correct spelling.​

About my role playing habits:

I write short, medium, and long posts as is called for by the situation.

I post morning, noon, and night: my posting frequency depends more on my partner's posting frequency than my own personal availability, but if you can't post most days at least once for a minimum of 10 posts a week, we won't be compatible.

I enjoy erotica but demand story development and adventure, too.​

Role play ideas I have: (I have filled all but one. A thank you to my writing partners.)

Time travel:

Sexual but with a lot of story, too.

Seeking female to write 1 character.

My character travels to Medieval times where he will eventually meet your character, who can be a peasant, noble, princess, or queen. His knowledge from future centuries will be put to use somehow.
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Seeking a male writer

Still looking for a male writer who is interested in the same themes/dynamics as posted in my profile. . .or who likes my writing and is sparked with a theme he wants to explore. . .
100 - Octavia x Lincoln

I am desperately seeking a partner to do a Lincoln x Octavia story. I don't care about your rl gender as long as you can play Lincoln convincingly. I have a few idea for this pairing, send me a message to discuss further.

This will be a plot driven romance/action plot.

1-3 paragraphs preferred.
Hello everyone!

I'm looking for a dominant male writer to co-write Prom Night Betrayal with me!

Essentially, the story would take place over the course of one week. It involves me, an extremely busty high school senior called Amy, being the center of attention of a pervert named Nick. My boyfriend pushes me to attract him and secretly film him over the course of the week, have his advances all recorded and at the end of the week, expose him to the world. The thing is that things quickly get out of hands and my friends have to constantly bail me out of trouble. This obviously frustrates Nick and he ends up taking it out on me on prom night.

As for Nick, I haven't written him down yet. I was thinking of the following:

1 - Nick could be a much older person than Amy, say 50 years old or so. He works at the same grocery store as she does and is obviously constantly hitting on her.

2 - Nick could be a fellow student, who is always just so lewd with poor Amy.

3 - Nick could be Amy's cousin, constantly making inappropriate advances to her.

Either way, if you're interested, please send me a PM. Thank you!

EDIT: Taken!
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looking for weekend RP partners


I have tried to do a multi player/ongoing RP thread a few times now,but do to work schedules, it does not work out well

I miss rping, but at this time I do not want to re start that thread at this time. What I am looking for is an rp partner or two that would be willing to write closed threads with me on weekends

If you are interested and would like to talk over ideas. PM me
Looking for detailed male writers

Looking to open a few threads with great writers !


Your character is an entitled prince who is used to getting anything he wants including women. My charcter is a servants daughter who's parents have worked for years in the castle but you never cared much for the staff.

One day you see me roaming the rose garden and are curious as to who i am and what im doing at your castle and im an equal match for your arrogant behavior.


I am a rich girl on my fiancee's private island when your boat crashes and i find you on the beach. I help take care of you abandoned there myself when my fiancee has to take off for business leaving me there with you and sparks being to fly as you help me realize what a tool my soon to be husband is.

The Witch and the Werewolf

Our charcters noticed that they were always the outcasts in life. They never seemed to fit in with crowds or hang out with people much and this resulted in small petty crimes and alcohol. Deciding to get their life in order the two seperate characters join an AA group unknowing that it is meant for gifted people like them and not knowing of their abilities.

Pm me if interested.. i want these to be long term posts.
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Looking for more writers to play with if interested and if you post semi regularly pm me and see if ya like any of my thread. Ideas. Or tell me yours.
Looking for interested partners to write with my latest creations, The Savage Sisters, which can be found in my character and idea dump here. Writer gender irrelevant, write what you are comfortable with, most sisters are bi-sexual with a heavy lean towards female. Take a look at my SRP and past threads if you want to get a better idea of my likes, dislikes, and writing style. I like to write in long posts with a lot of detail, inner monologue, and multiple characters, so please take that into account as I am looking for the same from any writing partners.

I'm looking for some mundane slice of life kinda scenarios for them. The sisters are different, with their own personalities, quirks, flaws and personal issues. I do have some ideas which I'd be glad to discuss with anyone who's interested. It's a given that the sisters will interact with one another at some point in a story, either as side characters or primary ones. I enjoy writing multiple characters at once so that's never a problem, as long as what I get back in return is of equal effort.

So if there's any interest send me a PM. I'll be glad to discuss characters further, answer any questions and see where we can go from there.
I don't know if you guy have seen any of these events over the last few years. But it seems to be a thing that celebrities are doing now.

Some random kid, puts together a prom proposal to their favorite celebrity and in a twist of fate, that celebrity actually shows up.

So I want do to something like that. A down on his luck senior has no date chances for his prom, his is mostly viewed as a loser at his school, so no one who knows him would go with him. In a total blind swing of the fences shot, he decides to go online and ask out his favorite actress (made-up, or real).

A week before the prom, he gets a private message in his inbox from an address he doesn't recognize. And it's a video response from her! She agrees to come to his prom. What would be a fairly innocent and nice event, takes an erotic turn. There are a couple of ideas I have in my mind about how this event takes place.

Looking for someone to play my celebrity. PM me if you are interested please.

EDIT: There is a thread for this now.
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Looking for a dirty Power rangers rp any of actual series is fine it would be alternate universe of the actual series wouldnt end i prefer this to be a one on one and not group ladies pm me
Seeking male for father-daughter deserted island incest.
  • While on a South Pacific ocean cruise, a family's sailboat goes down in a storm.
  • The only survivors are the father and his daughter, who at the time of the wreck was 12 and knew nothing of sex. (Don't panic, moderators: our story doesn't start until she's 18.)
  • Now, 6 years later, my character catches her father masturbating for the first time.
  • That begins an interesting conversation, and ultimately incestuous situations.
  • This is not a rush to sex! If you are in a hurry to see our two characters fuck, this isn't your role play.

The writing partner I seek:
  • Will post almost every day, at least 20 times a week.
  • Post length is not an issue. Most of my posts will be short, sometimes just a couple of lines.
  • Proofreading for grammar and spelling is expected.
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I'd like to write a story where my character is strangely hypnotic, and has the ability to influence others' behavior (especially women), by suggesting what they should do. Your character is perfectly able to have their own thoughts, and do whatever else they want, but are overcome with a desire to comply when my character makes a suggestion. I'm open to just about any situation to start the story off. If interested, please send me a PM!
Jessica and Trevor have been friends for years. They lived two houses away from each other ever since the 2nd grade after all. They had every class together growing up, so it was impossible for them to not be friends.

However they never clicked romantically. Jessica went off in high school to have her own boyfriends and social life, and Trevor had his group of friends though never any serious girlfriend. Even still, they always walked home together after school. Making time to talk and keep up with each other.

But Jessica has a problem. Her boyfriend Christian, who she has been "dating" for over a year, is starting to push her into having sex. Jessica wants too, but she is scared about being terrible at it. Christian was a little older and now that JEssica and Trevor were 18 year old seniors, Christian has gone off to a local Universary. Which means Jessica is uncomfortable just giving her virginity to him, because if she sucks at sex, there are plenty of college bitches who would love to ride Christian's pole. (sports star, musician, whatever).

One day Jessica decides that she does want to have sex with Christian, but she wont do it as a true virgin. She comes up with a plan to have Trevor take her cherry, figuring that not only could she practice on Trevor, but also just blame a vibrator for any lack of hymen when she finally show's Christian a good time.

The twist here is that Christian turns out to be total shit in bed, even worse than Trevor who's only experience is with Jessica. Which leave Jessica torn, she likes Christian a lot, but sex with Trevor is leagues better. Jessica finds herself trying to juggle a relationship with Christian, while getting her rocks off with Trevor.

Eventually she is forced to make a choice. Stay with Christian, or cave to her desires with Trevor and decide to be with the best friend she has ever had.

(looking for someone to play Jessica.)

EDIT: Read more here
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I'm looking for someone to play Snape from harry potter had an idea that I've been working on takes place before he dies my character is a different kind of witch the night he is meant to die is when she arrives from the states they had been pen pals and he asked for help since she knew what was going on. Send me a message and can go thru any questions
Mass Effect - Andromeda

I'm looking for a Female writer to play in a Mass Effect setting. Andromeda seems to be the safest. Characters we can discuss as there are many races, positions, jobs, etc. one can have. I'm looking for a plot and the scenes to turn sexual at a natural pace.

What I hope for is something romantic, or even realistic (Because sometimes emotions run high and things can happen). IF it does start out sexual, I do want it to go into something deeper. However, some bondage can happen along the way too (not required).
Looking for a female writer who is into Pathfinder for a partner in a little fantasy I have floating around in my head. The story is about a mesmerist who left the cult his father started and a changeling hiding from her biological mother. They're both living in the Ivy District in Absalom trying to ply their trades.

Since I'm going to be busy, posting will be a little sporadic until I settle into a new routine in real life. Because of the slower pacing, I want substantive posts with actual roleplaying.

PM if interested.